Snowflake Vs MongoDB - Key Differences

October 7, 2024
25 min read

Choosing the right data platform is essential for maximizing the efficiency of your business operations, especially when dealing with complex datasets or real-time data processing. Snowflake and MongoDB are two leading options in the data management industry, each offering unique benefits. These platforms can be tailored to different types of workloads.

But how do you know which one best suits your needs?

In this article, we compare Snowflake vs MongoDB in detail, exploring key factors such as scalability, performance, and cost. Whether you’re focused on analytics or application development, this comparison will help you make the best decision.

An Overview of Snowflake


Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform that helps you store and analyze large amounts of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. It is a fully managed service and operates on cloud services such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. The integration offers impressive scalability and enhanced performance, supporting more efficient resource allocation tailored to your specific needs.

Snowflake’s multi-cluster architecture enables you to handle multiple workloads by automatically adjusting resources up or down based on demand. For large-scale workloads, Snowflake helps effectively distribute the workload across several compute clusters. This parallel processing ensures that performance remains consistent, even as data volumes and query complexity increase.

Key Features of Snowflake

  • Scalability: In Snowflake, the separation of storage and computing allows you to scale each of these resources independently. Data is stored in a centralized cloud storage and multiple compute clusters or virtual warehouses can access it simultaneously. This isolation ensures efficient resource allocation at minimal cost.
  • Data Sharing: Snowflake’s secure data-sharing capabilities facilitate sharing live data with external parties, like vendors, customers, or employees, without the need for data duplication. Since data is accessed directly from your existing storage, no additional storage costs are required for sharing.
  • Security Features: Snowflake has strong security features, such as end-to-end encryption, role-based access control, and compliance with several regulatory standards, such as HIPAA and GDPR.
  • Zero Copy Cloning: Snowflake allows you to create instant, cost-effective clones of your databases for development or testing purposes without incurring additional storage costs.

An Overview of MongoDB


MongoDB is an open-source, NoSQL database that helps you to store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Unlike traditional databases, MongoDB uses a flexible, schema-less model, storing data in JSON-like documents. These models support dynamic fields and structures.

MongoDB’s document-based design facilitates quick application development and greater scalability. This makes it suitable for big data, real-time analytics, content management, and IoT applications. MongoDB’s flexibility in handling varying data structures also enables industries, such as banking and telecom companies, to manage evolving demands.

Key Features of MongoDB

  • Horizontal Scalability: MongoDB supports horizontal scaling through sharding, which involves distributing data across multiple servers. This enhances the database’s ability to manage large datasets efficiently.
  • High Availability with Replication: It ensures high availability with replica sets, copying data across multiple servers. This enables automatic failover in the case of server failure.
  • Support for ACID Transactions: MongoDB supports multi-document ACID transactions. It ensures data integrity and consistency in the NoSQL environment, which is critical for many business applications.
  • Indexing for High Performance: MongoDB supports various types of indexing, including single field, compound, and multi-key, providing fast query performance for larger datasets.

MongoDB vs Snowflake - Comparison

Features Snowflake MongoDB
Data Model Relational Document-oriented
Primary Use Data warehousing, analytics Application databases, real-time data handling
Data Types Structured, semi-structured, unstructured Structured, semi-structured, unstructured
Data Storage Columnar storage optimized for analytics Document storage in BSON (Binary JSON) format
Scalability Auto-scaling for computing and storage separately; supports horizontal and vertical scaling Horizontal scaling via sharding
Query Language SQL MQL (MongoDB Query Language)
Performance Optimization Automatic query optimization for analytical tasks Uses indexing and aggregation frameworks for fast operations
Schema Design Supports flexible schema design through multidimensional models like snowflake schema Flexible document-based schema model
Transactions ACID compliant, designed for analytics Supports multi-document ACID transactions
Support for Real-time Data Optimized for batch processing and analytics Optimized for real-time data and write-heavy loads
Security End-to-end encryption and HIPAA and GDPR compliance Built-in encryption, flexible security configurations
Multi-Cloud Availability Available on AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure Available on AWS, GCP, and Azure through MongoDB Atlas
Cost Model Pay for storage and computing separately MongoDB community server is open-source; Atlas and enterprise editions are subscription-based
Market Share

Snowflake has a market share of 21.76% in the data warehouse category

MongoDB holds a 44.67% market share in the NoSQL database category

Factors to Consider When Choosing Snowflake or MongoDB

Let’s look at factors, including scalability, performance, security, cost, and disaster recovery, that can help choose between Snowflake and MongoDB:


Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake offers auto-scaling capabilities to scale the number of compute clusters in a virtual warehouse based on workload demands. This dynamic resource allocation requires you to pay only for the computing and storage resources you use.

Why Choose MongoDB?

MongoDB can scale horizontally through sharding across multiple servers, helping you handle growing datasets or unpredictable real-time workloads. Its flexible, document-based schema allows you to accommodate changing data structures, making it suitable for application development with evolving requirements.


Why Choose Snowflake?

  1. Built-in Query Optimization: Snowflake’s automatic query optimization facilitates the efficient handling of complex queries by dynamically adjusting resource allocation. This supports high-performance business intelligence and reporting tasks effectively.
  2. Optimized for Analytical Queries: The architecture supports parallel query execution, ensuring fast processing of complex queries. Snowflake is designed to handle large-scale analytics and perform quick queries on big datasets.

Why Choose MongoDB?

  1. Advanced Indexing: MongoDB supports a variety of indexes, such as single-field, compound, and text indexes. With these indexes, you can run complex queries on large, unstructured datasets to improve efficiency in real-time applications.
  2. Real-Time Performance for Dynamic Data: MongoDB's document-based schema simplifies reading and writing operations, making it especially suited for mobile applications and IoT. Its in-memory processing boosts performance, making it ideal for high-speed environments.


Why Choose Snowflake?

  1. End-to-end Encryption: Snowflake provides comprehensive end-to-end encryption for data at rest and in transit. It keeps your sensitive data safe and also meets strict regulatory standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and SOC 2. This makes Snowflake ideal for industries like healthcare, finance, and government, where compliance is crucial.
  2. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Snowflake has advanced role-based access control that enables you to securely manage user permissions and data access. It enforces strict security protocols within organizations, allowing only authorized personnel to access sensitive data.

Why Choose MongoDB?

  1. Field-level Encryption: MongoDB provides flexible client-side field-level encryption to help you encrypt only specific data fields within a document. It offers more granular control over sensitive data, making it especially appropriate for environments managing diverse datasets.

Disaster Recovery and Availability

Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake’s multi-cluster, shared data architecture provides high availability and redundancy. It also has built-in failover capabilities and data replication across multiple cloud regions. Snowflake is a good choice if you want to prioritize disaster recovery and business continuity in operations.

Why Choose MongoDB?

MongoDB provides high availability through its replica sets; data is automatically replicated across multiple servers. It also provides backup and allows automatic failover in case of server failures. MongoDB’s design ensures minimal downtime, making it suitable for mission-critical applications requiring real-time availability.

Cost Comparison

Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake uses a credit-based pricing model. It charges based on the time you use computing resources per second. Virtual warehouses cost from 1 credit per hour for an X-small warehouse to 512 credits per hour for a 6X-large warehouse. On average, each credit costs about $2. Storage costs vary by region, typically ranging between $23 and $40 per terabyte monthly.

Why Choose MongoDB?

In addition to its open-source version, MongoDB follows an instance-based pricing model through the MongoDB Atlas cloud edition. Dedicated MongoDB clusters start at $0.08 per hour for smaller instances like M0, with higher costs for larger instances. Storage is priced at around $0.25 per GB per month.

Snowflake’s model supports fluctuating computing needs, while MongoDB’s instance-based model offers greater predictability. MongoDB is ideal for constant data interaction applications like social media. While Snowflake is cost-effective for analytics, MongoDB is suitable in real-time, high-transaction environments.


Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake offers premium support with dedicated technical resources and best optimization practices. It is suitable if you need consistent performance and reliability. With its vast knowledge base and comprehensive technical documentation, you can use Snowflake for mission-critical operations.

Why Choose MongoDB?

MongoDB Atlas provides 24/7 support, making it easy to deploy, manage, and scale databases without requiring in-house database expertise. Its strong community support and extensive online documentation help you build and maintain scalable applications.

Developer Experience and Learning Curve

Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake uses standard SQL to query data, which makes it easy for data analysts, engineers, and business intelligence teams to adopt. The platform is highly intuitive, requiring minimal manual intervention for scaling and performance optimization. This makes it a good choice for teams with SQL expertise.

Why Choose MongoDB?

MongoDB’s document model is developer-friendly and enables rapid application development. Its flexibility in schema design makes it highly attractive for agile development processes. MongoDB’s query language is easy to learn and is similar to JavaScript. It also provides numerous language-specific drivers and libraries for ease of use.

Use Cases

Why Choose Snowflake?

Snowflake is one of the best options for business intelligence, machine learning, and data warehousing; it facilitates the efficient handling of various data types. For industries, such as finance and retail, that rely heavily on data-driven decisions, Snowflake is a good choice.

Why Choose MongoDB?

MongoDB works well for real-time applications with rapidly changing data, especially those requiring high transactional volumes. Its document-based NoSQL structure enables flexibility in storing unstructured data, making it a go-to platform for e-commerce, IoT, gaming, and content management.

Effortlessly Transfer Your Dispersed Data into Snowflake or MongoDB with Airbyte

Your organization may want to enhance its business intelligence and analytics to remain competitive, but your data could be scattered in various sources. To fully utilize the potential of your datasets, you need to consolidate the disparate data into a platform that offers excellent analytical features.

With support for real-time business analytics, Snowflake and MongoDB are two good options. However, it can be challenging to transfer such large data volumes into your target system.

To simplify this process, you can leverage Airbyte, a no-code data movement and replication platform that helps you build a data pipeline. With 400+ connectors, including Snowflake and MongoDB, you can quickly transfer data from varied sources to your chosen destination. It also offers multiple options for building custom connectors using CDK for tailored data integration needs.

These amazing features of Airbyte help you to migrate your data from Snowflake to MongoDB or vice versa without a hitch.


Here are a few features of Airbyte:

  • Change Data Capture (CDC): You can keep your analytics platform updated using Airbyte’s CDC feature. This approach helps you automatically track changes in the source database and replicate them to the destination.
  • Multiple Options to Build Data Pipeline: Whether you are a data practitioner or a non-technical person, Airbyte caters to various users. It provides UI for no-code pipeline setup, API for programmatic control, Terraform Provider for managing pipelines as code, and PyAirbyte to build custom data pipelines within Python workflows.
  • Pipeline Orchestration: The integration of Airbyte with data orchestrators such as Airflow, Dagster, Prefect, and Kestra enables you to automate the scheduling and execution of data pipelines. This allows you to monitor and manage all your data workflows from a single interface.


In the Snowflake vs MongoDB comparison, both platforms offer powerful features, but they serve different purposes and use cases. Snowflake is designed for data warehousing, providing advanced scaling and security features to help you manage and analyze large data volumes efficiently. Its robust performance in handling complex queries across various data types makes it ideal for analytics and business intelligence tasks.

On the other hand, MongoDB provides flexibility in building applications that require dynamic schemas. With fast read/write operations, MongoDB is suitable for real-time, high-transaction applications. In the end, the choice between Snowflake and MongoDB depends on your specific requirements. 

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