Sculpt the Future of Data Integration

Immerse yourself in Airbyte's PyAirbyte technology, expand your expertise, and
leave your mark on the open-source community.
Join the Airbyte Hackathon now! Claim an issue in our GitHub Project, join our #hackathons Slack channel and stand a chance to win cash prizes.

About Airbyte's Hackathon

We are thrilled to announce the Airbyte PyAirbyte Tutorial Hackathon for June 2024! We’re embarking on an exciting journey to revolutionize data integration and we want you to be part of it. This hackathon presents a fantastic opportunity for developers across the globe to flex their skills on Airbyte’s Python Library to address common AI use cases.

By participating, you’ll have a chance to play a critical role in shaping the future of data integration and be recognized for your innovative contributions to the open-source community. Not to mention, you also stand a chance to win a part of our massive prize pool!

Prizes Galore!

For Most Tutorials

First Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place

For Most Features

First Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place

Swag Credits for Each Approved Submission

You're not just getting the chance to win cash prizes! For every merged PR, you'll earn swag credits which can be redeemed at the Airbyte Swag Store, but also to get more chances for our raffle to get a Steam Deck!
Bandana Collar
Coffee Mug
Your PR must be approved to be eligible for rewards
Completed your project? Submit it here.

Hackathon Guidelines

How to participate on the Hackathon?
  • Select an issue you want to work on from our pre-defined list
  • Comment on the tutorial or feature you want to work on, so the Airbyte team can assign that issue to you. You cannot work on two tasks at the same time. You need to submit your PR on your tutorial or feature before asking to work on another one.
  • Submit a PR in the repo before asking to be assigned on another task. Don't forget to submit your task here in this form, so we can get your email address and pay you in the end.
  • Join our Slack to discuss and ask questions in #hackathons
Rules for the written tutorials
  • You can only work on one written tutorial at a time.
  • Must be in English. All content must be original. 
  • AI tools can be used to help define the outline, but shouldn’t be used in the content of it.
  • Must contain a hero image.
  • Must show how to use PyAirbyte.
  • If you don't commit anything within five days, the issue may be assigned to someone else.
Rules for the contributed features
  • You can only work on one feature at a time.
  • Make sure to resolve all suggestions from the Airbyte team.
  • Must contain the docs to explain the feature.
  • A Loom video to illustrate the video is a good option.
  • If you don't commit anything within five days, the issue may be assigned to someone else.

Frequently asked questions

What are the hackathon dates?
  • June 3, 2024:  Hackathon Begins
  • July 3, 2024 11.59 PM PST - PR Submission Deadline
  • July 12, 2024 Winners will be announced 
How are winners selected?

Winners are determined by the maximum number of tutorials that were merged by our team, and by the maximum number of contributed features merged by our team.

Can I submit multiple tutorials and features?

You’re more than welcome to submit multiple tutorials and features! That's actually how you can win the hackathon, and you can win both prizes. However, please note that you cannot be assigned several tutorials and features at the same time. You need to submit the PR for your current tutorial and feature before asking to get assigned on another one.

Can two or more people team up to work on the same project?

Absolutely! Forming a team with friends to work on a project is allowed. However, only one person can submit the project. If your team ends up winning the prize, the prize will be awarded to the individual who submitted the project. 

How will winners be contacted?

Winners of the hackathon will be contacted via email. We will use the email address that you provided when submitting your project. Winners will also be announced in the Airbyte Newsletter, so make sure to sign up :).

How will the payouts be processed?

Payouts will be processed via PayPal.

Hackathon Best Practices

  • Assess the complexity of the tutorial you want to work on and plan accordingly.
  • Explain in your written tutorial why and how you used PyAirbyte.
  • Collaboration with other people can speed up the development process and improve the final product.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions or share ideas in our Slack channel.
  • Make sure to test your work before submission.