How To Create a GoCardless Python Pipeline with PyAirbyte

10 min read
April 24, 2024

Managing data pipelines, especially for platforms like GoCardless, involves several challenges, from handling API limitations to ensuring data accuracy and efficiency in data transfer.

PyAirbyte emerges as a solution designed to mitigate these obstacles, providing a streamlined approach to data integration. By offering easy installation, flexible stream selection, robust caching mechanisms, and seamless integration with analytical tools, PyAirbyte significantly reduces the complexity and resources needed to maintain efficient data pipelines.

Whether for analytics, reporting, or AI projects, PyAirbyte simplifies the process, making data more accessible and manageable for developers and data scientists alike.

Traditional Methods for Creating GoCardless Data Pipelines

In the world of data integration and automation, building custom data pipelines is a common approach to move data from one place to another. For services like GoCardless, which facilitates direct bank payments, businesses often need to extract transactional and customer data for analysis, reporting, and operational automation. Traditionally, this has been done using custom Python scripts tailored to the specific needs of the business.

Custom Python scripts are a go-to solution for many developers. These scripts involve using the GoCardless API to request data, process the JSON response, and then transform and load the data into a destination like a database, data warehouse, or a CSV file for further analysis. This approach requires a solid understanding of the GoCardless API, proficient programming skills, and knowledge about the destination's data handling mechanisms.

Pain Points in Extracting Data From GoCardless

Developing these scripts from scratch comes with several challenges:

  1. API Limitations: First, dealing with API rate limits can be a significant hurdle. Developers must implement logic to handle these limits gracefully, ensuring that data extraction processes do not exceed the number of requests allowed in a given period.
  2. Error Handling: Scripts must be robust, handling network issues and API changes. This involves writing additional code to manage retries, logging error messages, and even alerting mechanisms for monitoring pipeline health.
  3. Data Transformation Challenges: The data retrieved from the GoCardless API often requires transformation to be useful in its destination. This can involve formatting dates, mapping entity IDs to more meaningful names, or aggregating transaction data. Writing and testing the logic for these transformations can be time-consuming and error-prone.
  4. Maintenance Overhead: APIs evolve, and so must the scripts that rely on them. Any change to the GoCardless API might require updates to the script, leading to an ongoing maintenance burden. This continuous need for updates can consume a significant amount of developer time that could be used on more value-adding activities.

Impact on Data Pipeline Efficiency and Maintenance

These challenges directly impact the efficiency and maintenance of data pipelines. Custom scripts, while flexible, can become a bottleneck. They require continuous monitoring and updating to ensure they are working as expected and efficiently handling data volumes. The need for specialized knowledge to create and maintain these scripts can also restrict the number of team members who can work on them, creating a potential single point of failure in your data infrastructure.

Furthermore, as business requirements change and grow, scripts may need to be rewritten or extensively modified, leading to potential downtime and delays in data availability. This can hinder the decision-making process, particularly for data-driven organizations that rely on timely and accurate data for their operations.

In summary, while custom Python scripts offer a way to create tailored data pipelines for extracting data from GoCardless, they come with significant challenges that can affect both the initial development and long-term sustainability of these pipelines. These challenges necessitate a more streamlined and less resource-intensive solution for businesses to manage their data integration needs effectively.

Implementing a Python Data Pipeline for GoCardless with PyAirbyte

1. Installing PyAirbyte

First up, you need to have PyAirbyte installed in your environment. This is done using the Python package installer pip. PyAirbyte is a Python library that allows you to interact programmatically with Airbyte, an open-source data integration tool. This step is crucial for setting up your workstation to run data pipelines using this library.

pip install airbyte

2. Import the Library and Setting Up the Source Connector

Here, we import the airbyte library, which gives us access to various functionalities required to set up and manage data pipelines. We then create a source connector for GoCardless using ab.get_source. The source setup requires specifics about your GoCardless account, like the access token and environment details. The configuration part is critical as it dictates how your data pipeline will connect to and interact with GoCardless data.

import airbyte as ab

source = ab.get_source(
     "access_token": "sandbox_abcdefghijklmn",
     "gocardless_environment": "sandbox",
     "gocardless_version": "2021-07-29",
     "start_date": "2017-01-25T00:00:00Z"

3. Verifying the Configuration and Credentials

Before proceeding further, it's a good practice to verify if the provided configuration and credentials are correct. This step ensures that there won't be authentication issues when the data pipeline tries to access GoCardless data.


4. Listing Available Streams

By listing available streams, you get to see what data is accessible for extraction from GoCardless. This could include transactions, customers, payments, etc. Understanding what's available helps in planning what exact data you want to pull into your data pipeline.


5. Selecting Streams for the Data Pipeline

After knowing what streams are available, you either select all streams for data extraction or a subset that fits your specific needs. Selecting all streams might be useful if you plan to do a broad analysis across multiple data dimensions.


6. Reading Data into a Cache

The next step involves reading the selected streams into a local default cache, here DuckDB. Caching the data locally is beneficial for performance and allows for more complex manipulations before the final data is sent to its destination. You also have the flexibility to change the cache destination, such as cloud-based databases like Postgres, Snowflake, or BigQuery.

cache = ab.get_default_cache()
result =

7. Extracting Data into a Pandas DataFrame

Finally, you can extract specific streams’ data from the cache into a Pandas DataFrame. This is particularly useful for data analysis and manipulation in Python. The flexibility also extends to extracting data into SQL or document formats, catering to different downstream applications or tools.

df = cache["your_stream"].to_pandas()

By following these steps, you've effectively set up a Python data pipeline for GoCardless using PyAirbyte. This approach simplifies extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) data from GoCardless, making it accessible for analysis, reporting, or integration into other systems.

For keeping up with the latest PyAirbyte’s features, make sure to check our documentation. And if you’re eager to see more code examples with PyAirbyte, check out our Quickstarts library.

Why Using PyAirbyte for GoCardless Data Pipelines

A significant advantage is its simplicity: installing PyAirbyte requires nothing more than Python and a simple pip command. This simplicity extends to how PyAirbyte handles source connectors, offering a straightforward way to get and configure them for your data integration needs. Moreover, should your project require it, PyAirbyte also allows for the installation of custom source connectors, expanding its versatility.

The tool's ability to let users select specific data streams for processing is another highlight. This selective approach means that you don't have to pull every piece of data from GoCardless if you don't need it. Instead, you can choose only the streams relevant to your project, conserving computing resources and streamlining the data processing phase. This is particularly beneficial for projects where efficiency and resource management are paramount.

Flexibility in caching is another area where PyAirbyte shines. It supports a range of caching backends including DuckDB, MotherDuck, Postgres, Snowflake, and BigQuery. This variety allows users to pick a caching solution that fits their project's needs or existing infrastructure. DuckDB is the default cache if none is specified, ensuring that users have a powerful and efficient caching option right out of the box, even if they haven't tailored every detail of their setup.

A critical feature of PyAirbyte is its capability to read data incrementally. This approach is invaluable when dealing with large datasets, as it significantly reduces the load on both the data source and the network. By fetching only new or changed data since the last extraction, PyAirbyte enhances efficiency and minimizes the resources required for data synchronization.

Moreover, PyAirbyte's compatibility with various Python libraries, such as Pandas for data analysis and manipulation, and SQL-based tools for database interaction, unlocks a wide range of possibilities for data transformation and analysis. This compatibility seamlessly integrates into existing Python-based workflows, orchestrators, and AI frameworks, making it a versatile tool for developers and data scientists alike.

The implications for AI applications are particularly noteworthy. Given the need for accurate and up-to-date data to train machine learning models, PyAirbyte's efficient data extraction and preparation capabilities make it an ideal choice. Its ability to work with large datasets effectively and integrate smoothly with AI frameworks ensures that data scientists and AI developers can focus more on building and refining models and less on managing data pipelines.


In conclusion, PyAirbyte empowers developers and data scientists with a highly efficient and flexible tool for creating data pipelines from GoCardless to various destinations. Its straightforward installation process, coupled with the ability to tailor data stream selection and leverage robust caching options, ensures that users can manage data flows with ease while optimizing for performance.

PyAirbyte not only simplifies the extraction and transformation of data but also seamlessly integrates with a broad set of tools and frameworks, enhancing analytics, reporting, and AI projects. By utilizing PyAirbyte, teams can focus more on deriving value from their data, secure in the knowledge that their data pipelines are efficient, maintainable, and scalable.

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