How To Create a Freshcaller Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

In the landscape of data management, extracting and consolidating data from various sources like Freshcaller into a centralized location for analysis poses significant challenges. Issues such as handling API rate limits, managing complex JSON structures, and ensuring data consistency require substantial technical effort and resources.

PyAirbyte, an innovative tool in data integration, offers a seamless solution to these challenges. By simplifying the creation of data pipelines with manageable code and providing a user-friendly interface to manage data streams, PyAirbyte drastically reduces the complexity, time, and maintenance burden associated with traditional data extraction methods. This introduction will explore how PyAirbyte eases these data management challenges, offering a more streamlined and efficient approach to data integration.

Traditional Methods for Creating Freshcaller Data Pipelines

For a long time, businesses have relied on traditional methods, particularly custom Python scripts, to create data pipelines from Freshcaller to their data warehouses or for data analysis purposes. These scripts are written to extract data via Freshcaller's API, transform it according to business needs, and then load it into a destination system for further processing or analysis.

Custom Python Scripts for Data Extraction

Custom Python scripts involve using Python's requests library or similar modules to make API calls to Freshcaller. Developers must manage authentication, handle pagination, and decode JSON responses manually. This method offers flexibility but requires in-depth knowledge of Freshcaller's API and a significant amount of code to handle error checking and re-tries for robust data extraction.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Freshcaller

Extracting data from Freshcaller using custom scripts introduces several specific pain points:

  1. Complex API Logic: Freshcaller's API can be complex, requiring developers to invest time in understanding endpoint nuances and data structures. This complexity increases the risk of errors and can make scripts hard to maintain.
  2. Rate Limiting & Data Volume: Freshcaller imposes rate limits on API calls, which can be quickly reached with data-intensive operations. Managing these limits necessitates additional code for throttling and exponential backoff, complicating the scripts further.
  3. Data Transformation: The data received from APIs often requires significant cleaning and transformation to be useful. Implementing this logic in Python, while ensuring data integrity and dealing with nested JSON structures, can be cumbersome and error-prone.
  4. Maintenance Overhead: Freshcaller, like any cloud service, evolves over time, with changes to its API and data model. These changes necessitate frequent updates to custom scripts, leading to high maintenance overheads.
  5. Scaling Issues: As an organization's data needs grow, the initial setup might not scale well without significant refactoring, impacting the efficiency of data operations.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges directly impact the efficiency and maintainability of data pipelines built around Freshcaller:

  • Reduced Efficiency: Significant developer time is required both to create initial data pipelines and to maintain them, especially in handling edge cases and errors. This reduces the time available for more value-adding activities.
  • Inconsistent Data: Handling error scenarios and API limits imperfectly can lead to incomplete or inconsistent data, affecting downstream analytics and business decisions.
  • Increased Maintenance Costs: Keeping up with API changes and scaling needs requires ongoing development effort, increasing the total cost of ownership of these data pipelines.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Hard-coded logic makes it difficult to adapt to new business requirements or changes in data structures, limiting the pipeline's long-term usability.

In summary, while traditional methods of creating data pipelines from Freshcaller using custom Python scripts offer a degree of control and customization, they come with significant challenges. These include complexity in handling API data, maintaining and updating scripts, ensuring data quality, and scalability issues, all of which contribute to increased costs and reduced efficiency in managing data pipelines.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Freshcaller with PyAirbyte

Here, we'll break down the steps and the Python code snippets involved in setting up a data pipeline from Freshcaller to a destination of your choice using PyAirbyte, a Python library interface to Airbyte, an open-source data integration platform.

Installing PyAirbyte

pip install airbyte

This command installs the PyAirbyte package, which provides the necessary tools to interact with Airbyte from your Python environment, enabling data extraction and loading operations programmatically.

Setting Up the Freshcaller Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
       "domain": "snaptravel",
       "api_key": "your_api_key_here",
       "requests_per_minute": 40,
       "start_date": "2022-01-01T12:00:00Z",
       "sync_lag_minutes": 30

In this snippet:

  • We import the airbyte module.
  • Then, we use ab.get_source() to either fetch or install (install_if_missing=True) the Freshcaller source connector.
  • We provide configuration details specific to our Freshcaller instance: domain, api_key, requests_per_minute, start_date, and sync_lag_minutes. These settings are crucial for authenticating and defining how data is pulled from Freshcaller.

Verifying Configuration and Credentials


This line of code performs a check to ensure that the configuration and credentials provided for the Freshcaller source connector are valid. This step helps to catch any issues before starting the data extraction process.

Listing Available Data Streams


With this line, we request a list of all available data streams from the Freshcaller source. It's useful for understanding what kinds of data you can pull, such as calls, contacts, or tickets.

Selecting Data Streams for Extraction


This command selects all available data streams from Freshcaller for extraction. If you only need specific data, you could instead use the select_streams() method to choose particular streams.

Reading Data into a Local Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

  • Here, we initialize a default local cache using ab.get_default_cache(). This cache is DuckDB-based but can be substituted with other databases like Postgres, Snowflake, or BigQuery.
  • Then, we read the selected data streams into this cache. The data is fetched from Freshcaller and stored locally, ready for further manipulation or analysis.

Loading Data from Cache into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

In this final step, we take data from one of the streams (you should replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in) stored in the cache and convert it into a Pandas DataFrame. This conversion facilitates easy data manipulation, analysis, and potentially integrating this data with other data sources for comprehensive insights.

Together, these steps constitute a robust and scalable approach to setting up a data pipeline from Freshcaller to a destination system using PyAirbyte. This method significantly simplifies the process, handling authentication, stream selection, data extraction, and loading with a higher-level abstraction than custom scripts.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Freshcaller Data Pipelines

  • Easy Installation and Minimal Requirements: PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup process, requiring nothing more than Python and pip for installation. This ease of setup makes it accessible even for those with minimal Python experience, ensuring that setting up your data pipeline is straightforward and hassle-free.
  • Accessible Source Connectors Management: With PyAirbyte, accessing and configuring available source connectors is straightforward. Whether you're dealing with out-of-the-box connectors for popular services like Freshcaller or needing to integrate custom connectors for niche or proprietary systems, PyAirbyte has you covered. This flexibility ensures that your data pipelines can adapt to a wide range of data sources with minimal effort.
  • Selective Data Stream Processing: By offering the capability to select specific data streams for processing, PyAirbyte enables users to focus on the data that matters most to them. This selectivity not only conserves valuable computing resources but also streamlines data processing workflows, making it easier to manage and analyze the data that's most impactful to your operations.
  • Flexible Caching Options: PyAirbyte supports a variety of caching backends, including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery. This variety allows users to choose the caching backend that best fits their technical requirements and performance needs. If no specific caching backend is defined by the user, DuckDB is used as the default, ensuring that users have a powerful and flexible caching solution out of the box.
  • Efficient Incremental Data Reading: One of the standout features of PyAirbyte is its ability to read data incrementally. This approach is particularly beneficial for handling large datasets, as it significantly reduces the load on the data source and minimizes data transfer volumes. Incremental data reading ensures that your data pipelines are both efficient and scalable, capable of handling growth in data volume without degradation in performance.
  • Compatibility with Python Libraries: The compatibility of PyAirbyte with a wide range of Python libraries, including data manipulation powerhouse Pandas and various SQL-based tools, opens up vast possibilities for data transformation and analysis. This compatibility makes it easy to integrate PyAirbyte into existing Python-based data workflows, orchestrators, and AI frameworks, facilitating sophisticated data analysis and the development of AI applications.
  • Enabling AI Applications: The ease of integration with Python's ecosystem makes PyAirbyte an ideal tool for powering AI applications. By streamlining the process of data extraction, transformation, and loading, PyAirbyte allows data scientists and developers to focus on building and refining AI models, rather than getting bogged down by data pipeline complexities.


In this guide, we explored the advantages of using PyAirbyte for building data pipelines from Freshcaller to your desired destination. PyAirbyte simplifies the process, from ease of setup to managing and processing data streams, offering a flexible and efficient solution suitable for various needs and technical levels. By leveraging PyAirbyte, users can focus more on analyzing their data and deriving valuable insights rather than the intricacies of data extraction and pipeline maintenance.

Moreover, PyAirbyte's compatibility with a wide range of Python libraries and its ability to facilitate the development of AI applications demonstrate its potential to be more than just a data extraction tool—it's a bridge to advanced data analysis and innovation. Whether you're a data scientist, a software developer, or a business analyst, PyAirbyte can help streamline your data operations, making your journey from data to insights both smoother and faster.

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