What is Operational Data Store (ODS): Guide You Can't Miss

Aditi Prakash
May 24, 2023
12 min read
Modern organizations are constantly striving to utilize their data more effectively. Data engineers facilitate this using different data management strategies. One such strategy is using an Operational Data Store (ODS).

An ODS integrates operational data from multiple systems within an organization in real time. Operational data is the data produced by an organization’s daily operations, like customer and sales information. 

By using an ODS, engineers get a holistic and up-to-date understanding of current operations. It also facilitates efficient data integration, transformation, and delivery.

In this article, we will delve into the basics of an operational database system, how it fits into a data architecture, and its use cases across different industries.

What Is An Operational Data Store?

An ODS is a centralized data repository for data collected from the operational systems within an organization. It stores and processes operational data in real-time.

Data from multiple transactional systems, like CRM systems, log files, and external data feeds, is extracted and loaded into an ODS in their raw formats. Data engineers can then transform and cleanse this raw data to make it available for reporting, analysis, and operational decision-making.

In essence, an ODS is a bridge between transactional and analytical systems.

An ODS is updated in near real-time, making it an ideal choice for data scientists to analyze business processes as they are happening. Source data within an ODS can be directly fed into business intelligence (BI) tools for faster analysis.

An ODS can support reporting, ad hoc querying, and data archiving. It enables organizations to leverage their operational data for immediate insights and data-driven decision-making.

Most operational data stores can only store a small amount of data and cannot be used for historical analysis.

Key features of an ODS

Near real-time data integration

An ODS integrates transactional data from different production systems in real time or with minimal latency. This allows business users to access the latest information and make timely decisions on current operations.

Simple data transformations

An operational data store can perform simple data transformation processes to ensure data integrity and consistency. This may involve data cleansing, validation, and standardization.

Support for operational and analytical queries

Users can perform ad hoc queries and analysis in an ODS. It offers an intuitive interface for data exploration, custom report generation, and gaining insights from current data.

How do Operational Data Stores (ODS) Work?

Data Extraction

Data is extracted from various source systems (e.g., CRM, ERP, transaction databases) using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) or ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes. This extraction is typically done in real-time or near real-time to ensure the ODS contains the most current operational data.

Data Transformation

The extracted data undergoes transformation to conform to the ODS schema. This involves data cleansing, normalization, and applying business rules. The level of transformation may be minimal compared to a data warehouse, as the focus is on rapid availability rather than deep analytics.

Data Integration

The transformed data is loaded into the ODS, where it's integrated with existing data. This integration process often involves reconciling data from different sources, resolving conflicts, and ensuring data consistency across the ODS.

Real-time Updates

The ODS is continuously updated as new data arrives from source systems. This ensures that the ODS always represents the current state of operations. Unlike a data warehouse, historical versions of the data are typically not maintained.

Data Access and Archiving

Business users and applications query the ODS for operational reporting and decision-making. Simultaneously, data from the ODS may be periodically archived or moved to a data warehouse or data lake for long-term storage and more complex analytical processing.

ODS vs. Databases/Data Warehouses

While an ODS, databases, and data warehouses all store and manage data, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics:


An ODS stores current operational data and enables light-duty reporting and data analysis, while data warehouses are optimized for large-scale data storage and complex data analytics. Databases are built for transactional processing.

Data Integration and Consolidation

An operational database integrates data in its original schema and does not require transformations. A data warehouse uses a schema on-write approach and Extract, transform, and load (ETL) to centralize high volumes of data from many data sources.

Data Latency

An ODS provides real-time data updates, while most data warehouses are updated periodically through batch processing. Databases can also provide real-time updates but within the scope of a specific application.

Data Structure and Granularity

Operational databases store source data in its raw format, preserving the original data fidelity, while relational databases use data models optimized for OLTP (Online Transaction Processing). Data warehouses have a structured schema ideal for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing).

Scalability and Performance

ODS architectures are built for high scalability and performance to handle real-time data processing. Databases are designed to handle transactional workloads efficiently, ensuring ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties. Cloud data warehouses are optimized for complex analytical queries on petabyte-scale workloads.

Architecture of an Operational Data Store

An operational data store has many components and layers that enable real-time data capture. These include:

Data Sources

  • Operational systems: Transactional databases, CRM systems, and other operational applications that generate data.
  • External data feeds: Data from external sources such as market data providers, social media platforms, or third-party APIs.

Data Integration Layer

  • Data extraction: This component extracts data from various sources. It may involve direct database connections, API calls, data ingestion pipelines, or other mechanisms.
  • Change data capture (CDC): CDC mechanisms capture incremental changes to the source systems, enabling real-time updates in the ODS.
  • Data transformation: Data transformation processes convert and standardize the data to ensure consistency and integrity.
  • Data integration: The transformed data is integrated based on predefined mappings, business rules, and data models. This integration ensures a unified and coherent view of operational data within the ODS.

Data Storage & Processing

  • ODS database: The integrated data is stored in the ODS database, which is optimized for fast data ingestion, updates, and retrieval.
  • Data partitioning: Large datasets in the ODS can be partitioned to improve query performance and optimize storage utilization.
  • Indexing and caching: Indexes are created on frequently queried attributes to speed up data retrieval. Caching mechanisms may be employed to further enhance query performance.
  • Data archiving: Historical or infrequently accessed data can be archived in separate systems, like a data warehouse, keeping the primary ODS database optimized for current operational data.

Data Access & Presentation

  • Reporting and analytics: An operational data store enables users to generate real-time reports, visualizations, and dashboards.
  • Self-service interfaces: User-friendly interfaces, query tools, or visualization tools allow business users to interact independently with the ODS.
  • Access control: Access controls and data security mechanisms are implemented to keep data secure.

Data Governance & Metadata Management

  • Metadata repository: A metadata repository stores information about the data sources, data mappings, transformations, and other metadata.
  • Data lineage and auditing: Tracking data lineage and maintaining audit trails help ensure data traceability, compliance, and governance.
  • Data quality management: Data quality processes, such as data profiling, validation, and monitoring, are implemented to maintain data integrity.
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Where an ODS fits in a data architecture?

The role of an Operational Data Store in the overall data architecture of an organization depends on its specific requirements and goals. Some common positions where an ODS fits in are:

1. Source systems & data extraction 

In architectures that involve data integration and transfer between multiple systems, an ODS can serve as a data hub for transactional data. It can integrate data from many transactional systems and centralize it. This data can be modified and loaded into other systems, like cloud data warehouses, as needed.

Data engineers can use an ODS as a central point for data synchronization, ensuring consistency and coherence across the enterprise.

2. ODS as an intermediate layer between OLTP & OLAP systems

An ODS acts as an intermediate layer between transactional and analytical systems. It can be a data staging area or intermediate hub where data engineers can transform and aggregate data before loading it into an analytical solution like a data warehouse.

This ensures that only relevant and high-quality data is transferred to the analytical environment, improving the efficiency and accuracy of downstream analytics and reporting.

3. Data flow to downstream data warehouses & data marts

Data pipelines transfer data from the ODS to downstream data warehouses or data marts. These processes extract relevant data from the ODS, apply further transformations or aggregations if needed, and load it into target systems.

This allows organizations to create a comprehensive data ecosystem that supports both real-time operational reporting and historical analytics. If you're eager to expand your knowledge, delve into our comprehensive article on Data Mart vs Data Warehouse for in-depth insights.

ODS Design Best Practices

Designing an operational data store requires careful consideration to ensure its effectiveness. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Data freshness and update frequency: Consider whether you need real-time data updates, the frequency of data extraction, and the integration mechanisms. Choose a strategy that balances data freshness, performance, and scalability.
  2. Data volume and performance: Anticipate data growth, increasing data volumes, and the number of concurrent users accessing the ODS. Design the architecture to accommodate future expansion by considering partitioning, indexing, and data archiving techniques.
  3. Data quality and consistency: Implement mechanisms for data cleansing, validation and deduplication to improve data consistency. Monitor data quality over time and have processes in place to address issues.

Use Cases for Operational Data Stores

  • Operational reporting & analysis
    An operational data store can provide real-time or near-real-time reporting capabilities. Since it makes data available for immediate reporting and monitoring, it enables organizations to:
    ~Track key performance indicators (KPIs)
    ~Monitor operational metrics
    ~Make timely decisions based on up-to-date information
  • Data cleansing & transformation
    Operational data stores can serve as a platform for data quality management. They allow engineers to validate and transform data before it is moved to storage, like a data warehouse, or fed into BI and analytics tools. Organizations can improve data accuracy, completeness, and consistency by implementing strong data quality controls.
  • Data integration & consolidation
    An ODS is a central hub for integrating and consolidating data from operational systems. It provides a unified view of the organization’s data. This is vital when an organization has to harmonize data for reporting, analytics, or data exchange purposes.

Advantages & Disadvantages of an ODS

Let’s take a deeper look at the pros and cons of an operational data store:


There are three key advantages of including an Operational Data Store in your data architecture:

  • Near real-time data availability
    An ODS makes source data readily available for reporting, analytics, and decision-making. This near real-time data access enables organizations to monitor and respond to events promptly, improving operational agility.
  • Improved data quality and consistency 
    An operational data store helps data teams improve the quality of operational data. It is a staging area that enables data cleansing, deduplication, and enrichment processes. This ensures data accuracy and leads to better decisions, reduces errors, and enhances operational productivity.
  • Flexibility for operational and analytical queries
    An ODS has the flexibility to support operational and analytical workloads. It enables operational queries focused on monitoring and managing ongoing operations. This includes tracking orders, managing inventory, or supervising customer interactions. The operational database can also serve as a data source for analytical systems, like a data warehouse.
    Using ETL or ELT, relevant source data can be moved to a data warehouse, where analysts can perform in-depth analysis, root cause analysis, pattern identification, and trend exploration. They can run complex queries and analyze historical data to derive insights.


  • Complexity of managing an additional data layer
    A key disadvantage of using an operational database is the complexity associated with managing an additional data layer. This adds one more step in data pipelines that engineers must orchestrate. While using an ODS, data engineers must account for increased data integration, transformation, and governance processes.
  • Potential performance challenges for large data volumes
    There can be challenges associated with handling high volumes of data and supporting concurrent queries in an ODS. As the volume of data grows, query response times may increase, impacting the user experience.
  • Maintenance and data governance considerations
    Operational data stores can introduce additional complexities to database maintenance and quality control processes. They require continuous monitoring to accommodate changing source systems while providing real-time updates. To combat these problems, organizations must establish robust data governance practices, assign data stewardship responsibilities, and implement data quality controls.

Examples of Operational Data Stores in Practice

Here are three examples of real-life use cases of an operational data store:

ODS in a retail business for inventory management

By leveraging an ODS for inventory management, retail businesses can: 

  • Centralize and synchronize inventory data across multiple sales channels, such as physical stores, online marketplaces, and mobile applications.
  • Gain real-time visibility into inventory levels and an up-to-date view of stock availability.
  • Feed forecasting algorithms and generate accurate demand forecasts. This helps retailers optimize inventory levels, minimize excess stock, and reduce carrying costs.
  • Analyze supplier-related data within the ODS to identify reliable suppliers, negotiate favorable terms, and optimize the supply chain.
  • Retailers can leverage ODS data to identify slow-moving or obsolete inventory, make informed pricing decisions, and optimize stock levels.

ODS in a healthcare organization for patient data management

In the healthcare industry, an Operational Data Store can: 

  • Consolidate and standardize patient data from multiple systems, including electronic health records (EHRs), laboratories, pharmacies, and medical imaging tools.
  • Provide real-time access to patient information, presenting healthcare professionals with the latest data during patient visits.
  • Support care coordination and continuity by ensuring that patient data is accessible across different healthcare settings and providers.
  • Offer a comprehensive and standardized dataset for analysis. This data can be used for population health management, quality improvement initiatives, clinical research studies, and outcomes analysis.
  • Implement access controls, audit trails, and data encryption to safeguard patient information.

ODS in a financial institution for real-time fraud detection

A financial institution can use an ODS to: 

  • Continuously monitor incoming transactions and customer behaviors in real time. By applying rule-based and anomaly detection algorithms, the ODS can identify suspicious activities that indicate potential fraud and alert investigators.
  • Gain a unified view of customer transactions and activities.
  • Correlate and analyze data across many channels to identify cross-channel fraud patterns.
  • Calculate real-time risk scores for individual transactions or customer profiles based on predefined rules and risk models.
  • Enable fraud analysts to perform retrospective analysis and forensic investigations.
  • Block or flag potentially fraudulent transactions in real-time via integrations with transactional systems.

ODS Vs. Transactional Databases Vs. Data Lakes


Operational Data Store (ODS)

Transactional Databases

Data Lakes


Integrated operational reporting and analysis

Support day-to-day transactions

Store vast amounts of raw data


Predefined schema

Rigid schema


Update Frequency

Frequent (near real-time)

Continuous (real-time)

Batch or streaming

Data Volume


Varies (usually moderate)

Very large

Data Integration

Integrated from multiple sources

Single application or limited integration

Raw data from multiple sources

Historical Data

Limited (recent history)

Very limited (current state)

Extensive historical data

Use Cases

Operational reporting, data integration

Transaction processing, OLTP

Big data analytics, data science




Highly scalable

Data Quality

Cleansed and conformed

High integrity within transactions

Varied (raw data)


Operational data stores play a crucial role in data engineering and data management. They centralize data from various operational systems and provide near-real-time access to critical business data.

When used as part of a comprehensive data architecture, it can enhance data integration and data quality. This enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize business processes, and improve overall efficiency.

However, implementing an operational data store comes with challenges. Organizations must design an efficient ODS architecture with clear data integration and data governance processes to ensure success.

You can learn more about data integration and how to gain valuable insights by reading our blog.


  1. What is an ODS and how does it differ from a data warehouse?
    An Operational Data Store (ODS) is a database designed to store real-time or near-real-time transactional data from multiple sources. Unlike a data warehouse, which is optimized for analytical queries and historical data storage, an ODS focuses on providing operational data for day-to-day business activities. It acts as a central repository for current and frequently accessed data, facilitating faster decision-making processes.
  2. What are the primary purposes and benefits of implementing an ODS?
    The primary purpose of implementing an ODS is to provide a consolidated and up-to-date view of operational data from various sources. This enables organizations to improve operational efficiency, enhance data quality, and support real-time decision-making. Key benefits include improved data accessibility, reduced data latency, enhanced data integration capabilities, and better support for operational reporting and analysis.
  3. What types of data are typically stored in an ODS, and how is it structured?
    An ODS typically stores transactional data, such as customer orders, product sales, inventory levels, and financial transactions. It may also include data related to customer interactions, such as customer inquiries, complaints, and service requests. The structure of an ODS is often normalized to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity, although denormalization may be used to optimize performance for specific queries.
  4. How does an ODS integrate with other data management systems, such as data warehouses and transactional databases?
    An ODS integrates with other data management systems through data integration processes, such as ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) or ELT (Extract, Load, Transform). Data from transactional databases and other sources is extracted, transformed, and loaded into the ODS, where it is stored and made available for operational use. Data from the ODS may also be extracted and loaded into a data warehouse for further analysis and reporting.
  5. How is ODS related to an EDH (Enterprise Data Hub)?
    An ODS is often a component of a larger EDH strategy, focusing on providing integrated, near real-time operational data, while the EDH serves as a more comprehensive data management solution for the entire enterprise. The EDH encompasses both operational and analytical data, including historical information. The ODS often acts as a staging area or data mart within the EDH, handling the most recent and frequently accessed operational data. The EDH then incorporates this operational data along with other data sources to support a wide range of analytical and operational use cases across the enterprise.
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