How To Create a MailerLite Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating MailerLite data into your analytics and reporting workflows often involves navigating a series of complex challenges, from dealing with API rate limits and ensuring data consistency, to handling the intricacies of data transformation and loading. These tasks can quickly become cumbersome, especially when relying on custom scripts that require frequent maintenance and updates.

PyAirbyte presents a powerful solution to these challenges, offering a streamlined approach to building MailerLite data pipelines. With its user-friendly Python interface, PyAirbyte simplifies the extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) process, reducing the overhead associated with traditional methods and enabling more efficient data integration practices.

Traditional Methods for Creating MailerLite Data Pipelines

Traditionally, integrating MailerLite with data warehouses or databases for analytics and reporting purposes has involved writing custom Python scripts. These scripts are designed to pull data from MailerLite via its API, transform the data into a suitable format, and then load it into a data storage system. This process, known as ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), requires a deep understanding of both the source system (MailerLite) and the target systems (such as SQL databases, data lakes, or BI tools).

The conventional method mainly revolves around using MailerLite's API to extract data. Developers write Python scripts that make HTTP requests to the MailerLite API, handle pagination, manage API rate limits, and parse the JSON response from MailerLite. After extraction, the data often needs to be transformed. This transformation could include cleaning data, converting data types, and reshaping the structure of the data to fit the schema of the target database. Once transformed, the data is loaded into the target system.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from MailerLite

Extracting data from MailerLite using custom Python scripts brings several challenges and pain points:

  1. API Rate Limits: MailerLite, like many other API providers, imposes rate limits to prevent abuse and ensure service reliability. Managing and respecting these limits within custom scripts requires additional logic, which can complicate the code.
  2. Data Consistency: Ensuring data consistency during the ETL process is challenging. Data types, formats, and schemas may change over time. Keeping up with these changes in a custom script requires constant monitoring and maintenance.
  3. Error Handling: Properly handling errors and exceptions when they arise during data extraction or loading is critical to prevent data loss or corruption. Implementing robust error handling in scripts is often complex and time-consuming.
  4. Maintenance: APIs evolve over time, with endpoints being deprecated or modified. This necessitates frequent updates to the custom scripts to accommodate API changes, resulting in high maintenance costs.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges directly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines:

  • Increased Development Time: Dealing with the intricacies of API integration, error handling, and data transformation increases the development time, delaying the availability of data for analysis.
  • Maintenance Overhead: The need for continuous monitoring and updates to handle API changes and maintain data consistency leads to significant maintenance overhead.
  • Risk of Downtime: Errors in data extraction or handling can result in incomplete data loads or pipeline failures, leading to potential downtime and loss of critical analytical capabilities.
  • Scalability Issues: Custom scripts that are not designed with scalability in mind may face performance issues as data volume grows or when adding more sources, leading to longer ETL times and stale data.

In sum, while it's entirely possible to build and maintain custom Python scripts for creating MailerLite data pipelines, the effort and complexity involved can be significant. This traditional approach demands a considerable amount of manual coding, testing, and maintenance, all of which contribute to slower development cycles and increased operational costs.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for MailerLite with PyAirbyte

Using PyAirbyte, a Python package for leveraging the Airbyte platform, you can streamline the process of creating data pipelines with MailerLite. PyAirbyte simplifies connecting with various data sources and destinations, including MailerLite. Below, the implementation steps are dissected to understand the Python code snippets and their functionality within the pipeline.

1. Installing PyAirbyte

pip install airbyte

This command installs the PyAirbyte package, providing you with the necessary tools to create source and destination connectors within Python scripts, facilitating data integration and ETL processes.

2. Importing PyAirbyte and Initial Setup

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
 "api_token": "your_api_token_here"

Here, you import the Airbyte module and initialize a source connector for MailerLite. get_source function is used to specify which source connector to use (source-mailerlite), indicating it should be installed if not already available. The config parameter is where you place your MailerLite API token, enabling authentication.

3. Verifying Configuration and Credentials


This step calls the check method to verify that the configuration and credentials provided for the MailerLite source connector are correct and that a connection can be established. It's essential to ensure the API token and other settings are valid to prevent issues in subsequent steps.

4. Listing Available Streams


The get_available_streams function retrieves the list of streams (data types or tables) available from the MailerLite API that you can extract. This is crucial for understanding which data segments can be included in the pipeline.

5. Selecting Streams for Extraction


This command selects all available streams for extraction. It's a quick way to include all data types offered by the source. Alternatively, you can use select_streams() to specify only certain streams you need, optimizing the data extraction process.

6. Reading Data into Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

The above commands initialize the default local cache (DuckDB) and start reading the selected streams into this cache. The cache serves as an interim storage, enabling efficient data manipulation and transfer to the final destination. You can use other databases (like Postgres or Snowflake) as custom caches if needed.

7. Extracting Data to a pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

After data is cached, you can load specific streams into a pandas DataFrame. Replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in. This step allows for data manipulation and analysis within Python, utilizing pandas' powerful data processing capabilities.

This sequence outlines a cohesive approach to establish a data pipeline from MailerLite to a data cache, further processing or analyzing the data using Python. Python Airbyte's approach abstracts away the complexity of directly dealing with APIs, streamlines authentication, and simplifies data extraction and loading, making ETL processes more efficient and less prone to errors.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for MailerLite Data Pipelines

Ease of Installation and Setup

PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup process, requiring only Python to be installed on your system. Its availability on pip makes it accessible for rapid installation, using a simple command like pip install airbyte. This accessibility ensures a straightforward setup process for Python developers looking to integrate MailerLite data pipelines without the hassle of complex dependencies.

Configurable and Customizable Source Connectors

One of PyAirbyte's strengths lies in its ability to easily get and configure available source connectors, including a wide range of services beyond MailerLite. Its framework allows for not just ready-to-use connectors but also the installation of custom source connectors. This flexibility is invaluable for businesses that rely on niche or proprietary systems, ensuring that PyAirbyte can adapt to a broad spectrum of data integration needs.

Selective Data Stream Extraction

By enabling the selection of specific data streams, PyAirbyte provides an efficient way to manage data extraction, conserving computing resources and streamlining the data processing pipeline. Users can target exactly the data they need, reducing overhead and improving the speed of data pipelines. This feature is particularly beneficial when dealing with APIs that offer a vast amount of data, not all of which might be relevant to every use case.

Flexible Caching Options

PyAirbyte’s support for multiple caching backends, including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery, offers unparalleled flexibility in data management. If users do not specify a cache, DuckDB is used as the default, providing an efficient, file-based database suitable for a wide range of applications. This variety of supported backends means that PyAirbyte can be integrated into diverse data environments, matching the needs of different scales and types of projects.

Incremental Data Reading

Key to handling large datasets, PyAirbyte’s ability to read data incrementally reduces the load on data sources and minimizes the computational resources required. This approach is especially critical for maintaining efficiency and performance when working with extensive data collections, ensuring that pipelines remain both effective and sustainable over time.

Compatibility with Python Libraries

The compatibility with various Python libraries, like Pandas for data manipulation and analysis, as well as SQL-based tools for database interaction, opens up a wide range of possibilities for data transformation and analysis. This compatibility allows PyAirbyte to be seamlessly integrated into existing Python-based data workflows, including data orchestration tools and AI frameworks, making it a powerful tool for developers and data scientists alike.

Enabling AI Applications

Given its flexibility, efficiency, and compatibility with key Python libraries, PyAirbyte is ideally suited for enabling AI applications. It provides the necessary infrastructure to preprocess, clean, and structure data from MailerLite for use in machine learning models or deep learning applications, offering a streamlined pipeline from raw data extraction to AI-driven insights.


In this guide, we've explored how PyAirbyte simplifies the development of MailerLite data pipelines in Python. By providing an accessible and flexible framework, PyAirbyte enables efficient data extraction, management, and analysis. It stands out as a practical solution for developers and data scientists, offering seamless integration with Python libraries and a variety of data caching options.

Whether you're building complex data pipelines, integrating MailerLite data for analytics, or fueling AI applications, PyAirbyte proves to be a robust and adaptable tool that can enhance your data processing capabilities. Embarking on your data projects with PyAirbyte means tapping into a world of efficiency and scalability, ensuring your MailerLite data is more accessible and actionable than ever before.

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