How to Build a Data Warehouse from Scratch: Cost + Examples

July 2, 2024
20 Mins Read

Building a data warehouse from scratch may seem overwhelming, yet it can be a game changer for organizations seeking to harness data for informed decision-making. Despite the substantial initial investment in time and resources, it can yield significant outcomes, such as enhanced data quality, better insights, and streamlined operations.

The warehouse-building process involves clearly defining business needs and selecting the right tools and technologies. With the right strategy, you can utilize the full potential of your data to drive innovation and business growth.

Let's explore the details of how to build a data warehouse from scratch.

What is a Data Warehouse?

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a centralized repository designed to store consolidated data from diverse sources in a structured, easily accessible format for analysis and reporting purposes. Integrating data into a warehouse allows you to gain an extensive view of your operations, identify trends, and make informed decisions using historical and current data. It also lays the foundation for business intelligence (BI)-related projects.

Components of Data Warehouse

The following are the key components of a data warehouse:

  1. Data Sources: The different data sources include databases, CRM systems, flat files, APIs, etc., which are the origins of the data. Each source can have varied formats and volumes of data.
  2. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): ETL process helps you to extract data from multiple sources, transform it into a format suitable by the data warehouse, and load it into the central repository.
  3. Data Warehouse Database: A data warehouse database is the central repository where the transformed data is stored. It is usually a relational database management system (RDBMS) optimized for complex queries and analytics.
  4. Metadata Repository: The metadata repository stores information, such as data definitions, data lineage, and data relationships, about the data stored in the warehouse. Metadata is essential for understanding the data’s context and makes your data easier to find, access, and use.
  5. Query and Reporting Tools: These tools allow you to extract actionable insights from the warehouse data. Query tools enable ad-hoc queries, and reporting tools help create structured reports and visual dashboards.

6 Steps to Build a Data Warehouse from Scratch

Here are the six recommended steps for creating a data warehouse from scratch. However, certain phases may differ based on the project's complexity, data quality, analytics goals, etc.

1. Define Business Requirements

The first step is to define your company’s specific goals and objectives for the data warehouse. This includes identifying the types of data needed and the key users and stakeholders. Aligning the warehouse design with your organization’s overall data strategy helps manage project complexity, prioritize resources, and deliver value incrementally.

2. Choose a Platform

The next step is to determine the optimal platform and technology stack for your data warehouse. This critical decision involves choosing between cloud-based solutions like Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift, or Microsoft Azure, which offer scalability and ease of use. Alternatively, you can choose on-premises solutions, such as Oracle, which offer greater control and customization.

When choosing a platform, consider the scale of your organization and the volume of data you intend to store.

3. Design the Data Model

The data model defines the structure and organization of data within the warehouse, ensuring efficient storage and retrieval. Some of the data models to consider include:

Conceptual Data Model: The conceptual data model identifies the core business entities, such as customers, employees, orders, and products, relevant to your operations. These entities are then described by their attributes, like customer names, product prices, or order dates, which are the specific characteristics or properties that define them.

Logical Data Model: The logical data model builds upon the conceptual model, providing a more structured and detailed representation of the data. It includes:

  • Entities and Attributes: Elaborates on entities and attributes, specifying their data types, such as integers, varchar, and date.
  • Constraints: Defines constraints such as not null or unique.
  • Keys: Specifies primary and foreign keys.
  • Relationships: Precisely indicates relationships, detailing cardinality such as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, etc. 

Physical Data Model: The physical data model translates the logical model into a technology-specific implementation for your chosen database. It involves creating tables for each entity, defining columns for each attribute with their respective data types and constraints, and establishing indexes for optimized query performance.

4. Build the ETL Pipeline

An ETL pipeline ensures a continuous flow of accurate and timely data. It involves extracting relevant data from diverse sources, such as operational databases, CRM systems, or external data feeds.

Next, the extracted data undergoes a meticulous transformation process, where it's cleaned, standardized, and restructured to align with the warehouse schema.

Finally, the transformed data is loaded into the data warehouse, ensuring its availability for reporting, analytics, and decision-making processes.

5. Develop Reporting and Analytics

  • BI Tools: Choose business intelligence tools such as Power BI, Tableau, or Qlik Sense that enable you to explore, analyze, and visualize data effectively.
  • Reports and Dashboards: You can create reports, charts, and dashboards to present key metrics and insights in an accessible format.

6. Implement Ongoing Maintenance and Optimization

Maintaining a data warehouse is an ongoing process crucial for sustained performance and data accuracy. Regular monitoring helps identify and fix errors or inconsistencies to ensure data quality.

Performance tuning involves techniques like indexing and query optimization to maintain efficient data retrieval. Other measures include frequent software updates, security patches, and implementing alerting mechanisms to handle errors and minimize downtime.

The Cost Estimation of Building a Data Warehouse

Building a data warehouse involves considering several cost components throughout its lifecycle. These can be categorized into initial setup costs, development costs, ongoing operational expenses, and long-term investments. 

Initial costs are usually covered with cloud-based data warehouse solutions like Snowflake or BigQuery. These services offer pay-as-you-go flexible pricing models, eliminating the need for significant upfront investments in infrastructure. Additionally, they offer flexibility, allowing you to easily adjust storage and processing needs.

Development costs include data modeling and building ETL processes. This might involve hiring data engineers depending on your needs. 

Operational costs cover ongoing expenses like cloud service fees, maintenance of the data warehouse environment, and implementing security measures. 

Investing in user training and documentation enhances user adoption and efficiency. Regular updates and performance optimization are crucial for maintaining long-term viability and maximizing return on investment.

The cost of building a data warehouse varies widely depending on key factors, including the size and complexity of your project. Here’s a breakdown of the cost factors for designing a data warehouse:

1. Data Warehouse Storage Costs

When setting up your data warehouse, the initial step is to decide on the location for housing it. You can use on-premises hardware that you own and manage or a cloud-based solution.

With cloud storage, you are charged based on the amount of data you store, allowing you to scale your storage as needed. There are no upfront investments or ongoing operational expenses associated with hardware, physical infrastructure, or maintenance.

Here are some popular cloud providers and their storage costs:

  • Snowflake: Snowflake storage pricing starts at $23 per terabyte (TB) per month, with additional computing and data sharing costs, especially when using virtual warehouses for querying.
  • Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics: Storage costs start at $122.88 per TB per month. Additional expenses may include charges for read/write operations, disaster recovery, and premium support services.

The cost for on-premises solutions can vary significantly based on hardware, software, and maintenance requirements.

Initial investments to build a substantial on-premises data warehouse could start from $3500. While smaller-scale implementations might be more affordable, the initial investment could still be significant.

2. ETL & Data Integration Costs

ETL and ELT tools are crucial components of the modern data stack. They facilitate data transfer from various sources to the target data warehouse, streamlining and expediting the process. Typically, data-driven organizations can expect to spend between $99 and over $2,000 per month on popular ETL solutions.

However, the final cost largely depends on the size and complexity of your data sets and the specific features you require. Advanced capabilities, like complex data transformations, often lead to higher costs.

3. BI and Visualization Software

Data warehouses are more effective when paired with robust business intelligence and visualization tools.  You can find several BI tools in the market, such as Microsoft PowerBI, Tableau, Domo, Qlik, etc. According to Capterra, the average cost of a business intelligence solution is estimated at $3,000 per year, ranging from $600 on the low end to $6,000 on the high end.

4. Labor Costs

Salaries for the team involved in the data warehouse project, including data engineers, data scientists, database administrators, and project managers, are a significant portion of the total cost. Here is a breakdown of the salaries:

  • Data Engineers: $92,352 annually.
  • Database Administrators: $114,515 annually.
  • Data Analysts: $61,212 annually

However, these figures are just averages for these positions, and the specific rates may vary based on the market rates of your region or country. Additionally, it's essential to consider additional costs such as recruitment and training.

Cost-Saving Tips

  • Many providers offer free trials, allowing you to test the platforms and evaluate their suitability for your needs before committing to a paid plan.
  • Carefully assess your requirements in terms of data volume, number of users, and necessary features to select the most cost-effective plan for your organization.
  • Regularly monitor your data warehouse usage patterns to optimize resource allocation.

By understanding the pricing model factors affecting costs and considering your specific business needs, you can choose a suitable data warehouse solution. This solution will better align with your budget and support your data-driven goals.

An Example of How to Build a Data Warehouse for an Online Retailer

Let us examine how to build a data warehouse using an example of an online retailer, FashionFusion, which sells clothing, accessories, and shoes. This company wants to build a data warehouse to gain insights into customer behavior, product performance, and overall sales trends.

Here are the steps that can help with the process:

Step 1: Define Business Goals

The first and most critical step in building a data warehouse for FashionFusion is clearly defining its business goals. This involves understanding the specific insights and analytics that the company aims to gain from its data warehouse. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how to define business goals:

  • Understand Customer Purchase Patterns: The aim is to gain insights into customer purchase behavior to personalize product recommendations and enhance marketing strategies. These insights will enable the creation of targeted campaigns and improve customer satisfaction by analyzing purchase patterns.
  • Identify Best-Selling and Underperforming Products: To optimize inventory levels and develop targeted promotions, the company needs to identify best-selling and underperforming products. Analyzing sales data will help the company adjust stock and marketing efforts for maximum profitability.
  • Monitor Sales Trends Over Time: Monitor sales trends over time to forecast market demands and make informed supply chain decisions. Analyzing historical sales data helps anticipate customer needs and optimize inventory management.

Step 2: Choose the Right Platform

Selecting the right platform and technology is crucial for building a scalable and efficient data warehouse. FashionFusion can opt for Snowflake, a cloud-based data warehouse platform known for its scalability, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness. 

Snowflake's architecture supports high performance, agility, security, and flexibility, making it suitable for handling large volumes of data from various sources. This choice will empower FashionFusion to store and process its data efficiently, providing a solid foundation for its data warehouse.

Step 3: Design Data Model

For FashionFusion, this involves creating a conceptual, logical, and physical model to organize their data to support efficient querying and analysis. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each stage:

  • The Conceptual Model: It is a high-level overview defining key entities and their relationships. For FashionFusion, these entities include customers, products, orders, suppliers, and marketing campaigns. This model will help visualize the primary components of the data warehouse and how they interact with each other.
  • The Logical Model: It refines the conceptual model into a detailed blueprint by defining specific attributes for each entity, such as customer ID, name, and email for the customer's entity. It also establishes relationships between entities, like the one-to-many relationship between customers and orders. This structured approach organizes data efficiently, reducing redundancy and ensuring data integrity.
  • The Physical Model: This model involves implementing the logical model in Snowflake by creating tables with defined columns, data types, and constraints. It includes establishing primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes to enhance query performance. Additionally, partitioning and clustering are used to optimize data storage and retrieval efficiency.

Step 4: Build ETL Pipeline with Airbyte


Building an ETL pipeline is essential for integrating data from various sources and consolidating it into a centralized warehouse. This can be achieved by utilizing Airbyte, a powerful data integration platform. It is designed to facilitate effortless data movement with its 350+ pre-built connectors. These connectors simplify the integration of data from various sources into any desired destination.

Why Choose Airbyte to Build a Data Pipeline?

  • Custom Connectors using CDK: Airbyte’s Connector Development Kit (CDK) offers an alternative if the required connectors aren’t available. It provides three connector-building options—no-code (less than 10 minutes), low-code (less than 30 minutes), and language-specific CDKs (about 3 hours).
  • Change Data Capture: Airbyte’s log-based Change Data Capture (CDC) keeps the destination systems in sync with the source systems. This feature ensures all updated data from the source systems is captured and replicated in the destination without any manual intervention.
  • Build Developer-Friendly Pipelines: PyAirbyte is an open-source Python library that packages Airbyte connectors. It facilitates quick data extraction from multiple Airbyte-supported sources without complex configurations.
  • Data Transformations: To facilitate complex transformations, Airbyte supports easy integration with dbt, a powerful data transformation tool. This combination allows for extensive data transformations based on specific requirements, leading to a personalized data processing pipeline.

Step 5: Develop Reporting & Analytics

This step involves selecting the right business intelligence (BI) tools, creating meaningful reports and dashboards, and ensuring that the data presented is accurate and actionable. Here’s a detailed breakdown of this step:

  • Selecting the Business Intelligence (BI) Tool: FashionFusion should choose a robust BI tool like Tableau, which offers interactive dashboards, seamless integration with Snowflake, and a user-friendly interface. Tableau supports advanced analytics and real-time data visualization, making it ideal for comprehensive business insights.
  • Creating Reports and Dashboards: Reports should cover key metrics such as sales, customer behavior, inventory, and marketing performance. Dashboards should include revenue analysis, stock levels, and campaign performance. These insights help identify trends, evaluate performance, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy and Consistency: FashionFusion should regularly validate data to check for duplication, missing values, and anomalies to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Automated data refresh schedules are essential to keep dashboards and reports updated with the latest data. Additionally, providing user training ensures correct interpretation and effective use of BI tools for data-driven decision-making.

Step 6: Maintenance & Optimization

For FashionFusion, this involves several key activities, including monitoring data quality, optimizing performance, and updating the system. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these activities:

  • Monitoring Data Quality: FashionFusion should regularly implement automated data quality checks to detect anomalies like duplicates and missing values. Setting up alert systems will notify administrators of any issues, ensuring prompt resolution. Regular data audits help maintain overall data integrity and identify areas for improvement.
  • Performance Optimization: FashionFusion can enhance performance by creating indexes on frequently queried columns and using partitioning and clustering to manage large tables efficiently. Optimizing queries and regularly adjusting Snowflake virtual warehouse configurations will balance performance and cost. Continuous monitoring of query performance metrics helps identify and address any bottlenecks.
  • System Updates and Security: FashionFusion should regularly apply software updates and security patches to ensure the data warehouse benefits from the latest features and protections. Implementing robust security measures, such as multi-factor authentication or encryption, safeguards sensitive data. Regular security audits and a comprehensive backup strategy ensure compliance and data recovery readiness.

How Long Does It Take to Build a Data Warehouse

Small to Medium-Sized Data Warehouses: Building a data warehouse could take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for simpler projects with fewer data sources and smaller data volumes.

Large and Complex Data Warehouses: For larger enterprises with complex data landscapes and extensive data quality requirements, building a data warehouse could take several months to a year or even longer.

Summing It Up

Building a data warehouse from scratch may seem complicated. However, with a structured approach, the right tools, and strategic planning, it becomes feasible for businesses of any size.

The approach to building a data warehouse from scratch includes understanding your business requirements. Then, you must select the appropriate platform and design a robust data model. Following this, you can implement efficient ETL pipelines by leveraging powerful tools like Airbyte for seamless data integration. Finally, to unlock the full potential of your data, you must develop comprehensive reporting and analytics.


What is a data warehouse vs. a database?

A data warehouse is a centralized repository designed for analytical processing and large-scale data analysis, while a database is optimized for transactional processing and managing day-to-day operations. Data warehouses handle complex queries and aggregations, whereas databases focus on quick read-and-write operations for individual records.

What is a data warehouse in SQL?

A data warehouse in SQL is a centralized repository that stores large volumes of structured data from various sources, which is optimized for querying and analysis. It uses SQL-based tools and languages to manage and retrieve data for business intelligence and reporting purposes.

What is the main function of a data warehouse?

The main purpose of a data warehouse is to consolidate and house large volumes of data from multiple sources for efficient querying and analysis. It supports business intelligence activities by enabling complex queries, reporting, and data analysis to inform decision-making.

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