How To Create a Drift Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Integrating data from Drift into your data systems can be complex and time-consuming, primarily due to the intricacies of working directly with APIs, handling data transformations, and managing updates and scalability.

PyAirbyte emerges as a solution to these challenges, providing a simplified and efficient approach to building data pipelines from Drift. By automating the extraction, transformation, and loading processes, PyAirbyte significantly reduces the technical overhead and streamlines data integration efforts. This tool not only helps in overcoming the common hurdles of data integration but also enables teams to focus on deriving insights rather than managing infrastructure.

Traditional Methods for Creating Drift Data Pipelines

When tasked with importing data from Drift into a database or a data warehouse, developers typically resort to writing custom Python scripts. This traditional approach involves leveraging Drift’s API to extract data, which then must be cleaned, transformed, and loaded into the desired storage solution. This process demands a profound understanding of both the Drift API and the target system’s requirements.

Pain Points in Extracting Data from Drift

Extracting data from Drift presents numerous challenges that can complicate the development and maintenance of data pipelines. First, the complexity of Drift's API can be daunting. Navigating its documentation and understanding how to effectively extract the needed data requires significant time and expertise. Secondly, rate limiting is a common hurdle, as Drift, like many other platforms, imposes limitations on the number of API calls within a certain timeframe to prevent server overload. This necessitates the implementation of sophisticated error handling and backoff strategies in scripts.

Moreover, data from Drift often needs considerable transformation to fit into the schema of the target database or data warehouse. This transformation logic can become complex and hard to manage, especially when dealing with nested objects or array fields common in JSON responses.

Impact on Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges greatly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines. The time and expertise required to overcome them can lead to significant delays in pipeline development. Additionally, the custom nature of these scripts means that any change in Drift's API can break the pipeline, requiring immediate and often extensive modifications to the script.

The maintenance of these custom scripts is also costly in terms of both time and resources. As the volume of data or the number of fields required changes, the script must be updated accordingly. These modifications are not trivial and require thorough testing to ensure the pipeline remains reliable. Further complicating the scenario is the need for ongoing monitoring to catch and fix any issues that arise due to rate limiting or unexpected API changes.

Lastly, these custom solutions often lack the robustness and flexibility of dedicated data integration tools. They might not correctly handle edge cases or fail gracefully under error conditions, leading to data loss or corruption. This susceptibility impacts the reliability of data pipelines, making them less efficient and more prone to failure.

In summary, while custom Python scripts offer a direct route to creating data pipelines from Drift, they introduce significant challenges in terms of complexity, maintenance, and scalability. These challenges can affect the overall efficiency of the data pipelines, making them cumbersome to develop, maintain, and scale.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for Drift with PyAirbyte

Section 1: Installing PyAirbyte

pip install airbyte

This command installs the PyAirbyte library, which is a Python client for interacting with Airbyte—an open-source data integration platform. Running this command ensures that you have PyAirbyte installed in your Python environment, enabling you to programmatically create and manage data pipelines using Python.

Section 2: Importing the Library and Configuring the Source Connector

import airbyte as ab

# Create and configure the source connector, don't forget to use your own values in the config:
source = ab.get_source(
     "email": "",
     "credentials": {
       "credentials": "oauth2.0",
       "client_id": "your_client_id_here",
       "client_secret": "your_client_secret_here",
       "access_token": "your_access_token_here",
       "refresh_token": "your_refresh_token_here"

In this snippet, you start by importing the PyAirbyte library. Then, you create and configure a source connector for Drift using ab.get_source(). This involves specifying the source-drift connector name, indicating that PyAirbyte should install the connector if it's not already available (install_if_missing=True), and providing the necessary configuration such as email and OAuth2.0 credentials. This configuration allows you to establish a connection to your Drift account through the API.

Section 3: Verifying Config and Credentials


This line checks if the source configuration and credentials provided are correct and can establish a successful connection to the Drift API. It's a crucial step for troubleshooting potential connection issues early in the setup process.

Section 4: Listing Available Streams


This command lists all the data streams available from the configured Drift source connector. It gives you an overview of the types of data (e.g., messages, contacts, etc.) that you can access and synchronize using your pipeline.

Section 5: Selecting Streams


Here, you instruct the source connector to select all available streams for loading into your cache. This is useful if you intend to work with a complete dataset. Optionally, you can use select_streams() to specify only certain streams, tailoring the data ingestion to your requirements.

Section 6: Reading Data into Cache

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

This portion introduces a caching layer by obtaining the default cache provided by PyAirbyte, which could be a local file system, memory, or another storage mechanism, and reads data from the selected Drift streams into this cache. The caching layer helps in optimizing data access and manipulation.

Section 7: Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

Finally, this snippet demonstrates how to read a specific stream's data from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. Replace "your_stream" with the actual name of the stream you're interested in. This is particularly useful for data analysis and transformation tasks within Python, as it leverages the powerful data manipulation features of Pandas.

Overall, these code snippets outline the steps to implement a data pipeline from Drift to a local cache or database, using PyAirbyte to abstract much of the complexity involved in API communication and data transfer processes.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for Drift Data Pipelines

PyAirbyte simplifies the process of creating data pipelines from Drift to your target data stores or processing frameworks. Let's delve into the specific features that make PyAirbyte an excellent choice for these tasks.

Easy Installation and Setup

  • PyAirbyte can be conveniently installed using pip, ensuring a quick and straightforward setup process. The only prerequisite is having Python installed on your system, which makes it accessible for a wide range of environments and users.

Configurable Source Connectors

  • It provides an easy-to-use interface to get and configure the available source connectors, enabling seamless integration with Drift and other data sources. Additionally, it supports custom source connectors, offering the flexibility to work with any data source as required by your specific data integration needs.

Streamlined Data Processing

  • The tool allows for the selection of specific data streams from your sources. This feature is particularly useful for conserving computing resources and streamlining data processing by focusing only on the data that is needed for your analysis or integrations, avoiding unnecessary data transfer and processing.

Flexible Caching Options

  • With support for various caching backends, including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery, PyAirbyte offers unmatched flexibility in how data is cached and managed. DuckDB is used as the default cache if no specific choice is made, providing a robust and efficient caching solution out of the box.

Efficient Incremental Data Reading

  • PyAirbyte's ability to read data incrementally is a significant advantage for efficiently handling large datasets. This feature reduces the load on the data sources and ensures that only new or updated data is transferred, maximizing efficiency and minimizing resource usage.

Compatibility with Python Libraries

  • The compatibility with various Python libraries, such as Pandas for data manipulation and analysis, and SQL-based tools for database interactions, opens up a wide range of possibilities for data transformation. This feature enables seamless integration into existing Python-based data workflows, including data analysis, orchestration, and AI frameworks, facilitating a comprehensive data processing and analytics ecosystem.

Enabling AI Applications

  • Given its ease of use, flexibility, and compatibility with data analysis and machine learning libraries, PyAirbyte is ideally suited for enabling AI applications. By simplifying data ingestion and preparation tasks, it allows data scientists and AI developers to focus on building and training models, thereby accelerating the development of AI-driven insights and applications.


In wrapping up our guide on leveraging PyAirbyte for Drift data pipelines, it's clear that PyAirbyte offers a compelling solution for simplifying data integration tasks. By harnessing the power of this tool, developers and data analysts can efficiently import data from Drift into their preferred databases or data warehouses. The advantages extend beyond mere convenience to include features such as configurable source connectors, streamlined data processing, flexible caching options, and seamless integration with popular Python libraries.

PyAirbyte's capability to work hand-in-hand with technologies that are at the core of data analysis and AI means it’s not just a tool for today but a foundation for tomorrow’s data-driven innovations. Whether you are looking to optimize your data workflows, enable detailed analytics, or embark on AI and machine learning projects, PyAirbyte serves as a bridge to not only meet but also expand your data integration potentials.

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