CockroachDB Vs. PostgreSQL - Key Differences

September 16, 2024
20 Mins Read

Selecting the right database management system is important for your organization, as it can significantly impact performance, scalability, and overall operational efficiency. CockroachDB and PostgreSQL are the two most popular choices, each offering unique strengths tailored to different use cases.

This article will offer a holistic overview of CockroachDB vs PostgreSQL, helping you determine the database system that aligns best with your business needs in the long run. By understanding the key differences between these two platforms, you can make informed decisions that optimize your data management efforts.

CockroachDB Overview

CockroachDB is an open-source distributed SQL database management system developed by Cockroach Labs. Built on a transactional and strongly consistent key-value store, it offers a familiar SQL interface for structuring, manipulating, and querying data. The name CockroachDB reflects its ability to survive and function even in adverse conditions, much like the resilience of cockroaches.

To ensure high availability, CockroachDB replicates each range of data three times by default, storing each replica on a different node. Therefore, the cluster can tolerate the failure of one node without losing access to the data. When a new node is added to the cluster, CockroachDB automatically rebalances the data by moving some replicas to the new node, distributing the load evenly across all available nodes.


Key Features of CockroachDB

Here are some of the key features of CockroachDB:

  • Multi-Region and Multi-Datacenter Support: CockroachDB enables you to replicate data across multiple geographical locations for high availability and fault tolerance. This minimizes latency for global applications and protects against regional outages.
  • Automatic Failover: If a node fails, CockroachDB instantly reroutes operations to healthy nodes. This reduces downtime and ensures your applications continue running smoothly.
  • Scalability: CockroachDB provides horizontal scalability, allowing you to add more nodes into your cluster as your data and transaction volumes increase. This guarantees that your system performance stays optimal even as your needs grow.
  • PostgreSQL Compatibility: It is compatible with the PostgreSQL wire protocol and supports most of the PostgreSQL syntax. Therefore, you can easily migrate your existing PostgreSQL-based applications to CockroachDB without changing the application code.
  • Serializable Transactions: CockroachDB offers serializable transactions, which is the strongest isolation level in database transactions. This confirms that even when transactions run concurrently, the result is the same as if they had run sequentially, preventing anomalies and ensuring data integrity.

PostgreSQL Overview

PostgreSQL is a robust, open-source object-relational database management system. It is renowned for its reliability, extensibility, and advanced features. This database supports both SQL for relational querying and JSON for non-relational data, making it versatile for various applications.

One of PostgreSQL's key features is its high level of extensibility. It allows you to define your data types and create custom functions, significantly enhancing the database's flexibility to cater to specific application needs.


Key Features of PostgreSQL

Here are some of the key features of PostgreSQL:

  • Advanced Indexing Options: PostgreSQL supports a wide range of index types, including B-Tree, Hash, GiST, SP-GiST, and BRIN, for efficient data retrieval even with large and complex data structures.
  • Foreign Data Wrappers (FDWs): FDWs allow you to integrate and query data from multiple external data sources, such as other databases, CSV files, or NoSQL stores, as if they were part of the PostgreSQL database. This provides a flexible way to work with data across different systems.
  • Advanced Security Features: It offers robust security features, including SSL support, data encryption, role-based access control, and row-level security, ensuring data protection and privacy.
  • Full Text Search: PostgreSQL’s full-text search capabilities enable you to perform advanced text search operations efficiently.
  • Point-in-Time Recovery: It provides Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) through Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) files. WAL logs every database change, allowing you to restore the database to any point by replaying these logs.

CockroachDB vs PostgreSQL

While both CockroachDB and PostgreSQL offer robust database management solutions, PostgreSQL holds a significant advantage in terms of adoption, with 48.7% of developers using it, compared to CockroachDB's 1%. Here is a brief overview of the various aspects of CockroachDB vs PostgreSQL.

Feature CockroachDB PostgreSQL
Architecture Globally distributed architecture. Single instance architecture.
Scalability Automated horizontal scaling across nodes for both reads and writes. Primarily supports vertical scaling, and horizontal scaling requires manual sharding.
Failover Fully Automated. Manual.
Schema Changes Online, no downtime. May experience downtime for major schema changes.
Multi-region Support Advanced multi-region capabilities. Limited support for optimizing latency.
Distributed Transactions Supported. Not Supported.
SQL Compatibility Supports most of PostgreSQL's SQL syntax and wire protocol for compatibility. Fully compliant with SQL standards.
Data Geo-Partitioning Row-level geo-partitioning for data residency. Not natively supported.
Database Software Upgrade Method Online, Rolling. Offline.

Let's explore the key differences between CockroachDB and PostgreSQL in detail:


CockroachDB is a globally distributed architecture, allowing data to be spread across multiple geographic locations. This design enhances availability and resilience against data center failures, making it ideal for applications requiring extensive geographic distribution.

In contrast, PostgreSQL follows a single instance architecture with limited support for distributing data across nodes.


CockroachDB's distributed architecture enables automated horizontal scaling across nodes, allowing it to handle increasing workloads by adding more nodes to the cluster. This provides scalability for both reads and writes. 

PostgreSQL, on the other hand, primarily supports vertical scaling by incorporating more resources to a single node, and horizontal scaling requires manual sharding, which can be complex to implement and manage.


Failover in CockroachDB is fully automated, ensuring that if a node fails, the system can quickly reroute requests to other available nodes without manual intervention. This ensures high availability and minimal downtime.

In contrast, PostgreSQL requires manual failover processes, which can introduce delays and potential downtime during recovery.

Schema Changes

CockroachDB supports online schema changes, allowing modifications without taking the database offline. This capability ensures continuous service availability during updates.

Conversely, PostgreSQL requires downtime for major schema changes, which can disrupt service and affect user experience.

Multi-region Support

CockroachDB offers advanced multi-region capabilities, optimizing data placement and access based on user location to reduce latency and enhance performance across diverse geographic regions.

PostgreSQL provides limited support for multi-region deployments. It can operate in multi-region environments, but it lacks built-in optimizations for minimizing latency and managing data residency effectively.

Distributed Transactions

CockroachDB supports distributed transactions, facilitating ACID-compliant writes across multiple instances. This feature is important for applications that require strong consistency and reliability across distributed systems.

PostgreSQL does not natively support distributed transactions, which can limit its use in highly distributed environments.

SQL Compatibility

CockroachDB is wire-compatible with PostgreSQL, allowing you to use PostgreSQL client libraries with minor syntax differences. This compatibility facilitates easier migration for applications looking to leverage CockroachDB's features.

Comparatively, PostgreSQL is fully compliant with SQL standards and supports advanced SQL features.

Data Geo-Partitioning

CockroachDB offers row-level geo-partitioning, allowing you to tie data to specific geographic locations for low-latency access and data residency compliance.

On the flip side, PostgreSQL does not natively support geo-partitioning, which may necessitate additional configurations or third-party tools to achieve similar functionality.

Database Software Upgrade Method

CockroachDB supports online, rolling upgrades, allowing you to upgrade the database software without any downtime, ensuring continuous service availability.

In contrast, PostgreSQL typically requires offline upgrades, which can lead to service interruptions during the upgrade process.

Factors to Consider When Choosing CockroachDB or PostgreSQL

There are several key factors in evaluating the Cockroachdb vs PostgreSQL benchmark. Here are a few of them:


Evaluate your scalability needs. PostgreSQL can scale vertically, allowing you to add more resources to a single node, such as CPU and RAM. However, if you anticipate significant growth, CockroachDB's horizontal scalability enables you to add more nodes easily, making it better suited for applications with increasing workloads.

SQL Capabilities

Assess the SQL capabilities you need. PostgreSQL is known for its advanced SQL features and extensive support for complex queries. If your application requires sophisticated SQL operations, PostgreSQL is likely the better choice. CockroachDB, while compatible with PostgreSQL's SQL dialect, may not support all advanced features.


PostgreSQL may offer better performance for certain workloads, especially those that don't require massive horizontal scalability. CockroachDB, on the other hand, is designed to handle high write and read loads across multiple nodes, making it a good choice for highly concurrent applications.

Use Case

Consider the specific use case and requirements of your application. If you're building a globally distributed application that necessitates high availability and fault tolerance, CockroachDB is likely the better fit due to its resilience features. Conversely, if your application demands advanced SQL capabilities and you operate primarily within a single data center, PostgreSQL would be more suitable.

Licensing and Support

PostgreSQL database is released under the PostgreSQL License, an open-source license that permits free use.

CockroachDB, on the other hand, is released under the Business Source License (BSL) and is free to use but imposes certain limitations when hosted as a service. Furthermore, Cockroach Labs provides additional enterprise features and support through a commercial license.

Community and Ecosystem

Look into the community support and ecosystem around each database. PostgreSQL has a large and active community that provides extensive resources, third-party tools, and support. CockroachDB, being newer, has a smaller community but is growing quickly. If community support is critical for your project, PostgreSQL may offer more immediate resources.

Streamline Your Data Integration Workflows with Airbyte


Both CockroachDB and PostgreSQL can be integrated into your day-to-day workflows. However, the challenge lies in unifying and managing data spread across systems within or outside your organization. This can be achieved when required data is extracted regularly, loaded into these databases or other data warehouses, and transformed according to the downstream applications requirement. Airbyte, a powerful data movement platform, can be your ally in simplifying this task.

Whether you are a data engineer or an operation lead, Airbyte’s user-friendliness and varied range of features automate the process of connecting to multiple data sources, loading the data into Postgres or any other destination, and modifying it as needed. With minimal configuration, it offers a vast library of 350+ pre-built connectors that allow you to integrate these databases into your workflow.

What Makes Airbyte a Preferable Data Replication Solution?

  • In addition to its pre-built connectors, Airbyte offers multiple options to build custom connectors. These options include Python Connector Development Kit, Java CDK, Low Code Connector Development Kit, and Connector Builder. 
  • Whether you want to sync new records from the stream and append data in the destination or overwrite the whole stream in the destination, Airbyte sync modes offer control over how data is transferred across systems. This will help you optimize performance, reduce data transfer costs, and ensure that data in your destination database meets specific needs.
  • It also provides flexibility for developers to build custom data pipelines with its open-source library, PyAirbyte. With PyAirbyte, developers can extract data from hundreds of sources, transform it, and load it to a variety of SQL caches using Airbyte connectors, all within the Python environment.

To explore Airbyte’s open-source or fully managed solution, try it out today! Also, you can join Airbyte’s community, share your data integration ideas with others, and support everyone in achieving success with their projects.

Wrapping It Up

This article provided a comprehensive comparison of CockroachDB and PostgreSQL, highlighting critical aspects such as performance, scalability, features, and cost. Understanding these key differences can assist you in choosing the database that best meets your application's specific needs.

When evaluating CockroachDB performance vs PostgreSQL, it is essential to recognize that both databases serve distinct purposes. CockroachDB is designed for modern cloud applications, offering horizontal scalability and resilience, making it ideal for applications that require distributed architecture across multiple regions. 

On the other hand, PostgreSQL, with its extensive SQL capabilities and long-standing reliability, is better suited for complex queries and analytics workloads. 

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