How To Create a Omnisend Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating data from Omnisend into your analytics or data warehousing solutions can present several challenges, including managing API rate limits, handling schema changes, and ensuring secure authentication. These hurdles often require a significant amount of custom coding and ongoing maintenance, which can be both time-consuming and prone to errors.

PyAirbyte offers a compelling solution to these issues, streamlining the data extraction process through pre-built connectors and an easy-to-use Python interface. By simplifying the setup, allowing for efficient data stream selection, and providing flexible caching options, PyAirbyte reduces the complexity and overhead associated with managing data pipelines from Omnisend, making your data integration efforts more efficient and reliable.

Traditional Methods for Creating Omnisend Data Pipelines

When building data pipelines from Omnisend, developers often turn to conventional methods, such as writing custom Python scripts, to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data into a designated storage system or data warehouse. These custom scripts are tailored to interact with Omnisend's API, fetch data, and process it as per the specific requirements of the data pipeline. While this approach offers flexibility and control over the data extraction process, it comes with a set of challenges that can significantly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Omnisend

  1. API Limitations and Complexity: Omnisend's API, like many others, has rate limits and can sometimes be complex to navigate. Custom scripts must handle these limitations gracefully, managing retries and respecting the API's call frequency limits. This requires additional coding effort to ensure robust data extraction without hitting these limits and causing failed requests.
  2. Data Schema Changes: Omnisend's data schema might evolve over time, with new fields being added or existing ones being deprecated. Custom scripts need to be updated accordingly to accommodate these changes. This can be a significant maintenance burden, requiring ongoing monitoring and revisions to the scripts whenever Omnisend makes updates to its API or data schema.
  3. Authentication and Security: Handling authentication securely is crucial. Custom scripts must manage API keys or tokens, ensuring they are securely stored and correctly used in API requests. This adds complexity, especially in managing token refreshes and securing the scripts from potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Error Handling and Reliability: Developing sophisticated error-handling mechanisms is necessary to deal with possible data extraction issues, such as handling incomplete data extraction due to unexpected interruptions or API changes. Ensuring the reliability of the data extraction process requires additional logic to detect issues, retry failed operations, and log errors for troubleshooting.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

The challenges described above directly affect both the efficiency and the maintenance of Omnisend data pipelines:

  • Increased Development Time: Significant effort is required upfront to develop custom scripts that can handle all the nuances of data extraction from Omnisend. This extends the time to value, delaying when the data becomes available for analysis.
  • Ongoing Maintenance Burden: Keeping custom scripts functional and up-to-date with the latest API changes requires constant monitoring and regular updates. This ongoing maintenance can consume a substantial amount of development resources and time.
  • Performance Issues: Scripts that are not optimized for efficiency can lead to longer data extraction times and increased latency in data availability. Additionally, improperly handled API rate limiting can result in incomplete data sets, affecting the reliability of the data pipeline.
  • Scalability Concerns: As the scale of data grows, custom scripts may struggle to handle increased loads efficiently. Scaling these scripts to accommodate more data or additional data sources can result in significant redesigns and further complicate the architecture.

These challenges highlight the need for a more streamlined and robust approach to creating Omnisend data pipelines. While traditional custom Python scripts offer a degree of control, they bring along significant complexity and potential inefficiencies in both the short and long term.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Omnisend with PyAirbyte

In this section, we're diving into how to use PyAirbyte, a Python client for Airbyte, to implement a data pipeline that extracts data from Omnisend.

Install PyAirbyte Package:

pip install airbyte

Before diving into the code, the first step is to install the airbyte Python package. This command downloads and installs the PyAirbyte package, which provides the necessary functions and methods to interact with Airbyte programmatically from your Python environment.

Import the Library and Initialize Source Connector:

import airbyte as ab

source = ab.get_source(
       "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"

Here, the Airbyte library is imported as ab. We then create and configure an Omnisend source connector using ab.get_source(). This entails specifying source-omnisend as the source type and providing a configuration dictionary with your Omnisend API key. The install_if_missing=True argument ensures that if the Omnisend connector isn't already installed in your Airbyte instance, it will be installed automatically.

Verify Configuration and Credentials:


Once the source is initialized, source.check() is called to verify that the configuration and credentials provided are correct and that a connection to the Omnisend source can be established successfully.

Discover Available Data Streams:


This line of code lists all available data streams (tables or entities) that can be extracted from the Omnisend connector. It's a way to check what kinds of data are accessible (e.g., contacts, campaigns, events) before deciding which streams to include in your data pipeline.

Select Data Streams:


source.select_all_streams() selects all available streams for extraction. If you prefer to extract only specific streams, you could use the source.select_streams() method, providing it with a list of stream names you're interested in.

Read Data and Load into Cache:

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

This block initializes the default local cache (DuckDB) provided by PyAirbyte and then reads data from the selected Omnisend streams into this cache. This step essentially performs the "Extract" and "Load" parts of an ETL process, pulling data from Omnisend and storing it locally. You can also specify other types of caches (like Postgres or BigQuery) if needed.

Convert Stream Data to a Pandas DataFrame:

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, data from a specific stream (replace "your_stream" with the actual stream name you're interested in) is extracted from the cache and loaded into a Pandas DataFrame. This step is particularly useful for data analysis, allowing you to work with the data in a familiar, tabular format. It's also a precursor to any transformation you might want to do with the data.

Through these steps, PyAirbyte simplifies the process of setting up a data pipeline from Omnisend, managing everything from authentication to data extraction and loading, potentially saving significant time and effort compared to more manual, custom-coded approaches.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Omnisend Data Pipelines

Ease of Installation and Configuration

PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup process with its straightforward installation via pip, requiring only Python to be installed on your system. This accessibility accelerates the start of any data integration project. Getting and configuring source connectors is a breeze, with support for not just pre-built connectors available on Airbyte but also the capability to add custom source connectors. This broadens the range of data sources you can connect to beyond Omnisend, making your data pipelines more versatile.

Efficient Data Stream Selection

One of the key features of PyAirbyte is its ability to let users selectively activate data streams for extraction from a source. This selective extraction is critical for conserving computing resources and ensuring that data processing is as efficient as possible. By focusing only on relevant data streams, you avoid overloading your system with unnecessary data, making the entire process leaner and more focused.

Flexible Caching Backends

PyAirbyte stands out for its support for multiple caching backends, providing users with the flexibility to choose the caching option that best fits their needs. DuckDB acts as the default cache, offering a lightweight, easy-to-use option for local caching. Additionally, more robust and scalable caching options like MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery are supported. This variety of caching backends accommodates different use cases and scalability requirements, from simple local storage to enterprise-grade data warehousing solutions.

Incremental Data Loading

Handling large datasets efficiently is imperative for modern data pipelines, and PyAirbyte's capability for incremental data reading is a game-changer. By loading data incrementally, PyAirbyte reduces the load on data sources and networks, making it much more efficient at managing large and growing datasets. This approach also minimizes latency in data availability, ensuring that your data is as up-to-date as possible without the need for full-refresh loads.

Compatibility with Python Ecosystem

The compatibility of PyAirbyte with a myriad of Python libraries, such as Pandas for data manipulation and various SQL-based tools for data processing, opens a vast array of possibilities for data analysis and transformation. This compatibility allows you to seamlessly integrate Omnisend data pipelines into existing Python-based workflows, leverage AI frameworks, and utilize orchestrators like Apache Airflow. The easy integration with Python's rich ecosystem helps in significantly reducing development time and effort for data processing tasks.

Enabling AI Applications

Given its flexibility, efficiency, and Python ecosystem compatibility, PyAirbyte is ideally suited for powering AI applications. The ability to smoothly integrate with AI frameworks and libraries makes it an excellent tool for feeding clean, processed data into AI models. Whether it's for predictive analytics, customer behavior modeling, or any other AI-driven analysis, PyAirbyte provides a robust foundation for extracting and preprocessing data from Omnisend, making it an invaluable asset in any AI project's toolkit.


Leveraging PyAirbyte for your Omnisend data pipelines offers a streamlined, efficient, and scalable solution to handle data extraction and integration seamlessly. Its simplicity in setup, flexibility in data management, and compatibility with the Python ecosystem provide a robust foundation for any data-driven project.

Whether you're aiming to enhance data analyses, integrate with existing workflows, or fuel AI and machine learning applications, PyAirbyte emerges as a powerful tool in your arsenal. Embrace this approach to unlock the full potential of your data, making your data pipeline more reliable, maintainable, and ready for the future of advanced data processing.

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