How To Create a Open Exchange Rates Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating financial data, such as exchange rates from Open Exchange Rates, into applications or data systems poses various challenges, including complex API interactions, handling rate limits, and the intricacies of data parsing and transformation. These hurdles can significantly slow down development processes, making the management of data pipelines cumbersome and time-intensive.

PyAirbyte emerges as a powerful tool to alleviate these common challenges. It simplifies the data extraction and integration process through a user-friendly interface and a set of functionalities designed to automate and streamline the creation of data pipelines. By abstracting the complexities of API interactions and data management, PyAirbyte enables developers and data engineers to quickly and efficiently set up robust data pipelines, ensuring timely and reliable access to Open Exchange Rates data with minimal hassle.

Traditional Methods for Creating Open Exchange Rates Data Pipelines

Traditionally, developers have relied on custom Python scripts to create data pipelines from various sources, including financial and exchange rate data from platforms like Open Exchange Rates. This method entails writing Python code to handle API requests, manage authentication, parse JSON responses, and insert the data into a database or another destination. Using libraries such as requests for API calls and pandas for data manipulation, developers manually script each step of the data extraction and loading process.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Open Exchange Rates

Extracting data from Open Exchange Rates via custom Python scripts introduces several pain points:

  1. API Limitations and Authentication: Developers must navigate API rate limits and authentication mechanisms, requiring additional code to handle retries and access management.
  2. Data Parsing and Transformation: The data retrieved from Open Exchange Rates is in JSON format, necessitating complex parsing logic to extract relevant information and transform it into a usable structure.
  3. Error Handling and Reliability: Scripts must robustly handle errors such as network issues or API changes, necessitating comprehensive error handling and logging solutions.
  4. Updating Scripts for API Changes: Open Exchange Rates, like many APIs, evolves over time. Developers must regularly update their scripts to accommodate new data fields or API versions, leading to increased maintenance effort.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges significantly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines that rely on custom Python scripts for integrating with Open Exchange Rates:

  • Reduced Efficiency: Complex error handling, data transformation, and rate limit management can make scripts cumbersome and slow, leading to inefficiencies in data processing and delays in data availability.
  • Increased Maintenance Burden: The responsibility to update scripts in response to API changes, along with the need for ongoing management of authentication tokens and error-logging mechanisms, places a heavy maintenance burden on developers. This can detract from time that could be better spent on analytics or other high-value tasks.
  • Reliability and Scalability Issues: Manual scripts may not efficiently handle large volumes of data or unexpected spikes in data availability, leading to reliability and scalability issues as the organization grows or as data needs expand.
  • Resource Intensity: The need for constant monitoring, updating, and troubleshooting of custom scripts requires significant developer time and resources, which could be a constraint for teams with limited resources.

In summary, while custom Python scripts offer a flexible approach to building data pipelines from Open Exchange Rates, they come with notable challenges related to efficiency, maintenance, and scalability. These issues can hinder an organization's ability to leverage financial data effectively, ultimately impacting decision-making and operational agility.

Building a Python data pipeline for Open Exchange Rates using PyAirbyte


pip install airbyte

This command installs the PyAirbyte package, a Python library that enables you to interact with the Airbyte API. Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that allows you to move data from a variety of sources to databases, data warehouses, or other destination systems easily.

Importing the Library and Setting Up the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
       "app_id": "your_app_id_here",
       "start_date": "2023-01-01",
       "base": "USD"

Here, you're importing the airbyte library and setting up a source connector for Open Exchange Rates. The get_source function is used to specify which source you're connecting to (source-open-exchange-rates in this case), and to install the connector if it's not already available on your system. The config parameter is critical; it includes your Open Exchange Rates API key (app_id), the date from which you wish to start collecting data (start_date), and the base currency (base) for the exchange rates.

Verifying Configuration and Credentials


This line of code verifies the source configuration and credentials by attempting a connection to the Open Exchange Rates API using the provided details. This step is essential to ensure that the setup has been done correctly before proceeding further.

Listing Available Streams


This command lists all the available data streams that can be retrieved from Open Exchange Rates through this connector. It helps you understand which pieces of data are available for extraction, such as exchange rates for different currencies, historical rates, etc.

Selecting Streams to Load


With select_all_streams(), you're choosing to load all available data streams into the cache. Alternatively, you can use select_streams() to specify only certain streams if you're interested in a subset of the data available.

Reading Data into Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

Here, you're initializing the default local cache where the data will be temporarily stored after extraction and before it's loaded into a destination system or manipulated. The function is used to read data from Open Exchange Rates into this cache.

Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this snippet demonstrates how to load a specific data stream from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. Replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in. This is useful for data analysis or processing steps you may wish to perform within your Python environment before exporting the data to its ultimate destination.

In summary, these code snippets collectively form a pipeline that facilitates the extraction of data from Open Exchange Rates using PyAirbyte, loading it into a local cache, and then transferring it into a Pandas DataFrame for further manipulation or analysis. This approach simplifies working with external data sources, making it more accessible to work with complex APIs and manage data pipelines efficiently.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Open Exchange Rates Data Pipelines

Simplified Installation

PyAirbyte simplifies the initial setup process for creating data pipelines by ensuring that it can be easily installed with a simple pip command, provided Python is already installed on the system. This ease of installation removes barriers to entry and allows developers to quickly proceed with their data integration tasks without worrying about complex setup procedures.

Easy Configuration of Source Connectors

One of the primary advantages of using PyAirbyte is the ability to easily get and configure available source connectors. The platform provides a vast library of ready-to-use connectors for various data sources, including Open Exchange Rates. This easy configuration extends to custom source connectors as well, allowing users to tailor data sources according to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that PyAirbyte can be adapted to a wide range of use cases and data integration requirements.

Efficient Data Stream Selection

PyAirbyte also offers the functionality to select specific data streams for extraction, enabling users to focus on the data that is most relevant to their needs. This targeted approach conserves computing resources and streamlines the data processing workflow by avoiding the unnecessary loading and processing of unneeded data. As a result, developers can optimize the efficiency and performance of their data pipelines.

Flexible Caching Options

Supporting multiple caching backends (DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery), PyAirbyte provides unmatched flexibility in how data is temporarily stored during the pipeline process. By default, if no specific cache is defined, DuckDB is utilized, offering a balanced option for many use cases. This versatility in caching options ensures that PyAirbyte can accommodate different scalability, performance, and environmental requirements, making it suitable for a broad spectrum of projects.

Incremental Data Reading

The capability to read data incrementally is a significant feature of PyAirbyte, particularly beneficial for handling large datasets. This approach reduces the load on data sources and improves the performance of data pipelines by only querying and processing new or modified data since the last update. Incremental reading is critical for efficient data management and ensures timely data updates without overburdening the data source or the network.

Compatibility with Python Ecosystem

PyAirbyte seamlessly integrates with the Python ecosystem, offering compatibility with popular libraries such as Pandas and various SQL-based tools. This compatibility opens up a plethora of possibilities for data transformation and analysis, facilitating the integration of PyAirbyte into existing Python-based data workflows, orchestrators, and AI frameworks. The ability to manipulate and analyze data within familiar Python libraries significantly enhances productivity and allows for more sophisticated data operations.

Enabling AI Applications

Given its flexibility, ease of use, and seamless integration with the Python ecosystem, PyAirbyte is ideally suited for enabling AI applications. By streamlining the process of sourcing, processing, and preparing data, PyAirbyte allows data scientists and developers to focus more on model development and less on data pipeline management. The platform's support for incremental updates and compatibility with analytic and AI frameworks ensures that AI applications can be continuously fed with fresh data, a critical requirement for maintaining accuracy and relevance in AI-driven insights.


In conclusion, this guide has walked you through the fundamentals of setting up a Python data pipeline using PyAirbyte, specifically focused on extracting data from Open Exchange Rates. We've highlighted the ease of setup, flexible configuration, and efficient data management that PyAirbyte offers, making it an excellent tool for developers looking to streamline their data integration workflows.

By leveraging PyAirbyte's capabilities, you're equipped to handle data extraction, caching, and processing with greater efficiency and less effort, freeing up valuable time to focus on data analysis and application development. Whether you're building financial analysis tools, integrating exchange rates into your applications, or powering AI models with real-time financial data, PyAirbyte provides a robust foundation to manage your data needs effectively.

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