How To Create a Fastbill Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Creating data pipelines for applications like Fastbill traditionally involves navigating a complex landscape of APIs, handling data transformations, and managing ongoing maintenance efforts—challenges that can significantly slow down development and increase operational costs.

PyAirbyte, an open-source data integration platform, offers a compelling solution to these issues. It simplifies the process of building data pipelines by providing a straightforward setup, access to a wide array of source connectors, and seamless integration with the Python ecosystem. This approach not only reduces the manual complexities and maintenance overhead but also enables faster, more efficient development of data pipelines, allowing teams to focus on extracting value from their data rather than wrestling with integration hurdles.

Traditional Methods for Creating Fastbill Data Pipelines

Creating data pipelines for financial and invoicing software, such as Fastbill, typically involves crafting custom Python scripts. This conventional method requires developers to directly interact with Fastbill's API, parsing responses, and managing data synchronization across systems manually. While flexible, this approach comes with several pain points and challenges.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Fastbill

1. Complex API Interactions: Fastbill's API, like many other SaaS APIs, has its own set of rules for authentication, pagination, rate limits, and data formats. Developers need to write elaborate code to manage these API features, making the script complex and error-prone.

2. Maintenance Overhead: APIs evolve over time—endpoints change, new data fields are added, and others are deprecated. Each change requires script updates to maintain functionality, leading to high maintenance overhead.

3. Error Handling: Efficiently managing API request errors and ensuring data integrity during transfer requires sophisticated error-handling and retry mechanisms in scripts. Implementing these features from scratch is time-consuming and complex.

4. Data Transformation: Extracting data is only the first step; transforming it into a usable format or schema that fits into downstream analytics or data storage systems adds another layer of complexity. This often involves additional scripting effort.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

1. Slowed Development: The need to address the intricacies of API communication and data processing directly within scripts can significantly slow down the development of data pipelines. This slowdown affects the overall time-to-market for data-driven features and analytics.

2. Increased Costs: The labor-intensive nature of custom script maintenance, especially for businesses relying on data for daily decisions, translates into higher operational costs. Skilled developers must allocate time regularly to update scripts, which could otherwise be used for developing new features or improving existing services.

3. Scalability Issues: As businesses grow, so does the amount and complexity of their data. Traditional custom scripts that were efficient at a smaller scale might not handle increased data volumes or complexity well, leading to performance issues and the need for frequent rewrites or optimizations.

4. Risk of Data Downtime: Reliance on custom scripts, with their high maintenance needs and potential for error, increases the risk of data downtime. This impacts data availability for critical business operations and analytics, potentially leading to missed insights and opportunities.

In summary, while custom Python scripts offer a high degree of flexibility for creating Fastbill data pipelines, they also come with significant challenges that affect efficiency and maintenance. The complexity of API interactions, the ongoing need for script updates, and the scalability issues pose considerable difficulties for teams needing to manage and use Fastbill data effectively.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Fastbill with PyAirbyte

In this chapter, we navigate through implementing a Python data pipeline for Fastbill using PyAirbyte. This approach streamlines data extraction and loading processes significantly, reducing the manual challenges associated with traditional methods.

Install PyAirbyte Package

First, you need to install the Airbyte Python package. Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that simplifies moving data from various sources to destinations.

pip install airbyte

This command installs the Airbyte package, making its functionality available for your Python script.

Initialize Source Connector and Configuration

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
     "username": "user123",
     "api_key": "secretApiKey123"

In this snippet:

  • You first import the airbyte module.
  • Then, initialize a source connector for Fastbill (source-fastbill) using get_source. If the connector isn't already installed, install_if_missing=True will automatically handle its installation.
  • The config parameter is essential for authentication and must include your Fastbill username and api_key. Replace "user123" and "secretApiKey123" with your actual Fastbill credentials.

Verify Configuration and Credentials


This line checks the validity of your Fastbill source configuration and credentials. It's a crucial step to ensure that the connection to Fastbill can be established successfully before proceeding.

List Available Data Streams


Here, you retrieve a list of available data streams from Fastbill. This information is vital to understand which types of data (e.g., invoices, customers) you can extract and process.

Select Data Streams and Load to Cache


cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

  • select_all_streams() selects all available streams for data extraction. Alternatively, you could use select_streams() to choose specific streams.
  • The next step initializes a default local cache (DuckDB) to store the extracted data temporarily. Although DuckDB is used here, PyAirbyte supports other databases too, like Postgres or Snowflake.
  • reads the selected data streams and loads them into the specified cache.

Read Data from Cache into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this line reads data from one of the streams (you need to replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in) into a Pandas DataFrame. This is particularly useful for data analysis, enabling you to manipulate and visualize the data using Python's rich ecosystem of data science libraries.

Through this succinct and efficient code, PyAirbyte facilitates the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process from Fastbill into a usable format for further analysis or integration into other systems. This not only speeds up development time but also addresses the scalability and maintenance challenges associated with traditional custom-coded data pipelines.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Fastbill Data Pipelines

Easy Installation and Setup

PyAirbyte stands out for its straightforward installation process; a single pip command is all it takes, with Python being the sole prerequisite. This ease of setup ensures that developers can quickly begin working with data pipelines without navigating complex installation procedures.

Access to a Wealth of Connectors

One of PyAirbyte's strengths is its extensive library of available source connectors, encompassing a wide range of data sources beyond just Fastbill. These can be effortlessly obtained and configured for use. Moreover, PyAirbyte caters to more unique or specialized needs by allowing the installation of custom source connectors, offering versatility in connecting to various data sources.

Optimized Data Stream Selection

The capability to selectively activate specific data streams is a testament to PyAirbyte’s efficiency. This thoughtful feature not only conserves valuable computing resources but also simplifies the data processing workflow by focusing on precisely the data of interest, eliminating unnecessary data extraction.

Flexible Caching Options

With its support for several caching backends—including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery—PyAirbyte offers unparalleled flexibility in data storage and retrieval. DuckDB is set as the default cache when no specific cache is defined by the user, striking a balance between ease of use and performance for most scenarios.

Incremental Data Reading

PyAirbyte's ability to read data incrementally is a game-changer, particularly when handling vast datasets. This method minimizes the strain on data sources and ensures an efficient pipeline by only fetching new or changed data since the last extraction, making the entire process more manageable and resource-efficient.

Compatibility With Python Ecosystem

The compatibility of PyAirbyte with a wide array of Python libraries, such as Pandas for data manipulation and various SQL-based tools for data analysis, greatly broadens its utility. This interoperability makes it easy to integrate PyAirbyte into existing Python-based workflows, including data orchestration and AI frameworks, thereby significantly expanding its applications and usability.

Enabling AI Applications

Considering the evolving landscape of data-driven decision-making and AI, PyAirbyte's capabilities are particularly relevant. Its seamless data pipeline creation, coupled with support for incremental updates and ease of integration with Python’s AI and machine learning libraries, positions PyAirbyte as an invaluable tool in the toolbox of developers working on AI projects. This suitability for AI applications signifies PyAirbyte's role not just in data management but in pioneering smarter, more informed decision-making processes.


In conclusion, PyAirbyte simplifies and streamlines the process of creating Fastbill data pipelines, offering a seamless way to extract, transform, and load data for analysis and integration. Its easy setup, extensive library of connectors, efficient data stream selection, and compatibility with the Python ecosystem make it an optimal choice for developers and businesses alike.

By minimizing the complexities and overhead associated with traditional data pipeline methods, PyAirbyte enables teams to focus more on deriving insights and creating value from their data, rather than on the intricacies of data integration. Whether for data analysis, reporting, or fueling AI applications, PyAirbyte stands out as a powerful tool that unlocks new possibilities and efficiencies in data processing, paving the way for smarter, data-driven decision-making.

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