Python Pandas DataFrame: Examples & Use Cases For ETL

December 6, 2024
20 min read

A Python DataFrame, part of the Pandas library, is a powerful and flexible data structure that allows you to work with structured data. Whether you’re handling small or large datasets, DataFrame Python enables you to efficiently organize, manipulate, and analyze your data. With its tabular design, you can manage data in rows and columns, simplifying tasks like filtering, transforming, and aggregating.

This article explores the full potential of Python DataFrames, helping you effectively use them for data integration, processing, and analysis tasks.

What Is a Python DataFrame?

A Python DataFrame is a two-dimensional data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). It is offered by the Pandas library, an open-source Python library that enables you to perform data manipulation and analysis. Within a DataFrame, you can perform operations such as column addition/deletion, row addition/deletion, column renaming, and row slicing.

Let’s look at a simple illustration of DataFrame to understand its key components:

Pandas DataFrame

In this Pandas DataFrame,  

  • Column Label/Header: These are the names of the columns, such as Name, Age, Marks, Grade, and Hobby, in the DataFrame.
  • Index/Row Label: Labels, such as S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5, are assigned to rows, helping identify each row in DataFrame.
  • Column Index: Refers to the position (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, …, N) of each column in the DataFrame.
  • Row Index: Refers to the position (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, ….N) of each row.
  • Row: Represents a single data record.
  • Column: A collection of data points corresponding to a specific feature or attribute.
  • Element/Value/Entry: A single data value located at the intersection of a row and column.

Python DataFrame offers the following benefits:

  • Heterogeneous Nature: DataFrame enables you to store different data types, like integers, strings, or floats, within the same table.
  • Size Mutable: You can add or remove rows and columns at any time, even after creation.
  • Data Mutable: Data or values within the DataFrame are also mutable, helping you to update the individual data entries as needed.

How to Create a DataFrame in Python Pandas?

Creating a DataFrame in Python Pandas is simple. Let’s start with generating an empty DataFrame:


  • Install the latest version of Python and Anaconda Navigator.
  • Install Pandas using the pip install pandas command in the Anaconda prompt (Skip this if Pandas is already available).


  1. Open Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda by typing jupyter notebook in your command prompt or through the Anaconda Navigator.
  2. Click File > New > Notebook and select the Python kernel.
  3. Initially, import the Pandas library as pd1 by running the following code.
import pandas as pd1
  1. Create an empty DataFrame named df1 using the DataFrame() constructor from the pandas library.
  1. You can now print the DataFrame df1 to the console.

After executing the above code, you will get the following output:

Empty DataFrame

Here are a few ways to create a Pandas DataFrame from various Python data structures:

Construct a DataFrame from a List

A list in Python is an ordered collection of items, which can be of any data type. Lists are mutable and are indexed starting from 0. Let’s see an example of creating a DataFrame from a list: [1,'XYZ',30,40000.00,'Engineer']

import pandas as pd1
# A Python list
list1 = [1,'XYZ',30,40000.00,'Engineer']
df1 = pd1.DataFrame(list1)


DataFrame from a List

You can also use a list of lists to create a DataFrame by passing it as data, with each inner list representing a row.

import pandas as pd1
# A list of lists
list1 = [[1, 'Alex', 29], [2, 'Jacob', 31], [3, 'Sam', 25]]
df1 = pd1.DataFrame(list1, columns=['ID', 'Name', 'Age'])


DataFrame from a Nested List.

Construct a DataFrame from a Dictionary of Lists

A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of key-value pairs. The keys are unique, and each key is associated with a value. To create a DataFrame from a dictionary of lists, the keys can serve as column labels, and the associated list becomes the column data.

import pandas as pd1
# A dictionary of lists
my_dict = {'Name': ['Alex','Jacob'], 'Age': [30, 31]}
df1 = pd1.DataFrame(my_dict)


DataFrame from a Dictionary

Construct a DataFrame from a Dictionary of Pandas Series

A Pandas Series is a one-dimensional array-like object that can hold various data types. You can add the series in a dictionary form to create a DataFrame as follows:

import pandas as pd1
data1 = {'ID': pd1.Series([1, 2]), 'Name': pd.Series(['Alex', 'Jacob'])}
df1 = pd1.DataFrame(data1)


DataFrame from a Dictionary of Pandas Series

You can also customize the index label of the rows and columns in a DataFrame by adding an index field inside the pd1.Series() function.

import pandas as pd1
data1 = {'ID': pd1.Series([1, 2], index = ['R1','R2']), 'Name': pd.Series(['Alex', 'Jacob'], index= ['N1', 'N2'])}
df1 = pd1.DataFrame(data1)


Customize Index Label of Rows and Columns

Construct a DataFrame from a Numpy Array

A Numpy array is an array object in Python used for numerical computations. You can create a DataFrame by passing a Numpy array along with column labels:

# import numpy library
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Creating a 2D numpy array of temperature and humidity data
data = np.array([[25, 55], [18, 45], [42, 22]])
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Temperature', 'Humidity'])


DataFrame from a NumPy Array

Construct a DataFrame from Another DataFrame

You can easily create a new DataFrame by filtering an existing DataFrame. This allows you to reuse the structure and data of another DataFrame.

import pandas as pd
# Creating the first DataFrame with a single column 'Quantity' and custom index labels
df1 = pd.DataFrame([10, 20, 30], index=["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"], columns=["Quantity"])
# Now, create the second DataFrame by selecting specific index labels (Apple and Cherry)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(df1, index=["Apple", "Cherry"])
# Displaying the second DataFrame


DataFrame from Another DataFrame

How to Load Various Data into Python Pandas DataFrame?

Pandas provide simple functions to help you load data from multiple file formats into a Python DataFrame.

Loading CSV File into DataFrame

CSV is a widely used format that helps you store tabular data. You can load CSV files into a Pandas DataFrame using the read_csv() function.

Let’s create a simple example in Jupyter Notebook by considering a sample CSV file (demo.csv) that contains the following data:

2024-11-02,2600.00,"Jeans", "Levi’s"

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Jupyter Notebook and click File > New > Text File.
  2. Save the above CSV data in the file as demo.csv.
  3. In your notebook, click File > New > Notebook and run the following code to load the CSV file into a DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
# Read data from file demo.csv
csv_df = pd.read_csv("demo.csv")
  1. To see the loaded data in DataFrame, use the following syntax:


Reading CSV File

Loading JSON File into DataFrame

JSON is a popular format for data exchange and storing data in key-value pairs. You can load JSON data into a DataFrame using the read_json() function:

Let us consider a JSON file named demo.json:

        "Name": "Alex",
        "Age": 30,
        "Department": "HR"
        "Name": "Jacob",
        "Age": 25,
        "Department": "Finance"
        "Name": "Sam",
        "Age": 35,
        "Department": "Engineering"

Run the following Python code to load this JSON file into a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
# Load data from a JSON file
json_df = pd.read_json('demo.json')


Reading JSON File in Pandas DataFrame

Loading Excel File into DataFrame

Pandas also supports loading data from Excel files (.xls and .xlsx) using the read_excel() function. This function allows you to specify individual sheets within an Excel workbook to load into a DataFrame.

Let us take the example of loading an Excel file named employees.xlsx into Pandas DataFrame in Python using Jupyter Notebook. The file consists of two worksheets.

  1. First, upload the Excel file into the Jupyter Notebook. To do this, go to View > File Browser > Upload and browse your Excel file and click Open.
  2. Next, run the following Python code to load data from the specific sheet:
import pandas as pd
# Load data from Sheet2 in the Excel file
excel_df = pd.read_excel('employees.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet2')


Read Excel File in Pandas DataFrame

Loading Parquet File into DataFrame

Parquet is a columnar storage file format that enables you to store large datasets efficiently. Pandas help you read Parquet files using the read_parquet() function.

To load a Parquet file userdata1.parquet into DataFrame, you must upload it to the Jupyter Notebook using the same steps as in the previous section. Once you add the Parquet file to the directory, you can run the following code:

import pandas as pd
# Load data from a Parquet file
parquet_df = pd.read_parquet('userdata1.parquet')

Let’s preview only the first two rows of the large parquet file using the head(2) function on the DataFrame.



Read Parquet Data in Pandas DataFrame

Loading XML File into DataFrame

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is commonly used to store and exchange data. Pandas allow you to read XML files using the read_xml() function.

Let’s first create the following XML file named demo.xml in Jupyter Notebook:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now, run the following Python code to load the XML file into a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
# Load data from an XML file
xml_df = pd.read_xml('demo.xml')


Read XML File in Pandas DataFrame

Basic Python Pandas DataFrame Manipulations

Here are some of the basic Pandas DataFrame manipulations that you can use to manage and analyze your data effectively:

How to View Data in a DataFrame?

To view the data within a DataFrame, you can use various methods:

  • print(): Prints the entire DataFrame.
  • head(<number_of_rows>): Displays the first specified number of rows of the DataFrame. It defaults to 5 if not specified.
  • tail(<number_of_rows>): Shows the last specified number of rows. It also defaults to 5 if not specified.
  • info(): Provides concise information about the DataFrame, including number of entries, column names, data types, and non-null counts per column.
  • describe(): Displays summary statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation, and percentile, count, max, and min for numerical columns.

Here is a simple example to understand how to view data in a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
data = {
    "Name": ["Alex", "Jacob", "Sam", "David", "George"],
    "Age": [25, 30, 35, 40, 22],
    "Salary": [50000, 60000, 55000, 65000, 48000],
    "Department": ["HR", "Finance", "IT", "Marketing", "HR"]

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Print the entire DataFrame
print("\nEntire DataFrame:")

# Display the first 3 rows
print("Head (first 3 rows):")

# Display the last 2 rows
print("\nTail (last 2 rows):")

# Display concise information about the DataFrame

# Display summary statistics for numerical columns


View Data in a DataFrame

How to Select a Column or a Row

You can access a column in a DataFrame using a bracket notation (df[‘column_name’]) or a dot notation (df.column_name).

Here’s an example of selecting a column from a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "Name": ["Alex", "Jacob", "Sam"],
    "Age": [25, 30, 35],
    "Salary": [50000, 60000, 55000]

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Access column using bracket notation
print("Using Bracket Notation:")

# Access column using dot notation
print("\nUsing Dot Notation:")


Select Data in a DataFrame

You can also select rows and columns in a DataFrame using two methods:

  • Integer-Location Based Indexing (.iloc): Helps you select rows and columns by their index positions starting from 0.
  • Label-Based Indexing (.loc): Allows you to select rows and columns based on their explicit labels or boolean conditions.

Update the above example by adding the following code for row selection:

# Select the first row using iloc
print("\nSelect the first row using iloc:")

# Select the row with index label 1 (if set) using loc
print("\nSelect the row with index label 1 using loc:")

# Select second column "Age" using iloc
print("Column selected using iloc:")
print(df.iloc[:, 1])  

# Select column "Age" using loc
print("\nColumn selected using loc:")
print(df.loc[:, 'Age'])


Select Data Using Different Methods

How to Add or Remove a Column or a Row?

  • To add a column in a DataFrame, use the following syntax:
df[‘new_column_name’] = []


import pandas as pd
data = {
    "Name": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
    "Age": [25, 30, 35]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
print("Before adding a column:")

# Adding a new column "Salary"
df['Salary'] = [50000, 60000, 55000]
print("After adding a column:")


Adding a Column to a DataFrame
  • To remove a column, you can use a drop() function with axis value 1 as follows:
# Dropping the column Salary
df = df.drop('Salary', axis=1)  
print("\nAfter removing the Salary column:")


Dropping a Column from a DataFrame
  • You can add a row at the end of the DataFrame using loc[].
df.loc[len(df)] = ["David", 40]  
print("\nAfter adding a new row:")


Adding a New Row in a DataFrame
  • To drop a row from the DataFrame by index, you can utilize the drop() function with axis value 0.
# Removing a row at index 1
df = df.drop(1, axis=0)  
print("\nAfter removing the row with index 1:")


Removing a Row from a DataFrame

How to Rename a Column?

To rename columns in a DataFrame, use the rename() method.

For the above example, run the following code:

df = df.rename(columns={'Name': 'Employee Name'})


Rename a Column in a DataFrame

How to Filter a DataFrame?

To filter a DataFrame, use boolean indexing to retrieve the subsets of data according to the actual data values in the DataFrame. This method allows you to create filters using conditions applied to columns.

Run the following code to check the result:

filtered_df = df[df["Age"] > 35]


Filtering Data in a DataFrame

The output filters only the information about David, whose age is greater than 35.

How to Group Data in a DataFrame?

The groupby() function enables you to group data by one or more columns. You can then apply an aggregate function such as sum, mean, min, or max.

Here’s an example of grouping data in a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
data = {
    "City": ["New York", "Boston", "New York", "Boston"],
    "Temperature": [85, 60, 75, 55],
    "Humidity": [70, 80, 65, 85]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Group by City and calculate the average temperature
grouped = df.groupby('City').mean()
print("Grouped by City:")


Grouping Data in a DataFrame

How to Merge or Join DataFrames?

You can merge or join DataFrames using the merge() function. This works similarly to SQL JOIN operations. Here is an example to demonstrate how to merge two DataFrames:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [101, 102], 'Name': ['Steeven', 'Aiden']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'ID': [101, 102], 'Age': [15, 20]})
merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='ID')


Merging Two DataFrames Together

How to Sort a DataFrame?

To sort a DataFrame by one or more columns, you can apply the sort_values() method. Let’s sort the above merged DataFrame (merged_df) by ‘Age’ column in descending order:

sorted_df = merged_df.sort_values(by='Age', ascending=False)
print("Sorted DataFrame by Age:")

In this program, you must set the ascending parameter to False to sort the data in descending order. If you specify True, the DataFrame will be sorted in ascending order.


Sorting Data in a DataFrame

How to Handle Missing Values?

Pandas enable you to handle missing data in DataFrame using fillna() and dropna() functions. Here’s an example of a DataFrame with missing values:

df_missing_values = pd.DataFrame({
    "Name": ["George", "Ken", None],
    "Age": [45, None, 25]

Now, update the program to fill missing values with a default value utilizing the fillna() function:

filled_df = df_missing_values.fillna({'Name': 'Unknown', 'Age': 30})
print("Filled missing values:")

You can also drop rows with missing values as follows:

dropped_df = df_missing_values.dropna()
print("\nDropped rows with missing values:")


Hanling Missing Values in a DataFrame

In this output, you can see that the last two rows in the DataFrame have missing values. Initially, the missing values are handled by filling them in with default values, and then they are dropped.

How to Locate Data in a DataFrame?

Indexing options such as .loc[] and .iloc[] help you locate specific data by label or position.


# Locate by label
loc_value = merged_df.loc[1, 'Name']  
print("Located using .loc[]:", loc_value)

# Locate by position
iloc_value = merged_df.iloc[1, 1]
print("Located using .iloc[]:", iloc_value)


Locating Data in a DataFrame

How DataFrames Are Useful in ETL Operations?

DataFrames are essential in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations, providing an efficient way for data handling. Here’s how DataFrames are useful in each ETL phase:


Pandas DataFrames facilitate the extraction of large datasets from various sources such as text files, CSV, Excel sheets, JSON, SQL databases, and APIs. With functions like read_csv(), read_sql(), or read_json(), you can load data into a DataFrame, simplifying the extraction step.


You can apply numerous transformations such as filtering, grouping, aggregating, and reshaping data using Python DataFrames. They also help you handle missing values, convert data types, and perform complex string manipulations.

Some functions, such as drop_duplicates() and fillna(), and techniques like boolean indexing allow you to transform data for analysis or additional processing.


After transforming the data, DataFrames makes it easy to load the cleaned data into various formats, including databases, CSV files, or Parquet files. DataFrames supports methods like to_sql(), to_csv(), or to_parquet() to support the ingestion of processed data into the appropriate storage or analysis platforms.

Extending Python DataFrames with Airbyte for Enhanced Data Integration

While Python DataFrames are suitable for handling data, their connectivity to many data platforms used in analytics can be limited. To utilize such platforms in your Python workflows, Airbyte, a data movement and replication platform, provides an open-source library called PyAirbyte.


With PyAirbyte, you can extend the capability of DataFrames by extracting data from hundreds of sources using Airbyte connectors. Following this, the data is loaded into various SQL caches, including Snowflake, BigQuery, DuckDB, or PostgreSQL. You can then convert the data from these caches into a Pandas DataFrame. This enables you to manipulate and analyze the data within a Python environment efficiently.

For detailed insights, you can refer to the PyAirbyte demo. Apart from PyAirbyte, Airbyte offers several other features as follows:

  • Extensive Connector Catalog: Airbyte provides 550+ pre-built connectors to help you transfer data between various platforms and destinations.
  • Custom Connector Development: Using Airbyte’s AI Assistant no-code Connector Builder, you can create custom connectors as per your requirements. The AI assistant prefills the configuration fields, speeding up the process.
  • Change Data Capture (CDC): Airbyte supports CDC, which enables you to track source data changes and replicate them to the destination system. This ensures data consistency across platforms.
  • Multi-Vector Database Support: You can load all your unstructured data directly into Airbyte-supported vector databases, including Pinecone, Milvus, Weaviate, or Qdrant.


In this comprehensive guide, you have learned how Python DataFrames can help you manage datasets within an easy-to-use tabular format. DataFrames are also beneficial in simplifying ETL operations. You can extend the power of DataFrames using Airbyte’s PyAirbyte for enhanced ETL workflows.

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