What Is an ETL Pipeline: Examples, Tools, and How to Build

July 25, 2024
20 Mins Read

Organizations collect vast amounts of information from multiple sources. However, this data is often present in its raw format and can have inconsistencies, missing values, or irrelevant formats. This can, in turn, lead to errors in analysis, making it difficult to interpret the results.

ETL stands for Extract, Transform, Load—a series of automated processes offering a structured approach to all your data integration efforts. It helps you streamline the process by consolidating data from disparate sources and transforming them to gain deeper insights and make informed business decisions.   

This article overviews an ETL pipeline, how it works, and its benefits. You will also explore practical use cases of  ETL implementations and how you can leverage them to improve data management within your organization.

What Is an ETL Pipeline?

An ETL pipeline is a workflow for preparing data for analysis. It helps you extract data from various sources and transform it into a consistent and usable format. This transformation might involve cleaning the data, removing duplicates, or converting it into a specific structure.

Then, you can load the transformed data into a destination system, such as a data warehouse, where it can be easily accessed for reporting and business intelligence.

ETL Process

ETL pipelines are reusable and can handle different data loads, making them adaptable for various use cases. Depending on your requirements, you can configure them to run on different schedules, such as hourly, daily, weekly, or when triggered by specific events.

You can also use ETL pipelines for various data integration scenarios, such as one-time batch processes, automated recurring integrations, or streaming data integrations. They are optimal for handling datasets that require complex transformations.

How Does an ETL Pipeline Work? 

An ETL pipeline involves three stages during the entire data transfer process between source and destination—extract, transform, and load. If you are wondering how to build an ETL pipeline, you can use Python or Scala. You can configure the pipelines by writing custom code and specifying details like source connection strings, transformation logic, and destination tables.  

Working of an ETL pipeline


During this stage, you need to retrieve data from one or more source systems. The extraction method depends on how the data is available at the source. It can be in the form of web analytics data, CSV files, or cloud data. You might require SQL queries to extract specific subsets from relational databases, APIs to extract data from web applications, and FTP protocols for flat files. 

You can perform a complete extraction and retrieve all data simultaneously, which is suitable for initial loads. Once you move the initial load to the destination, you can perform incremental extraction and capture only new or updated data since the last run.

The extracted data is often stored temporarily in a staging area before transformation. This staging area could be a dedicated database table, a file system directory, or a cloud storage bucket. It allows you to perform independent scheduling and failure handling, run data quality checks before transformation, and handle high-volume data by separating extraction and processing.


Data is processed during the transformation phase to ensure its values, schema, data type, and structure match its intended utilization and are compatible with the destination. You can apply rigorous data quality and validation checks to keep your data free from errors, inconsistencies, and missing values and provide a cohesive structure. This ensures reliable and consistent data analysis and reporting.

Aggregators, data masking, expressions, joiners, filters, lookups, ranks, routers, unions, Normalizer, H2R, and R2H are common data transformation techniques you can perform. Utilizing these techniques allows you to manipulate, filter, format, normalize, and standardize data for advanced analytics, business operations, and visualizations. 

These transformations occur in the staging area, protecting your target system from errors and inefficiencies. This also allows for a more modular and reusable ETL process.


Loading is the last stage of the ETL pipeline, where you move your transformed data to the preferred destination. It can be an on-premise or cloud-based target database, data warehouse, data hub, or data lake. 

This crucial step involves three key aspects: data mapping, loading techniques, and maintaining data integrity. Data mapping defines how each data element from the source system aligns with the corresponding field in the target schema. It helps you ensure a seamless fit between the incoming data and the expected structure of the target system. 

ETL pipelines offer various loading strategies to optimize performance and data volume. A bulk load is the most efficient solution for massive datasets, while an incremental loading method is suitable for frequently updating data. You can also employ the full load method to ensure complete data synchronization. Choosing the right technique depends on your needs and data characteristics. 

To maintain the quality of the loaded data, you can leverage techniques like data validation and primary key enforcement. This ensures the trustworthiness and integrity of the data utilized for critical business decisions.

What Is ETL?

ETL is a process that allows you to extract data from several sources, transform it, and move it to a large, central repository such as a data lake or warehouse. You can organize, unify, and prepare data for storage, data analytics, and machine learning models by employing extensive business rules. This empowers you to gain a holistic view of your data, streamline workflows, and generate accurate and reliable insights for informed decision-making.

Benefits of an ETL Pipeline

ETL pipelines can help your organization deal with scattered information sources and provide a unified data flow. This enables you to perform advanced analytics, generate insights, and make smarter choices. Below are some advantages of an ETL pipeline:

Benefits of an ETL pipeline

Improved Efficiency

By analyzing data streams and identifying patterns that flag any anomalies or potential risks, you can leverage near-real-time insights and respond to issues quickly. This significantly improves operational efficiency and business processes, allowing you to capitalize on new opportunities and gain a competitive edge.    


ETL pipelines can easily handle large volumes of high-velocity data from various sources. They are flexible and can manage changing data workloads without affecting performance. 

Security and Compliance

You can enforce data access controls and encryption within your ETL pipelines and protect sensitive data. These pipelines also log data movement and transformations, creating a clear audit trail for regulatory reporting and compliance. 

Enhanced Data Quality

ETL pipelines ensure data consistency and reliability by allowing you to remove redundant records, unify data formats, and rectify incorrect data during the transformation stage. This improves the overall quality of your data used for analysis and informed decision-making.


By utilizing ETL pipelines, you can automate repetitive tasks and significantly reduce the computational costs at the staging area. This also reduces the processing power needed for downstream analytics tasks.

Characteristics of an ETL Pipeline 

ETL pipeline is continuous, agile, and elastic. It can respond to changes in data volume or requirements while ensuring your data remains consistent and high-quality. Some of the characteristics of the ETL pipeline are as follows:

Continuous Data Processing

While ETL pipelines can handle batch processing, they can also constantly process data streams in an automated and uninterrupted manner. This ensures your data stays up-to-date, enables real-time insights, and avoids delays in data availability. 

Easy Setup and Maintenance

Modern ETL pipelines have user-friendly interfaces. You can configure and modify them with minimal effort, significantly reducing the pipeline development time and ongoing maintenance costs.

Flexible Data Manipulation

ETL pipelines allow you to manipulate your data efficiently. You can also easily adjust them to accommodate changes in data formats or schema, ensuring your data remains relevant and useful.

Controllable Data Access

ETL pipelines provide granular control over data movement. You can define the source systems, transformation logic, and target destination for the data, ensuring accurate and relevant information gets delivered for analysis.

ETL Pipeline Use Cases

An ETL pipeline is used across industries to simplify data management processes. Below are some examples of ETL pipelines you can explore.

  • Business Intelligence: You can utilize ETL pipelines to extract data from operational systems, structure it properly, and then make it available to BI tools. This can help you with report generation, decision-making, and visualization.
  • Marketing Analytics: Your teams can get consolidated data from different marketing databases, transform it into a usable format, and upload it to marketing analytics platforms. This allows them to perform target audience segmentation and campaign analysis.
  • Log Analysis: ETL pipelines support version control, log data movements and transformations. This helps track the changes during audit trials, security investigations, troubleshooting, and performance monitoring.
  • E-commerce Analytics: You can use ETL pipelines to combine customer feedback data from online stores and social media platforms to optimize your product offerings and customer experience.

ETL Pipeline vs Data Pipeline: Key Differences

A data pipeline is a broader concept representing components that make up your organization’s data analytics infrastructure. It includes various technologies that allow you to verify, summarize, and find patterns within your data while supporting projects like ML and data visualizations. ETL is one of the processes that you employ within data pipelines to extract, transform, and load data.

A data pipeline

The following table discusses the major differences between a data pipeline and an ETL pipeline:

Features Data Pipeline ETL Pipeline
Purpose It is used for various data processing tasks, including data warehousing, real-time analytics, data streaming, or machine learning. It is primarily used for data warehousing and reporting, focusing on preparing data for analysis.
Transformation Transformation may or may not occur in data pipelines. Transformation is a core function of an ETL pipeline.
Latency It can support real-time or batch processing, depending on the use case. Typically, it involves batch processing with higher latency. However, streaming ETL is also becoming common.
Data Lineage Tracking the origin of a data point and the transformations applied to it can be challenging. It strongly emphasizes data lineage and often records the data transformation steps.
Complexity Complexity can range from low to high depending upon the data processing involved. Complexity is comparatively high due to the involvement of several transformation processes.

How Does Airbyte Help Build ETL Pipeline & Reduce Data Movement Costs?

Airbyte is a data integration and replication platform that provides a library of over 350 pre-built connectors to streamline your data movement process. It offers various options, such as PyAirbyte, no-code UI, API, and Terraform Provider, to help you build your data pipelines. You can choose the one that best fits your existing data infrastructure. 

PyAirbyte, in particular, enables developers to create custom ETL pipelines by integrating the data connectors seamlessly into your Python projects. The steps to build these ETL pipelines include installing PyAirbyte using PyPi, extracting data through Airbyte connectors, and applying transformations using Python libraries like Pandas or Spark. Once your data is in a ready-to-use format, you can load the processed data into your desired destinations.

To increase flexibility and convenience, you can use Airbyte’s intuitive and user-friendly interface, which makes exploring data pipelines easy for your non-tech teams.


Here are some more of Airbyte’s key features:

  • Custom Connectors: Streamline your data integration with a vast catalog of over 300 open-source structured and unstructured data sources. You can also join the expert community of 2000+ data engineers who have built 7000+ custom connectors in minutes using intuitive low-code/no-code or AI Connector Builder.
  • Trustworthy GenAI Workflows: Simplify your AI workflows by seamlessly importing unstructured data into popular vector stores like Pinecone, Weaviate, and Milvus. Enhance your RAG-specific transformations with LangChain-powered chunking and embeddings enabled by OpenAI, Cohere, and other providers, all in a single operation.
  • Flexible Pipeline Management: Enjoy versatile options for managing your data pipelines. Create connections and custom connectors effortlessly through a user-friendly interface. Use robust APIs for programmatic control and data synchronization or leverage Infrastructure as Code with Terraform for rapid deployment. Additionally, build sophisticated LLM applications with the Python-based PyAirbyte library.
  • Robust Data Security and Governance: Airbyte prioritizes security and governance across various deployment models, including self-hosted, cloud, and hybrid. It adheres to industry standards like ISO 27001, SOC 2, GDPR, and HIPAA while implementing security measures such as data encryption, audit trails, monitoring, SSO, and RBAC.

This ease of use and extensibility are precisely what made Airbyte a valuable tool for Graniterock, a prominent company in California’s construction industry. Airbyte played a crucial role in building a framework for creating and automating new industry-specific custom connectors. Prefect and Airbyte helped Graniterock standardize their data processes and build scalable pipelines while reducing internal development time and expenses by more than 50%. 

Key Takeaways

ETL pipeline provides a structured approach to data integration. It helps you transform raw data from disparate sources into usable formats for analysis and offers various benefits, such as improved efficiency, scalability, and data quality. 

Implementing ETL pipelines can help you handle diverse data loads and adapt to changing requirements regardless of the scale of your operations. Whether your goal is business intelligence or marketing analytics, ETL pipelines can help you streamline your data processes, providing a competitive edge to stay ahead of the curve.   


What language is used in an ETL Pipeline?

Most ETL pipeline tools offer a visual interface. However, you can use general-purpose programming languages like Python and Java to develop ETL pipelines.

What are ETL ELT Data Pipelines?

ETL and ELT are two approaches to building data pipelines. In ETL, the extracted data is transformed before being loaded into a target system. While in ELT, the extracted data is loaded directly into the destination system without any transformations.

How does your business implement its ETL pipeline?

Some businesses use custom Python scripts written in parallel threads, while others implement their ETL pipelines using tools like Airbyte, Talend, and DataStage. 

Is building an ETL or data pipeline in Node a viable option?

Node.js can be a viable option for building ETL pipelines, especially for smaller projects or those with near real-time data needs.

How do I test an ETL Pipeline?

To ensure accuracy and completeness, you can test an ETL pipeline by verifying data quality at each stage and comparing source and target data.

What is a low-overhead ETL pipeline?

A low-overhead ETL pipeline focuses on minimizing resource usage during data processing. You can achieve this through efficient tools, optimized code, and minimizing unnecessary transformations.

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