How To Create a BambooHR Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating HR data from BambooHR into analytics and reporting platforms can be quite challenging due to API rate limits, data transformation complexities, and the ongoing maintenance of custom scripts. Enter PyAirbyte, a tool designed to ease these pain points.

By offering streamlined data pipeline construction, customizable data extraction, and efficient handling of API complexities, PyAirbyte simplifies the process of leveraging BambooHR data. Whether for detailed analytics, operational reporting, or strategic decision-making, PyAirbyte reduces the time and technical overhead traditionally associated with extracting and transforming BambooHR data, making data workflows more efficient and scalable.

Traditional Methods for Creating BambooHR Data Pipelines

Creating data pipelines from BambooHR typically involves the use of custom Python scripts that interact directly with the BambooHR API. This traditional approach has been a common practice for extracting employee data, time-off records, and other HR information which are vital for analytics and operational reporting. However, this method introduces several challenges and pain points that can significantly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines.

The conventional method for creating data pipelines from BambooHR involves writing custom Python scripts that make API calls to BambooHR. These scripts are designed to fetch data by interacting with endpoints specified in the BambooHR API documentation. After fetching the data, the scripts then typically clean and transform the data into a suitable format before loading it into a database or data warehouse for analytics and reporting purposes. This process requires a deep understanding of the BambooHR API, as well as expertise in Python programming for data processing.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from BambooHR

  1. API Rate Limits: BambooHR imposes rate limits on their API, which can significantly slow down the data extraction process. This requires developers to implement complex logic in their scripts to handle rate limiting, retry mechanisms, and error handling, adding to the complexity of the pipeline.
  2. Data Transformation Complexity: Data extracted from BambooHR often needs considerable transformation to be useful for analysis. This can include normalizing date formats, mapping employee IDs to names, or aggregating data points. Implementing these transformations in Python can be time-consuming and error-prone.
  3. Authentication and Security: Managing secure authentication to BambooHR's API requires careful handling of API keys and credentials within scripts. Mismanagement can lead to security vulnerabilities, putting sensitive employee data at risk.
  4. Maintenance Overhead: BambooHR may update its API, introducing new fields, changing data formats, or deprecating endpoints. Keeping custom scripts up-to-date with these changes requires constant monitoring and maintenance, leading to a significant overhead.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

The challenges outlined above can have a substantial impact on the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines built with custom Python scripts:

  • Reduced Efficiency: Dealing with API rate limits and data extraction issues can lead to significant delays in data availability. This reduces the efficiency of the data pipeline, impacting decision-making processes that rely on timely and accurate data.
  • Increased Maintenance Costs: The need for ongoing script adjustments to accommodate API changes and the continuous monitoring required for error handling and performance optimization leads to increased maintenance costs. These costs can be particularly burdensome for smaller teams or individual developers.
  • Scalability Issues: As the organization grows, the volume of data and the complexity of data requirements are likely to increase. Custom scripts, with their inherent complexity and maintenance challenges, may not scale efficiently to meet these demands, leading to potential bottlenecks in data workflows.

In summary, while custom Python scripts provide a flexible approach to creating BambooHR data pipelines, they bring along significant challenges in terms of efficiency, security, and maintainability. These challenges can hinder the potential of data pipelines to provide timely and accurate insights, affecting decision-making and operational efficiency.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for BambooHR with PyAirbyte

In this guide, we're setting up a Python data pipeline for BambooHR using PyAirbyte, an approach that leverages the power of Airbyte's connectors through a Python interface. This method simplifies interacting with the BambooHR API and managing data extraction and load processes. Below, we dissect the key steps and Python code snippets involved in this setup.

Installing PyAirbyte

pip install airbyte

This line installs the PyAirbyte package using pip, Python's package installer. PyAirbyte allows you to use Airbyte connectors directly within your Python applications, facilitating data integration and pipeline creation.

Setting Up the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
     "subdomain": "examplecompany",
     "api_key": "your_api_key_here",
     "custom_reports_fields": "",
     "custom_reports_include_default_fields": true

Here, we import the Airbyte module and configure the BambooHR source connector. The configuration requires specific credentials and settings:

  • subdomain: Your company's unique BambooHR subdomain.
  • api_key: Your API key for BambooHR authentication.
  • custom_reports_fields: Specifies custom fields to include in reports. An empty string indicates no custom fields are specified.
  • custom_reports_include_default_fields: A boolean to decide whether to include BambooHR's default fields in the reports.

The get_source function initializes the source connector and installs it if it's not already installed.

Verifying Configuration and Credentials


This line runs a check to verify that the provided configuration and credentials are correct and that PyAirbyte can successfully connect to BambooHR.

Listing Available Streams


This command retrieves all the available streams (data tables or reports) that the BambooHR source connector can access. It's a useful step for understanding the data types you can work with.

Selecting Streams for Extraction


This method selects all available streams for data extraction. If you prefer to select specific streams, you could use the select_streams() method instead, specifying only the streams you're interested in.

Reading Data into Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

These lines initialize the default cache for storing the extracted data. PyAirbyte supports various caching layers like DuckDB, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery. In this instance, the data is read into DuckDB, a local SQL database that works directly with data in files on disk without the need for a server.

Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this snippet converts a specific stream's data from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. Replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in. This is beneficial for further data manipulation, analysis, or transformation using Python's Pandas library.

By leveraging PyAirbyte with this code template, setting up a Python data pipeline for BambooHR becomes streamlined, allowing for easy data extraction, transformation, and load processes without the need to manage complex API interactions manually.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for BambooHR Data Pipelines

Utilizing PyAirbyte as the backbone for constructing data pipelines from BambooHR to your storage or processing environment presents numerous advantages. The combination of PyAirbyte's straightforward setup, broad compatibility, and efficient data management capabilities makes it an invaluable tool for developers and data engineers tasked with harnessing HR data for analytical insights.

Easy Installation and Configuration

One of the primary benefits of PyAirbyte is its ease of installation. With Python already installed on your system, setting up PyAirbyte is as simple as executing a pip command. This simplicity extends to configuring available source connectors, including the one for BambooHR. PyAirbyte even supports custom source connectors, offering a flexible setup tailored to specific needs.

Streamlined Data Extraction Process

PyAirbyte empowers users to select specific data streams from BambooHR for extraction. This feature is not just about choosing what data you need; it's about conserving valuable computing resources and ensuring that the data pipeline remains as efficient as possible. Instead of pulling in every available piece of data—which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive—users can pinpoint exactly what they need.

Flexible Caching Solutions

The flexibility of PyAirbyte's caching options significantly enhances its utility. Supporting multiple backend storage solutions like DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery means users can choose the most appropriate cache mechanism for their specific context. By default, PyAirbyte utilizes DuckDB, striking a balance between ease of use and performance for many scenarios without requiring any additional setup from the user.

Incremental Data Reading

Dealing with large datasets from BambooHR? PyAirbyte’s capability to read data incrementally is a game-changer. This means only new or changed data is fetched in subsequent extraction runs, reducing the load both on the BambooHR data source and the data pipeline itself. Incremental reads are crucial for maintaining efficiency and ensuring the pipeline can scale with the growing data volume.

Wide Compatibility with Python Libraries

For data professionals working in the Python ecosystem, PyAirbyte’s compatibility with popular libraries like Pandas, and SQL-based tools offers tremendous value. This compatibility facilitates a wide range of data transformations, analyses, and further integrations into existing data workflows. Whether the next steps involve detailed data analysis, feeding into AI models, or orchestrating data flows, PyAirbyte slots into existing processes with ease.

Enabling AI Applications

Given its seamless integration with Python libraries and AI frameworks, PyAirbyte is ideally suited for powering AI applications. Extracted BambooHR data can be directly fed into predictive models, analytics platforms, or machine learning algorithms to derive insights, forecast trends, and inform decision-making processes within the HR domain.


Leveraging PyAirbyte for creating BambooHR data pipelines presents a smart and efficient method for handling HR data extraction, transformation, and load processes. With its straightforward setup, customizable data extraction, and versatile caching options, PyAirbyte reduces the complexity and improves the efficiency of working with BambooHR data.

Whether you're a developer looking to streamline HR data workflows or a data analyst seeking to enrich your analytics platform with BambooHR insights, PyAirbyte offers a robust solution that scales with your needs.

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