How To Create a Google Ads Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Creating efficient data pipelines for Google Ads can be challenging due to the complexity of its API, managing rate limits, and handling data transformation. Traditional methods often involve cumbersome custom scripting, requiring ongoing maintenance and expertise.

PyAirbyte introduces a streamlined solution to these challenges, offering a simplified way to extract, load, and transform Google Ads data. By abstracting away the intricacies of direct API calls and providing easy-to-configure connectors, PyAirbyte reduces development time, minimizes maintenance efforts, and enhances data pipeline scalability. This approach opens up opportunities for more reliable and insightful data analysis with less technical overhead.

Traditional Methods for Creating Google Ads Data Pipelines

Traditionally, creating data pipelines for Google Ads involves developing custom Python scripts. These scripts utilize the Google Ads API to query and extract the necessary advertising data, such as campaign performance, keyword statistics, and budget information. For businesses that also use an ad maker, the custom approach may need to account for additional data sources, adding complexity to the pipeline. The custom approach requires developers to have a deep understanding of the Google Ads API, the structure of requests, and handling of the API's response data.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Google Ads

  • API Complexity: The Google Ads API is powerful but complex. It requires a significant learning curve to understand the available entities, metrics, and how to effectively query them. This complexity increases the time required to develop and test scripts.
  • Rate Limiting and Quotas: Google Ads imposes rate limits and quotas on API usage. Managing these limits within custom scripts can be challenging, as it requires implementing logic to handle retries and backoff strategies, complicating the codebase.
  • Data Transformation and Normalization: Once data is extracted, it often needs to be transformed or normalized to fit into the destination database or data warehouse schema. This process can introduce additional layers of complexity in script development.
  • Authentication and Security: Properly handling authentication, managing access tokens, and ensuring secure connections adds further complexity and potential security vulnerabilities to custom scripts.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

  • Increased Development Time and Costs: Dealing with the complexities of the Google Ads API and the required error handling, data transformation, and security practices demands significant developer time and expertise, leading to increased development costs.
  • Difficulty in Scaling: As data volume grows or when integrating additional data sources, scaling custom scripts can become problematic. This often requires additional code restructuring and increases the risk of introducing bugs.
  • Frequent Maintenance Required: Google Ads API updates can deprecate features or introduce changes necessitating frequent script updates. This ongoing maintenance can distract developers from working on new features or improvements.
  • Error Handling and Reliability Issues: Effective error handling is crucial for data pipeline reliability. Custom scripts that are not robustly developed may fail silently, produce incomplete data, or corrupt data integrity, leading to unreliable data pipelines.

Overall, while custom Python scripts offer flexibility and control in creating Google Ads data pipelines, they come with significant challenges. These challenges can impede the efficiency of data pipelines and demand constant maintenance efforts, ultimately affecting the timely and reliable availability of Google Ads data for business intelligence and decision-making purposes.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Google Ads with PyAirbyte

Let's dive into the process of implementing a Python data pipeline for Google Ads using PyAirbyte. This approach simplifies dealing with the Google Ads API directly, offering a more streamlined way to extract, load, and transform your Google Ads data.

1. Installing PyAirbyte

The first step involves installing the PyAirbyte package. This is easily done with pip, Python's package manager:

pip install airbyte

This command downloads and installs the PyAirbyte package along with its dependencies, making the functionality available in your Python environment.

2. Setting Up the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector:
source = ab.get_source(
       "credentials": {
           "developer_token": "YOUR_DEVELOPER_TOKEN",
           "client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
           "client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
           "refresh_token": "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN",
           "access_token": "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
       "customer_id": "1234567890",
       "customer_status_filter": ["ENABLED"],
       "start_date": "2020-01-01",
       "end_date": "2023-12-31",
       "custom_queries_array": [{
           "query": "SELECT, FROM campaign WHERE campaign.status = 'ENABLED'",
           "table_name": "enabled_campaigns"
       "conversion_window_days": 14

In this section, we import the airbyte module and then create a source connector for Google Ads. This step involves specifying our Google Ads credentials and configuration settings, such as the customer ID, the time frame for the data, and any custom SQL queries we want to run against the Google Ads dataset. The install_if_missing=True parameter automatically installs the Airbyte connector for Google Ads if it's not already installed.

3. Verifying Configuration and Credentials


Here, we use the check() method to verify that our source configuration and credentials are correct. This is a critical step to ensure that our pipeline can successfully connect to Google Ads before proceeding further.

4. Listing Available Streams


This command retrieves and lists all available data streams (or tables) that can be extracted from Google Ads through the configured source connector. It's useful for identifying which data sets are available for extraction.

5. Selecting Streams and Loading Data


cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

With select_all_streams(), we select all available streams for data extraction. Alternatively, if we only needed a subset, we could use select_streams(). After selection, we define a cache (using DuckDB in this case) and load the extracted data into it using the method. This cache acts as a temporary storage for the data, making it easier to manage and transform before moving to a more permanent storage solution.

6. Reading Data into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this snippet demonstrates how to read a specific stream of data (you replace "your_stream" with the name of the stream you're interested in) from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. This allows for easy manipulation, transformation, and analysis of the data using Python’s rich ecosystem of data analysis tools.

By following these steps and leveraging PyAirbyte, you can significantly simplify the process of creating a data pipeline for Google Ads, minimizing the complexity involved in directly dealing with the Google Ads API.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Google Ads Data Pipelines

  • Simplified Installation and Setup: PyAirbyte's ease of installation is a significant advantage. With Python already installed on your system, setting up PyAirbyte is as straightforward as running a pip install command. This simplicity accelerates the initial setup process, allowing you to focus on building your data pipelines rather than dealing with complex installation procedures.
  • Flexible Source Connector Configuration: PyAirbyte shines in its ability to seamlessly get and configure the available source connectors, making the connection to various data sources like Google Ads a breeze. Not limited to predefined connectors, PyAirbyte also supports the installation of custom source connectors, providing a tailored approach that can adapt to specific data needs and scenarios.
  • Efficient Data Stream Selection: The platform empowers users to choose specific data streams for extraction, efficiently conserving computing resources and streamlining data processing activities. This selective approach ensures that only relevant data is processed, optimizing both time and computational expenses.
  • Versatile Caching Options: With support for a variety of caching backends, including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery, PyAirbyte offers unparalleled flexibility in data management. For scenarios where a specific cache is not defined, DuckDB steps in as the default, providing a robust and efficient caching mechanism that greatly enhances data processing speeds.
  • Incremental Data Reading: One of PyAirbyte's most impactful features is its capability to read data incrementally. This functionality is crucial for managing large datasets effectively, as it minimizes the load on data sources and reduces the amount of data transferred at any given time. By focusing on new or changed data since the last extraction, PyAirbyte ensures a more efficient and sustainable data pipeline operation.
  • Compatibility with Python Libraries: PyAirbyte's compatibility with various Python libraries, including Pandas for data analysis and manipulation, and SQL-based tools for data querying and management, opens up a broad spectrum of possibilities for data transformation and analysis. This compatibility makes it easier to integrate PyAirbyte into existing Python-based data workflows, orchestrators, and AI frameworks, facilitating a cohesive and efficient data ecosystem.
  • Enabling AI Applications: The flexibility, efficiency, and ease of integration offered by PyAirbyte make it an excellent tool for powering AI applications. By streamlining the data pipeline process and ensuring easy access to cleaned and transformed data, PyAirbyte enables data scientists and developers to focus on building sophisticated AI models and analytics tools.


In wrapping up our guide, it's clear that leveraging PyAirbyte for creating Google Ads data pipelines represents a significant leap towards simplifying data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes. PyAirbyte stands out not just for its ease of installation and flexible configurations but also for its ability to ensure that data workflows are less prone to the common pitfalls of direct API integrations.

Whether you're a seasoned data engineer seeking to optimize existing pipelines or a business analyst looking to gain deeper insights into Google Ads performance, PyAirbyte provides a robust, scalable solution. Its compatibility with popular Python libraries and data management tools further amplifies its utility, seamlessly integrating into the broader data ecosystem.

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