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"The intake layer of Datadog’s self-serve analytics platform is largely built on Airbyte.Airbyte’s ease of use and extensibility allowed any team in the company to push their data into the platform - without assistance from the data team!"

“Airbyte helped us accelerate our progress by years, compared to our competitors. We don’t need to worry about connectors and focus on creating value for our users instead of building infrastructure. That’s priceless. The time and energy saved allows us to disrupt and grow faster.”

“We chose Airbyte for its ease of use, its pricing scalability and its absence of vendor lock-in. Having a lean team makes them our top criteria. The value of being able to scale and execute at a high level by maximizing resources is immense”
1. Install AWS CLI: Make sure you have the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) installed and configured with the necessary permissions to access your DynamoDB tables.
2. Install MongoDB: Ensure that MongoDB is installed on your server or local machine where you want to import the data. Also, make sure you have the `mongoimport` tool, which comes with MongoDB.
3. Install Python (Optional): If you plan to use a script to extract and transform the data, Python is a good choice due to its rich set of libraries for working with both AWS services and data transformation.
4. Install Required Libraries (Optional): If using Python, install the `boto3` library for interacting with AWS services and `pymongo` for MongoDB.
pip install boto3 pymongo
1. Scan or Query DynamoDB Table: Use the `aws dynamodb scan` command to export the entire table or `aws dynamodb query` for specific items. For large tables, consider using the `--page-size`, `--max-items`, or `--starting-token` parameters to paginate results.
aws dynamodb scan --table-name YourDynamoDBTableName --page-size 100 --output json > dynamodb_data.json
2. Handle Large Data Sets: If your table is large, you may need to write a script to handle the scan operation and manage pagination. AWS SDKs like `boto3` in Python can help with this.
1. Convert Data to MongoDB Format: DynamoDB and MongoDB have different data models. You'll need to transform the JSON data from DynamoDB into a format that MongoDB can understand. This typically involves mapping DynamoDB types to MongoDB types.
2. Write a Transformation Script (Optional): If the data requires complex transformations, write a script to process the exported JSON file and convert it into the proper format for MongoDB. Here's a high-level example using Python:
import json
# Load the DynamoDB data exported as JSON
with open('dynamodb_data.json', 'r') as file:
dynamodb_data = json.load(file)
# Transform the data to MongoDB format
mongodb_data = []
for item in dynamodb_data['Items']:
mongodb_item = transform_to_mongodb_format(item) # Implement this function based on your data
# Save the transformed data to a new JSON file
with open('mongodb_data.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(mongodb_data, file)
1. Use `mongoimport` to Import Data: With the data transformed into a MongoDB-friendly format, use the `mongoimport` tool to import the data into your MongoDB database.
mongoimport --db YourMongoDBDatabase --collection YourMongoDBCollection --file mongodb_data.json
2. Verify the Data: After the import is complete, connect to your MongoDB database and verify that the data has been imported correctly.
mongo YourMongoDBDatabase
1. Remove Temporary Files: If you created any temporary files during the transformation process, remember to delete them if they are no longer needed.
2. Review Security: Ensure that any scripts or tools used in the process follow best security practices, such as not hardcoding credentials.
Additional Tips
- Backup Your Data: Always back up your DynamoDB data before starting the migration process to prevent data loss.
- Monitor Throughput: Keep an eye on read/write throughput on both DynamoDB and MongoDB to avoid throttling.
- Test the Process: Run a test migration with a subset of the data to ensure that everything works as expected before performing the full migration.
By following these steps, you should be able to migrate data from DynamoDB to MongoDB without using third-party connectors or integrations. Remember to tailor the transformation script to your specific data schema and requirements.
What is ETL?
ETL, an acronym for Extract, Transform, Load, is a vital data integration process. It involves extracting data from diverse sources, transforming it into a usable format, and loading it into a database, data warehouse or data lake. This process enables meaningful data analysis, enhancing business intelligence.
Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports key–value and document data structures and is offered by Amazon.com as part of the Amazon Web Services portfolio. DynamoDB exposes a similar data model to and derives its name from Dynamo, but has a different underlying implementation.
What is ELT?
ELT, standing for Extract, Load, Transform, is a modern take on the traditional ETL data integration process. In ELT, data is first extracted from various sources, loaded directly into a data warehouse, and then transformed. This approach enhances data processing speed, analytical flexibility and autonomy.
Difference between ETL and ELT?
ETL and ELT are critical data integration strategies with key differences. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) transforms data before loading, ideal for structured data. In contrast, ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) loads data before transformation, perfect for processing large, diverse data sets in modern data warehouses. ELT is becoming the new standard as it offers a lot more flexibility and autonomy to data analysts.
What should you do next?
Hope you enjoyed the reading. Here are the 3 ways we can help you in your data journey: