How To Create a Zenloop Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating customer feedback data from platforms like Zenloop into your analytics systems can be a complex task, filled with challenges such as understanding API intricacies, managing data transformation, and ensuring the reliability of the data pipeline.

PyAirbyte offers a streamlined solution to these hurdles. By facilitating easy access to Zenloop data through pre-built or custom source connectors, managing data format transformations, and enhancing pipeline efficiency, PyAirbyte significantly reduces the complexity and maintenance burden associated with traditional data integration methods.

This introduction is a starting point for exploring how PyAirbyte can simplify your data pipeline from Zenloop, making it more efficient and insightful for your data analysis needs.

Traditional Methods for Creating Zenloop Data Pipelines

Creating data pipelines to manage the flow of information from customer feedback platforms like Zenloop into other systems or data lakes is crucial for businesses looking to leverage customer insights for strategic decision-making. Conventionally, developers rely on writing custom Python scripts to automate the data extraction process. This approach, however, comes with its own set of challenges and pain points, especially when extracting data from platforms with complex APIs like Zenloop.

Traditionally, developers would manually code Python scripts to connect to the Zenloop API, handle authentication, manage data extraction, format the data appropriately, and finally, inject the data into the destination system. This process requires a deep understanding of both the Zenloop API and the target system's requirements. The script might need to handle pagination, rate limiting, and various data formats, adding complexity to the task.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Zenloop

  1. Complex API Structure: Zenloop's API, like many SaaS platforms, can be complex and multifaceted. Developers often spend significant time just understanding how to navigate the API and extract the needed data.
  2. Authentication and Security: Ensuring secure authentication methods when accessing the API is critical. Handling tokens, session management, and encryption within custom scripts can introduce security vulnerabilities if not implemented correctly.
  3. Data Formatting and Transformation: Data extracted from Zenloop needs to be formatted and possibly transformed to fit the schema of the destination database or data warehouse. This can be particularly challenging if the data needs to be merged with existing data from other sources, requiring extensive data cleaning and preparation efforts.
  4. Error Handling: Efficiently managing and troubleshooting errors, timeouts, and rate limits imposed by the Zenloop API can be tedious. Scripts need to be robust enough to handle these issues gracefully, retrying requests when possible and alerting developers to critical failures.
  5. Maintenance Overhead: APIs evolve over time. Fields are added or deprecated, authentication methods change, and rate limits are adjusted. Every change requires updates to the custom scripts, leading to a high maintenance overhead. Developers must continuously monitor both the Zenloop platform and the data pipeline to ensure uninterrupted data flow.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges impact the efficiency of data pipelines in several ways:

  • Increased Development Time: Significant developer resources are tied up in initially creating and subsequently maintaining the data pipeline, detracting from other value-adding activities.
  • Reduced Reliability: Manual scripting increases the risk of errors and data inconsistencies, especially as the volume of data grows. This can lead to unreliable data pipelines that fail silently or require constant monitoring.
  • Scalability Issues: Custom scripts that are not efficiently coded might not scale well with an increase in data volume, impacting performance and leading to potential data losses or delays.
  • High Maintenance Costs: The ongoing need to update scripts in response to changes in the Zenloop API or the target system leads to high maintenance costs, both in terms of developer time and potential downtime.

In summary, while custom Python scripts have been the traditional method for creating data pipelines from Zenloop, the process is fraught with challenges related to complexity, maintenance, scalability, and efficiency. These challenges necessitate a more streamlined approach to integrating Zenloop with other systems, highlighting the need for solutions like PyAirbyte that can simplify and automate the data pipeline process.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Zenloop with PyAirbyte

The process of setting up a data pipeline for Zenloop using PyAirbyte involves several steps, each aimed at configuring and extracting data efficiently and storing it in a format ready for analysis. Below is a step-by-step guide.

Installation of PyAirbyte

pip install airbyte

This command installs PyAirbyte, a Python library that serves as a wrapper around Airbyte, an open-source data integration platform. PyAirbyte simplifies working with Airbyte connectors directly from Python scripts or notebooks.

Importing the Library and Initializing the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

source = ab.get_source(
       "api_token": "your_api_token_here",
       "date_from": "2021-10-24T03:30:30Z",
       "survey_id": "your_survey_id_here",
       "survey_group_id": "your_survey_group_id_here"

Here, PyAirbyte's get_source function is used to create and configure the Zenloop source connector. The function parameters include the connector name (source-zenloop), a flag to automatically install the connector if it's not already available (install_if_missing=True), and the config dictionary. This dictionary contains necessary configurations such as the API token, a starting date for fetching survey responses, and identifiers for a specific survey or survey group.

Verifying Configuration and Credentials


This line executes a check to verify that the provided configuration and credentials (api_token, date_from, survey_id, survey_group_id) are correct and that PyAirbyte can successfully connect to the Zenloop API.

Listing Available Streams


This command lists all the data streams available from the configured Zenloop source. Streams represent different types of data or endpoints that are available via the Zenloop API (e.g., survey responses, customer feedback).

Selecting Streams


Withselect_all_streams(), all available streams are marked for data extraction. Alternatively, select_streams() can be used to choose specific streams if you're interested only in certain types of data.

Reading Data into a Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()result =

This code initializes the default local cache using get_default_cache(), which is most likely a DuckDB instance, and loads the selected streams' data into this cache. Using a cache allows for efficient data processing and storage. PyAirbyte also supports custom caches like Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery.

Extracting Data from Cache to Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this snippet demonstrates how to read a specific data stream from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. By replacing "your_stream" with the name of an actual stream, you can manipulate and analyze the data using Pandas' powerful data manipulation tools. This step is crucial for data analysts and scientists who prefer working with data in tabular form for analysis, visualization, or further processing.

Together, these steps form a comprehensive approach to creating a Python data pipeline for extracting data from Zenloop using PyAirbyte. This pipeline not only simplifies the process of connecting to and extracting data from Zenloop but also provides flexibility in how the data is cached, processed, and analyzed.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Zenloop Data Pipelines

  1. Simplified Installation and Setup: PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup with its easy installation via pip, requiring only Python to be installed on your system. This ease of setup ensures that you can quickly get started with building your data pipeline without worrying about complex dependencies or configurations.
  2. Seamless Source Connector Configuration: With PyAirbyte, accessing and configuring the available source connectors is straightforward. The library allows for not only the utilization of readily available connectors but also the integration of custom source connectors if your project demands it. This flexibility enables you to extend the capability of your data pipelines to meet specific requirements seamlessly.
  3. Efficient Data Stream Selection: The ability to selectively enable specific data streams is a significant advantage of using PyAirbyte. This feature allows you to focus on precisely the data you need, conserving computing resources and making the data processing pipeline more efficient. By avoiding the extraction of unnecessary data, you streamline the entire pipeline, enhancing performance and reducing costs.
  4. Flexible Caching Options: Offering support for multiple caching backends, including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery, PyAirbyte provides unparalleled flexibility. The default caching mechanism uses DuckDB unless a specific cache is defined. This flexibility allows you to choose the caching backend that best fits your project's needs, whether it's for local development, large-scale production environments, or anything in between.
  5. Incremental Data Reading Capability: PyAirbyte's ability to read data incrementally is essential for efficiently handling large datasets and minimizing the load on data sources. Incremental reads ensure that only new or changed data is fetched in subsequent updates, significantly reducing bandwidth and processing time when dealing with vast amounts of data. This approach is particularly beneficial for maintaining up-to-date data pipelines with minimal resource utilization.
  6. Compatibility with Python Libraries: The compatibility of PyAirbyte with a wide range of Python libraries, including Pandas for data manipulation and SQL-based tools for data analysis, greatly enhances its utility. This compatibility opens up numerous possibilities for data transformation, analysis, and integration into existing Python-based data workflows. Whether you are conducting sophisticated data analysis, feeding data into AI models, or integrating with orchestrators like Apache Airflow, PyAirbyte fits seamlessly into your existing ecosystem.
  7. Enabling AI Applications: PyAirbyte is ideally suited for powering AI applications due to its efficient data extraction capabilities, flexible data management, and compatibility with AI frameworks. By facilitating smooth and reliable data flow from sources like Zenloop to analytical and AI processing tools, PyAirbyte stands as a pivotal component in enabling advanced data-driven applications and insights.


In conclusion, leveraging PyAirbyte for pulling data from Zenloop into your systems is a game-changer for businesses looking to enhance their data pipelines. The simplicity of installation, combined with the flexibility in managing data streams and efficient handling of large datasets, makes PyAirbyte a powerful tool in the arsenal of data engineers and analysts alike.

By streamlining the data integration process, businesses can focus more on extracting valuable insights from customer feedback, rather than being bogged down by the intricacies of data extraction and transformation.

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