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How to load data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2

Learn how to use Airbyte to synchronize your Zendesk Talk data into Cloudflare R2 within minutes.


This can be done by building a data pipeline manually, usually a Python script (you can leverage a tool as Apache Airflow for this). This process can take more than a full week of development. Or it can be done in minutes on Airbyte in three easy steps:

  1. set up Zendesk Talk as a source connector (using Auth, or usually an API key)
  2. set up Cloudflare R2 as a destination connector
  3. define which data you want to transfer and how frequently

You can choose to self-host the pipeline using Airbyte Open Source or have it managed for you with Airbyte Cloud.

This tutorial’s purpose is to show you how.

What is Zendesk Talk

Zendesk Talk is a cloud-based Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system that enables phone communication for customer support teams from within the Zendesk support ticketing solution. Yet another way Zendesk successfully heightens the customer experience, Zendesk Talk offers the capability to access phone numbers in more than 40 countries, making global communication personal.

What is Cloudflare R2

Cloudflare R2 is a new security solution that aims to protect organizations from sophisticated cyber attacks. It combines Cloudflare's existing security products with new features such as advanced bot detection and mitigation, real-time threat intelligence, and enhanced DDoS protection. R2 also includes a new security dashboard that provides organizations with a comprehensive view of their security posture and allows them to quickly respond to threats. The solution is designed to be easy to deploy and manage, making it accessible to organizations of all sizes. Overall, Cloudflare R2 is a powerful tool for organizations looking to improve their security posture and protect against the latest cyber threats.

Integrate Zendesk Talk with Cloudflare R2 in minutes

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  1. A Zendesk Talk account to transfer your customer data automatically from.
  2. A Cloudflare R2 account.
  3. An active Airbyte Cloud account, or you can also choose to use Airbyte Open Source locally. You can follow the instructions to set up Airbyte on your system using docker-compose.

Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that consolidates and streamlines the process of extracting and loading data from multiple data sources to data warehouses. It offers pre-built connectors, including Zendesk Talk and Cloudflare R2, for seamless data migration.

When using Airbyte to move data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2, it extracts data from Zendesk Talk using the source connector, converts it into a format Cloudflare R2 can ingest using the provided schema, and then loads it into Cloudflare R2 via the destination connector. This allows businesses to leverage their Zendesk Talk data for advanced analytics and insights within Cloudflare R2, simplifying the ETL process and saving significant time and resources.

Step 1: Set up Zendesk Talk as a source connector

1. First, you need to obtain your Zendesk Talk API credentials. You can do this by logging in to your Zendesk account and navigating to the Admin settings. From there, select the API option and generate a new API token. Make sure to copy the token as you will need it later.  
2. Next, open the Airbyte platform and navigate to the Sources tab. Click on the "Create a new Source" button and select the Zendesk Talk connector from the list of available connectors.  
3. In the configuration page, you will be prompted to enter your Zendesk Talk API credentials. Paste the API token you copied earlier into the appropriate field.  
4. You will also need to enter the subdomain of your Zendesk account. This is the part of your Zendesk URL that comes before "". For example, if your Zendesk URL is "", your subdomain would be "example".  
5. Once you have entered your credentials, click on the "Check Connection" button to ensure that Airbyte can successfully connect to your Zendesk Talk account.  
6. If the connection is successful, you can proceed to configure the specific data you want to sync from Zendesk Talk to Airbyte. This can include call logs, recordings, and other relevant data.  
7. Finally, save your configuration and run your first sync to start pulling data from Zendesk Talk into Airbyte. You can schedule regular syncs to keep your data up-to-date and ensure that your analytics and reporting are accurate.

Step 2: Set up Cloudflare R2 as a destination connector

1. Log in to your Cloudflare account and navigate to the R2 destination connector page.
2. Generate an API token by clicking on the "Create Token" button.
3. Select the appropriate permissions for the token and give it a name.
4. Copy the API token to your clipboard.
5. Log in to your Airbyte account and navigate to the "Destinations" page.
6. Click on the "Add Destination" button and select "Cloudflare R2" from the list of available connectors.
7. Enter your Cloudflare account email address and paste the API token into the appropriate fields.
8. Click on the "Test Connection" button to ensure that Airbyte can connect to your Cloudflare account.
9. If the connection is successful, click on the "Save" button to save your Cloudflare R2 destination connector settings.
10. You can now use Airbyte to transfer data from your source connectors to your Cloudflare R2 destination connector.

Step 3: Set up a connection to sync your Zendesk Talk data to Cloudflare R2

Once you've successfully connected Zendesk Talk as a data source and Cloudflare R2 as a destination in Airbyte, you can set up a data pipeline between them with the following steps:

  1. Create a new connection: On the Airbyte dashboard, navigate to the 'Connections' tab and click the '+ New Connection' button.
  2. Choose your source: Select Zendesk Talk from the dropdown list of your configured sources.
  3. Select your destination: Choose Cloudflare R2 from the dropdown list of your configured destinations.
  4. Configure your sync: Define the frequency of your data syncs based on your business needs. Airbyte allows both manual and automatic scheduling for your data refreshes.
  5. Select the data to sync: Choose the specific Zendesk Talk objects you want to import data from towards Cloudflare R2. You can sync all data or select specific tables and fields.
  6. Select the sync mode for your streams: Choose between full refreshes or incremental syncs (with deduplication if you want), and this for all streams or at the stream level. Incremental is only available for streams that have a primary cursor.
  7. Test your connection: Click the 'Test Connection' button to make sure that your setup works. If the connection test is successful, save your configuration.
  8. Start the sync: If the test passes, click 'Set Up Connection'. Airbyte will start moving data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2 according to your settings.

Remember, Airbyte keeps your data in sync at the frequency you determine, ensuring your Cloudflare R2 data warehouse is always up-to-date with your Zendesk Talk data.

Use Cases to transfer your Zendesk Talk data to Cloudflare R2

Integrating data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2 provides several benefits. Here are a few use cases:

  1. Advanced Analytics: Cloudflare R2’s powerful data processing capabilities enable you to perform complex queries and data analysis on your Zendesk Talk data, extracting insights that wouldn't be possible within Zendesk Talk alone.
  2. Data Consolidation: If you're using multiple other sources along with Zendesk Talk, syncing to Cloudflare R2 allows you to centralize your data for a holistic view of your operations, and to set up a change data capture process so you never have any discrepancies in your data again.
  3. Historical Data Analysis: Zendesk Talk has limits on historical data. Syncing data to Cloudflare R2 allows for long-term data retention and analysis of historical trends over time.
  4. Data Security and Compliance: Cloudflare R2 provides robust data security features. Syncing Zendesk Talk data to Cloudflare R2 ensures your data is secured and allows for advanced data governance and compliance management.
  5. Scalability: Cloudflare R2 can handle large volumes of data without affecting performance, providing an ideal solution for growing businesses with expanding Zendesk Talk data.
  6. Data Science and Machine Learning: By having Zendesk Talk data in Cloudflare R2, you can apply machine learning models to your data for predictive analytics, customer segmentation, and more.
  7. Reporting and Visualization: While Zendesk Talk provides reporting tools, data visualization tools like Tableau, PowerBI, Looker (Google Data Studio) can connect to Cloudflare R2, providing more advanced business intelligence options. If you have a Zendesk Talk table that needs to be converted to a Cloudflare R2 table, Airbyte can do that automatically.

Wrapping Up

To summarize, this tutorial has shown you how to:

  1. Configure a Zendesk Talk account as an Airbyte data source connector.
  2. Configure Cloudflare R2 as a data destination connector.
  3. Create an Airbyte data pipeline that will automatically be moving data directly from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2 after you set a schedule

With Airbyte, creating data pipelines take minutes, and the data integration possibilities are endless. Airbyte supports the largest catalog of API tools, databases, and files, among other sources. Airbyte's connectors are open-source, so you can add any custom objects to the connector, or even build a new connector from scratch without any local dev environment or any data engineer within 10 minutes with the no-code connector builder.

We look forward to seeing you make use of it! We invite you to join the conversation on our community Slack Channel, or sign up for our newsletter. You should also check out other Airbyte tutorials, and Airbyte’s content hub!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What data can you extract from Zendesk Talk?

Zendesk Talk's API provides access to various types of data related to customer support and communication. The categories of data that can be accessed through the API are:  

1. Call data: This includes information about incoming and outgoing calls, such as call duration, call recordings, and call transcripts.  
2. Agent data: This includes information about agents, such as their availability, status, and performance metrics.  
3. Ticket data: This includes information about support tickets, such as ticket status, priority, and customer information.  
4. Voicemail data: This includes information about voicemails, such as voicemail transcripts and recordings.  
5. Queue data: This includes information about call queues, such as queue status, wait times, and queue metrics.  
6. Call routing data: This includes information about call routing, such as routing rules, routing history, and routing performance metrics.  
7. IVR data: This includes information about IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems, such as IVR menus, IVR prompts, and IVR performance metrics.  

Overall, Zendesk Talk's API provides a comprehensive set of data that can be used to analyze and improve customer support and communication processes.

What data can you transfer to Cloudflare R2?

You can transfer a wide variety of data to Cloudflare R2. This usually includes structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data like transaction records, log files, JSON data, CSV files, and more, allowing robust, scalable data integration and analysis.

What are top ETL tools to transfer data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2?

The most prominent ETL tools to transfer data from Zendesk Talk to Cloudflare R2 include:

  • Airbyte
  • Fivetran
  • Stitch
  • Matillion
  • Talend Data Integration

These tools help in extracting data from Zendesk Talk and various sources (APIs, databases, and more), transforming it efficiently, and loading it into Cloudflare R2 and other databases, data warehouses and data lakes, enhancing data management capabilities.