How To Create a HubSpot Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating data from HubSpot into your analytics or data storage platforms can often be complex and time-consuming, facing challenges such as navigating API rate limits, ensuring data integrity, and managing pipeline maintenance.

PyAirbyte presents a streamlined solution to these issues, offering a Python-friendly way to set up data pipelines with minimal coding required. By leveraging PyAirbyte's pre-built connectors, flexible configurations, and efficient data processing capabilities, developers and data engineers can significantly reduce the complexity of data integration tasks, improve pipeline reliability, and enhance their data analytics and AI applications.

Traditional Methods for Creating HubSpot Data Pipelines

Creating data pipelines from HubSpot typically involves employing conventional methods, such as developing custom Python scripts or utilizing pre-built but often rigid integration tools. These traditional approaches, while customizable, come with their unique set of challenges and inefficiencies, particularly in the realms of data extraction, pipeline efficiency, and long-term maintenance.

Custom Python Scripts

Using custom Python scripts is a common approach when dealing with HubSpot data extraction. These scripts interact with HubSpot's APIs to pull data for various use cases, such as syncing contacts, deals, or marketing email responses. While this method offers high customization, it requires a deep understanding of both the HubSpot API and Python programming. Developers need to manually handle pagination, deal with API rate limits, and structure the data correctly for downstream processing. This not only increases the complexity of the task but also requires a significant amount of development time and expertise.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from HubSpot

  1. API Complexity: HubSpot's API can be complex to navigate, especially for those not familiar with its intricacies. This complexity can lead to misunderstandings in data structures, resulting in incorrect data extraction and integration headaches.
  2. Rate Limiting: HubSpot imposes rate limits on API requests, which can significantly slow down data extraction processes if not managed correctly. Scripts need to be intelligent enough to handle these limits, necessitating additional logic to either slow down requests or retry them after a cooldown period.
  3. Data Consistency and Integrity: Ensuring data consistency and integrity during the extraction process is a major hurdle. Custom scripts must be able to handle updates, deletions, or any modifications in the data source to maintain accurate and up-to-date data in the destination system.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

The challenges outlined above directly impact the efficiency and sustainability of data pipelines built using traditional methods. The overhead involved in developing, testing, and maintaining custom scripts can be substantial. Any changes in the HubSpot API require corresponding updates in the scripts, adding to the maintenance burden. This constant need for vigilance and adaptation can divert valuable resources from core business objectives, potentially leading to pipeline failures, data inaccuracies, and outdated information being used for decision-making processes.

Efficiency suffers not only from the initial setup and ongoing adjustments but also from the operational aspects, such as monitoring and error handling. Manual interventions to resolve issues, update scripts for new API versions, or adjust to changes in business requirements are all too common, leading to increased operational costs and potential data downtime.

In summary, while traditional methods of creating data pipelines from HubSpot using custom Python scripts offer high levels of customization, they come with significant challenges. These challenges include complexity in handling APIs, maintaining data integrity, navigating rate limits, and ensuring the long-term viability of the pipeline. Such issues underscore the need for more streamlined solutions that can alleviate these pain points, improve efficiency, and reduce the maintenance overhead of managing data pipelines.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for HubSpot with PyAirbyte

In this walkthrough, we'll explore how to implement a Python data pipeline for HubSpot using PyAirbyte. PyAirbyte is a Python library that leverages the Airbyte protocol, facilitating data integration from various sources into a central data platform. Here's a step-by-step guide using specific Python code snippets:

1. Install PyAirbyte

First, ensure the PyAirbyte package is installed in your Python environment:

pip install airbyte

This command installs the airbyte package, which provides the necessary tools to connect to data sources, including HubSpot, and perform data extraction and loading tasks.

2. Import the Library and Configure the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
       "start_date": "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z",
       "credentials": {
           "credentials_title": "OAuth Credentials",
           "client_id": "123456789000",
           "client_secret": "secret",
           "refresh_token": "refresh_token"
       "enable_experimental_streams": False

In this section, we import the airbyte module and configure the source object for HubSpot. The source configuration includes essential details such as the start date for data extraction and OAuth credentials for authentication. The install_if_missing=True parameter ensures the source connector is automatically installed if it's not already available in your environment.

3. Verify Configuration and Credentials


Before proceeding further, it's crucial to verify that the configured source and the provided credentials are valid. The .check() method accomplishes this by performing a test connection to HubSpot, ensuring everything is set up correctly for data extraction.

4. List and Select Streams

# List the available streams available for the source-hubspot connector:

# Select all streams to load to cache. You can also select some of them with the `select_streams()` method.

With the source properly configured, we now list all available data streams (e.g., contacts, deals, emails) that can be extracted from HubSpot. Using select_all_streams(), we opt to extract all available streams, though specific streams can be chosen with select_streams() if needed.

5. Read Data into Cache

# Read into DuckDB local default cache. You could also use a custom cache here (Postgres, Snowflake, BigQuery, etc.)
cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

This section opts for reading and loading the data into the default cache, which is DuckDB in this instance. However, PyAirbyte supports various cache destinations, allowing flexibility in how and where the data is stored temporarily for processing.

6. Load Stream to a Pandas DataFrame

# Read a stream from the cache into a pandas Dataframe, replace with the stream you're interested in. You can also read from the cache into SQL, or documents (for LLMs).
df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, we demonstrate how to access a specific data stream from the cache and load it into a Pandas DataFrame. This method is particularly useful for data analysis, manipulation, or further processing within a Python environment. It's important to replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in (e.g., contacts, deals).

By following these steps, one can efficiently implement a Python data pipeline to extract data from HubSpot using PyAirbyte, leveraging its support for various data sources and destinations, as well as its flexibility in handling data transformation and loading tasks.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for HubSpot Data Pipelines

PyAirbyte's appeal for constructing HubSpot data pipelines stems from its ease of installation, configuration flexibility, efficient data processing, and compatibility with a diverse array of Python libraries and AI frameworks. Here's a deeper look into the factors that make PyAirbyte an advantageous choice.

Easy Installation and Python Integration

PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup process, requiring only Python to be installed on your system. Installation is straightforward, accomplished with a standard pip install airbyte command. This ease of setup is particularly beneficial for Python developers or data engineers who are looking for quick integration without the hassles of complex dependencies or configurations.

Flexible Source Connector Configuration

With PyAirbyte, users gain access to a wide range of pre-built source connectors, including one for HubSpot. These connectors can be easily configured to suit specific data extraction needs. Moreover, PyAirbyte provides the capability to install custom source connectors, offering further customization options for unique or niche data integration requirements.

Efficient Data Stream Selection

PyAirbyte empowers users to select specific data streams for extraction from HubSpot, rather than processing the entire dataset indiscriminately. This selective approach conserves computing resources, making data pipelines more efficient and cost-effective. By focusing on relevant data streams, data engineers can streamline their processing tasks, ensuring only pertinent data is extracted and loaded.

Multiple Caching Backends Support

Support for multiple caching backends stands out as one of PyAirbyte's strengths. With the flexibility to utilize DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, or BigQuery as the caching layer, PyAirbyte caters to various use cases and infrastructure preferences. DuckDB serves as the default cache, offering a convenient and lightweight option for temporary data storage. This flexibility allows developers to choose the most appropriate caching solution based on their specific performance, scalability, or data management requirements.

Incremental Data Reading

PyAirbyte's capability to read data incrementally is a game-changer for handling large datasets. This feature reduces the load on the data source and improves the efficiency of the data pipeline by only extracting new or updated records. Incremental data reading ensures that pipelines remain scalable and responsive, even as the volume of data grows over time.

Compatibility with Python Libraries

The compatibility of PyAirbyte with a broad range of Python libraries, such as Pandas for data manipulation and analysis, and SQL-based tools for database interactions, opens up vast possibilities for data transformation and processing. This extensibility makes it an excellent tool for integrating into existing Python-based data workflows, orchestrators, and AI frameworks. By leveraging familiar libraries and tools, developers can create more sophisticated and powerful data pipelines, employing advanced analysis, transformation, and machine learning techniques directly within their PyAirbyte workflows.

Enabling AI Applications

PyAirbyte's design is inherently suited for powering AI applications. By facilitating easy access to cleaned and structured data from HubSpot and other sources, it enables data scientists and AI practitioners to feed high-quality datasets into machine learning models and analytical frameworks. The streamlined data extraction and processing capabilities of PyAirbyte play a crucial role in reducing the time and effort required to deploy AI applications, making it a valuable tool in the modern data ecosystem.


In this guide, we explored how PyAirbyte, with its simple setup, flexible configurations, and compatibility with Python libraries, revolutionizes the creation of HubSpot data pipelines. By enabling selective data stream extraction, supporting multiple caching backends, and facilitating incremental data reading, PyAirbyte makes data integration tasks more manageable, efficient, and scalable.

Whether you're aiming to streamline your data processes, enhance your analytics capabilities, or power sophisticated AI applications, PyAirbyte emerges as a valuable tool in the modern data engineering landscape. Armed with this knowledge, you're now better equipped to tackle your HubSpot data integration challenges, leveraging the power of PyAirbyte to unlock new insights and opportunities.

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