BigQuery vs MySQL: Key Differences

September 16, 2024
20 Mins Read

Centralized data management is a popular and widely used concept among organizations. However, choosing the suitable repository to store and manage all your data can be laborious, as this choice affects all your operations and data performance.

With the advent of data warehouses, many well-known and reliable technology giants have entered the market. Google’s BigQuery is a fine example. BigQuery’s performance, scalability, and swift integration with AI features have all contributed to its strong presence in the market.

However, in a recent study, it was found that 4.8% of developers use BigQuery, while 40.3% opt for MySQL. Since 1995, MySQL has been one of the most popular database management systems, known for its accessibility and ease of use.

If you are having trouble selecting between BigQuery and MySQL, this article has you covered! This comprehensive BigQuery vs MySQL guide will take you through the distinct differences and use cases of both platforms.

BigQuery: A Brief Overview


BigQuery is a data platform known for providing services beyond simple data storage. It has built-in capabilities for business intelligence, machine learning, and geospatial analysis. With this fully managed data warehouse, you can easily process and analyze vast volumes of structured as well as unstructured data.

BigQuery works on a scalable, distributed analysis engine that enables you to query terabytes of data in just a few seconds and petabyte-scale datasets in minutes. The platform’s serverless architecture allows you to leverage widely-used programming languages like Python and SQL. Using them, you can execute various queries on your data and obtain swift results for strategic decision-making. 

Key Features of BigQuery

Here are some key features of BigQuery:

  • BigQuery ML: With the BigQuery ML feature, you can create and execute machine learning models using GoogleSQL queries. This feature also gives you access to Cloud AI APIs and Vertex AI models that can be used to carry out artificial intelligence operations.
  • BigQuery Omni: The BigQuery Omni is a cross-cloud analytics solution that allows you to perform analytics on datasets stored in Azure Blob Storage or Amazon S3. Using BigLake tables, you can analyze data in its original location or replicate it in BigQuery when needed.
  • Data Transfer Service: This service automates the process of moving your data into BigQuery. You can set up your BigQuery data warehouse, schedule data transfer, and initiate data backfills without writing a single line of code. 
  • Geography Functions: You can leverage GoogleSQL to utilize various geography functions in BigQuery. It helps you analyze geographic data and spatial relationships between geographic features to uncover insights into location-based trends and patterns.


BigQuery offers separate pricing plans for storage and compute functions. Storage pricing is flexible; you can opt for active or long-term data storage. It is important to note that the first 10 GiB of storage is free for each month. Under compute pricing, you can choose between on-demand and capacity pricing models. It is best to visit the official website and choose the pricing model that fits your organizational requirements well.

MySQL: A Brief Overview


MySQL is a well-known open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that helps you store, process, and retrieve large volumes of data. Developed by Oracle Corporation, the platform is known for its user-friendliness, dependability, and efficiency.

MySQL operates on a client-server architecture and Structured Query Language, allowing you to execute queries and manage your database. The platform has a multi-threaded SQL server that supports various client programs, libraries, administrative tools, and an extensive array of APIs.

You can deploy MySQL on-premises or in the cloud per your business requirements. It enables you to integrate with several programming languages, such as Java and Python, making it a versatile solution for building web applications or managing e-commerce platforms.

Key Features of MySQL

Take a look at some of the key features of MySQL:

  • Scalability: The platform’s multi-threading capabilities allow you to easily handle data on a large scale. MySQL can manage over 50 million rows and handle up to 8 TB of data without affecting the performance of regular features. 
  • Security: MySQL offers robust security measures, such as privileges to authorized data users, password systems, and host-based verification. The MySQL 8.0 version has a dual password support feature that permits you to set a primary and backup password for your account.
  • Data Type Support: MySQL supports a wide range of data types, including signed and unsigned integers between 1 and 8 bytes. Some of the widely used data types that you can use are CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, TIME, TIMESTAMP, and OpenGIS spatial types.
  • Active Open-Source Community: MySQL provides you with an active developer community that is committed to improving the platform. With several users sharing feedback on MySQL code, bugs, and features, you can get access to Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) patches ahead of time.


Since MySQL is an open-source platform, you can freely download and use it. The platform offers three products: Cloud, Embedded, and Software. To know more about the pricing and features of these products, you can visit their official website here.

BigQuery vs MySQL: Key Differences

Choosing the right data platform can be a daunting task. It is essential to understand each platform’s features and offerings before making a choice. Take a look at the key differences between BigQuery and MySQL:

Point of Difference BigQuery MySQL
Architecture The storage and compute layers are independent of one another. BigQuery follows a columnar storage model, which automatically adjusts and allocates storage when you load data into the platform. Has a pluggable storage engine architecture where you can choose from one of the specialized storage engines based on your application needs. The database administrator and application developer components are separated from the data storage layers.
Scalability This serverless data warehouse can be easily scaled to any size, and it helps you to handle petabyte-scale data. Supports vertical scaling by increasing resources on a single server. It also offers horizontal scaling through replication and sharding.
Query Language Supports GoogleSQL, an ANSI-compliant SQL dialect. A legacy SQL version is also available, but GoogleSQL is a recommended choice. Follows the traditional SQL standard
Advanced Analytical Capabilities Offers complex analytical features and supports integration with several other Google Cloud Platform services. Can manage complex queries to an extent. However, you can use additional plugins or extensions to improve the performance and results.
Security Provides strong security features, including column-level and row-level access policies, data encryption at rest and in transit, and IAM policies. Supports Access Control Lists (ACLs), SSL-encrypted connections between servers and client applications, and TLS protocols for secure data communication.

Google BigQuery vs MySQL: Distinct Features 


  • Analyzing Unstructured Data: If your organization deals with a large amount of unstructured data, you can turn to BigQuery to process and analyze it. This data platform has introduced a new table type, the BigQuery object table, offering a structured interface for sharing and managing unstructured data.
  • Availability: Data availability is a critical factor to consider when investing in a data platform. BigQuery’s architecture ensures that you can access critical information at any time without operational delays. The platform provides 99.99% uptime SLA, the highest in the data industry, by writing your data across two separate zones and keeping provisions for redundant compute capacity.
  • Data Loss Measures: BigQuery can relieve you from worrying about losing your data due to server failure or outage. The platform employs Reed-Solomon encoding to store a zonal copy of your data, which ensures your data is secured in one more zone. This will help you swiftly recover your dataset in the rare event of a machine failure.


  • Durability: The InnoDB storage engine is a vital part of MySQL, which complies with the ACID model. ACID-compliant features aid in preventing data corruption and incorrect results even during a system breakdown. It ensures your data stays reliable at all times.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: If your organization is using different operating systems across locations, unifying data operations can become easier with MySQL. This versatile database management system supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux, offering your teams the flexibility to build and manage applications across diverse development environments.
  • Low Cost of Ownership: MySQL is open-source, making it a cost-effective solution for organizations with limited budgets. By opting for this tool, you can reduce the cost of ownership and save time and money on troubleshooting and maintenance for existing and new projects.

BigQuery vs MySQL: Use Cases

BigQuery is ideal for carrying out various analytical operations on large datasets. Take a look at some of the practical applications of BigQuery:

  • Financial Institutions: BigQuery supports real-time analytics, which is crucial for financial institutions as they can monitor anomalies and quickly flag fraudulent transactions as they occur.
  • OTT Platforms: Many movie streaming services leverage BigQuery’s built-in ML feature to create and improve their recommendation systems. By utilizing machine learning models, OTT platforms can provide personalized suggestions to a multitude of users at the same time.
  • Weather Forecasting: Weather stations can analyze each region’s climate patterns and issue timely alerts for bad weather by working with BigQuery's geospatial data. 

On the other hand, MySQL is a good solution for handling transactional operations. Here are some industrial use cases of MySQL:

  • Telecom Sector: MySQL can help telecommunication companies handle large datasets on monthly plans, data usage, and billing cycle information. The platform’s robust features allow teams to categorize and analyze data from each department to identify churn rates, network inefficiencies, and product offerings.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Several e-commerce platforms choose MySQL to manage datasets on product catalogs, customer transactions, shipping, and logistics. The database’s scalability and ease of executing SQL queries make it a popular choice for obtaining insights from e-commerce data.
  • Web Application: MySQL is a go-to choice for many developers due to its flexibility and support for several widely used programming languages. Due to its open-source nature, many content management systems, online dictionaries, and websites use MySQL on the back end.

Simplify BigQuery and MySQL Data Integration with Airbyte 


It is clear in the MySQL vs. BigQuery discussion that both platforms are scalable and equipped to handle large volumes of data. However, you can only leverage their performance and features if you can successfully load all your data into them. With data residing in multiple sources, it is difficult to consolidate relevant information consistently.

To overcome data silos and ease the process of data integration, you can opt for data movement platforms like Airbyte. It offers you an extensive library of 400+ connectors, including pre-built connectors for BigQuery and MySQL. These connectors help you extract data from multiple sources and load it directly into the destination of your choice without involving a single line of code.

Apart from traditional databases, RDBMS, and data warehouses, you can load data into vector databases, such as Pinecone, Quadrant, and Chroma with Airbyte. Explore some of Airbyte’s key features below:

  • Airbyte Terraform Provider: You can automate the setup of your data pipeline with Airbyte’s Terraform Provider feature. Terraform is an IAC solution that enables you to manage your pipeline’s sources and destinations through code. You can learn how to leverage this feature by watching this tutorial
  • RAG Transformations: If you are working with LLM frameworks like LangChain, you can easily integrate them with Airbyte to apply RAG transformations. It will help you enhance the results of LLM-generated content.
  • Deployment Flexibility: Airbyte offers multiple deployment options. You can utilize Airbyte self-managed, Airbyte Cloud—a fully managed solution, or a hybrid solution.

Airbyte offers several other features to help you get the most out of your business data. To learn more about the platform, you can visit their official website or go through the documentation.

The Final Word

This article has given you keen insights into the discussion on MySQL vs BigQuery. While both platforms are scalable and reliable, BigQuery is well-suited for business intelligence and reporting purposes, while MySQL is optimized for managing transactional, web-based applications.

Now that you have a thorough understanding, you can easily select the best for your organization. You can also look at using both platforms simultaneously. If you need to perform deep-level analytics on your MySQL datasets, you can simply load them into BigQuery. You can go through this guide to understand how to connect and load data from MySQL to BigQuery in just a few minutes.

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