Warehouses and Lakes
Engineering Analytics

How to load data from GitHub to Snowflake destination

Learn how to use Airbyte to synchronize your GitHub data into Snowflake destination within minutes.


This can be done by building a data pipeline manually, usually a Python script (you can leverage a tool as Apache Airflow for this). This process can take more than a full week of development. Or it can be done in minutes on Airbyte in three easy steps:

  1. set up GitHub as a source connector (using Auth, or usually an API key)
  2. set up Snowflake destination as a destination connector
  3. define which data you want to transfer and how frequently

You can choose to self-host the pipeline using Airbyte Open Source or have it managed for you with Airbyte Cloud.

This tutorial’s purpose is to show you how.

What is GitHub

GitHub is a renowned and respected development platform that provides code hosting services to developers for building software for both open source and private projects. It is a heavily trafficked platform where users can store and share code repositories and obtain support, advice, and help from known and unknown contributors. Three features in particular—pull request, fork, and merge—have made GitHub a powerful ally for developers and earned it a place as a (developers’) household name.

What is Snowflake destination

A cloud data platform, Snowflake Data Cloud provides a warehouse-as-a-service built specifically for the cloud. The Snowflake platform is designed to empower many types of data workloads, and offers secure, immediate, governed access to a comprehensive network of data. Snowflake’s innovative technology goes above the capabilities of the ordinary database, supplying users all the functionality of database storage, query processing, and cloud services in one package.

Integrate GitHub with Snowflake destination in minutes

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  1. A GitHub account to transfer your customer data automatically from.
  2. A Snowflake destination account.
  3. An active Airbyte Cloud account, or you can also choose to use Airbyte Open Source locally. You can follow the instructions to set up Airbyte on your system using docker-compose.

Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform that consolidates and streamlines the process of extracting and loading data from multiple data sources to data warehouses. It offers pre-built connectors, including GitHub and Snowflake destination, for seamless data migration.

When using Airbyte to move data from GitHub to Snowflake destination, it extracts data from GitHub using the source connector, converts it into a format Snowflake destination can ingest using the provided schema, and then loads it into Snowflake destination via the destination connector. This allows businesses to leverage their GitHub data for advanced analytics and insights within Snowflake destination, simplifying the ETL process and saving significant time and resources.

Step 1: Set up GitHub as a source connector

1. Open the Airbyte platform and navigate to the "Sources" tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click on the "GitHub" source connector and select "Create a new connection."

3. Enter a name for the connection and click "Next."

4. Enter your GitHub credentials, including your username and personal access token. If you do not have a personal access token, you can create one by following the instructions provided in the Airbyte documentation.

5. Select the repositories you want to connect to Airbyte and click "Test Connection" to ensure that the connection is successful.

6. Once the connection is successful, click "Create Connection" to save the connection.

7. You can now use the GitHub source connector to extract data from your selected repositories and integrate it with other data sources in Airbyte.

Step 2: Set up Snowflake destination as a destination connector

1. First, navigate to the Airbyte website and log in to your account.

2. Once you are logged in, click on the "Destinations" tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

3. Scroll down until you find the Snowflake Data Cloud destination connector and click on it.

4. You will be prompted to enter your Snowflake account information, including your account name, username, and password.

5. After entering your account information, click on the "Test" button to ensure that the connection is successful.

6. If the test is successful, click on the "Save" button to save your Snowflake Data Cloud destination connector settings.

7. You can now use the Snowflake Data Cloud destination connector to transfer data from your Airbyte sources to your Snowflake account.

8. To set up a data transfer, navigate to the "Sources" tab on the left-hand side of the screen and select the source you want to transfer data from.

9. Click on the "Create New Connection" button and select the Snowflake Data Cloud destination connector as your destination.

10. Follow the prompts to set up your data transfer, including selecting the tables or data sources you want to transfer and setting up any necessary transformations or mappings.

11. Once you have set up your data transfer, click on the "Run" button to start the transfer process.

Step 3: Set up a connection to sync your GitHub data to Snowflake destination

Once you've successfully connected GitHub as a data source and Snowflake destination as a destination in Airbyte, you can set up a data pipeline between them with the following steps:

  1. Create a new connection: On the Airbyte dashboard, navigate to the 'Connections' tab and click the '+ New Connection' button.
  2. Choose your source: Select GitHub from the dropdown list of your configured sources.
  3. Select your destination: Choose Snowflake destination from the dropdown list of your configured destinations.
  4. Configure your sync: Define the frequency of your data syncs based on your business needs. Airbyte allows both manual and automatic scheduling for your data refreshes.
  5. Select the data to sync: Choose the specific GitHub objects you want to import data from towards Snowflake destination. You can sync all data or select specific tables and fields.
  6. Select the sync mode for your streams: Choose between full refreshes or incremental syncs (with deduplication if you want), and this for all streams or at the stream level. Incremental is only available for streams that have a primary cursor.
  7. Test your connection: Click the 'Test Connection' button to make sure that your setup works. If the connection test is successful, save your configuration.
  8. Start the sync: If the test passes, click 'Set Up Connection'. Airbyte will start moving data from GitHub to Snowflake destination according to your settings.

Remember, Airbyte keeps your data in sync at the frequency you determine, ensuring your Snowflake destination data warehouse is always up-to-date with your GitHub data.

Use Cases to transfer your GitHub data to Snowflake destination

Integrating data from GitHub to Snowflake destination provides several benefits. Here are a few use cases:

  1. Advanced Analytics: Snowflake destination’s powerful data processing capabilities enable you to perform complex queries and data analysis on your GitHub data, extracting insights that wouldn't be possible within GitHub alone.
  2. Data Consolidation: If you're using multiple other sources along with GitHub, syncing to Snowflake destination allows you to centralize your data for a holistic view of your operations, and to set up a change data capture process so you never have any discrepancies in your data again.
  3. Historical Data Analysis: GitHub has limits on historical data. Syncing data to Snowflake destination allows for long-term data retention and analysis of historical trends over time.
  4. Data Security and Compliance: Snowflake destination provides robust data security features. Syncing GitHub data to Snowflake destination ensures your data is secured and allows for advanced data governance and compliance management.
  5. Scalability: Snowflake destination can handle large volumes of data without affecting performance, providing an ideal solution for growing businesses with expanding GitHub data.
  6. Data Science and Machine Learning: By having GitHub data in Snowflake destination, you can apply machine learning models to your data for predictive analytics, customer segmentation, and more.
  7. Reporting and Visualization: While GitHub provides reporting tools, data visualization tools like Tableau, PowerBI, Looker (Google Data Studio) can connect to Snowflake destination, providing more advanced business intelligence options. If you have a GitHub table that needs to be converted to a Snowflake destination table, Airbyte can do that automatically.

Wrapping Up

To summarize, this tutorial has shown you how to:

  1. Configure a GitHub account as an Airbyte data source connector.
  2. Configure Snowflake destination as a data destination connector.
  3. Create an Airbyte data pipeline that will automatically be moving data directly from GitHub to Snowflake destination after you set a schedule

With Airbyte, creating data pipelines take minutes, and the data integration possibilities are endless. Airbyte supports the largest catalog of API tools, databases, and files, among other sources. Airbyte's connectors are open-source, so you can add any custom objects to the connector, or even build a new connector from scratch without any local dev environment or any data engineer within 10 minutes with the no-code connector builder.

We look forward to seeing you make use of it! We invite you to join the conversation on our community Slack Channel, or sign up for our newsletter. You should also check out other Airbyte tutorials, and Airbyte’s content hub!

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Platforms like GitHub allow you to store, manage, and track data changes for each open project. However, having a centralized data repository like Snowflake is much more convenient when you want to analyze the entire activity. Integrating your data from GitHub to Snowflake will ensure that your data is consolidated, standardized, and stored securely. It also allows you to perform better data analysis and reporting. Take a look at how the GitHub to Snowflake integration process takes place.

What is Snowflake?

Established in 2012, Snowflake is a fully managed SaaS-based cloud data warehouse. It is well-known for its unique hybrid architecture, combining shared-disks and shared-nothing elements. This type of architecture allows the simultaneous processing of queries through multiple nodes.

In Shared-Disk architecture, processing occurs on multiple nodes that are connected to a single memory disk, granting you access to all your data at once. On the other hand, Shared-Nothing architecture involves independent nodes that parallelly process the data. This process boosts the performance of the data warehouse and enhances SQL query processing. Snowflake combines the two architectural positions above distinctively. There are three main layers:

  • Storage Layer: This layer stores the data files and micro partitions them into Snowflake’s tables.
  • Compute Layer: This layer comprises multiple compute clusters and nodes that process the queries.
  • Cloud Layer: This layer is responsible for managing, allocating, and coordinating all your activities in Snowflake.

Some of the key features that Snowflake provides you are:

  • Multiple Cloud Platforms: With Snowflake, you can choose your desired cloud provider. Snowflake offers a consistent user experience while hosting Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure cloud platforms.
  • Time-Travel: With this feature, you can query, clone, and restore your data for up to 90 days. Snowflake also offers a Fail-Safe feature wherein you can recover historical data within a week in case of data loss.
  • Security features: Snowflake offers a myriad of safety features that include automatic end-to-end encryption, object-level access control, key-pair authentication, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and so much more.
  • Scalability: With Snowflake, you get flexible resource scaling without interrupting your current data requirements. The maximized and auto-scale modes dynamically adjust the clusters based on your workload.

Snowflake’s comprehensive capabilities make it a versatile and secure solution for your various data-related operations.

What is GitHub?

Conceived in 2007, GitHub operates as a cloud-based service platform for software development and version control. Its open-source nature allows you unrestricted access to your source code. Your team of developers can enable and modify project codes as required. All the platform maintenance and development is collectively done by diverse developers across the globe.

Difference Between Git and GitHub

You might have heard of Git and GitHub being used interchangeably. However, they are two separate entities. Git operates as a distributed version control system that meticulously keeps track of various changes made during ongoing projects. The distributed aspect of Git permits accessibility to code files from different systems, fostering a strong sense of collaboration among developers. Git is a powerful tool for documentation, tracking, and tracing code alterations and modifications.

GitHub is the platform that hosts all the code and streamlines the management of project versions for all Git users. Essentially, GitHub is underlyingly built upon Git because all Git repositories are stored and managed in this online platform. Git is the core version control system, while GitHub is the interface where developers can collaborate, control, and modify project versions and files.


Why Choose Airbyte?

Airbyte is a well-known platform for syncing data from applications, APIs, and databases. Moving with an open-source approach, Airbyte has 350+ pre-built connectors to date and keeps adding more to accommodate all user requirements. With Airbyte’s No-code connector builder, you can seamlessly build a custom connector of your choice in just a few minutes!

Airbyte connectors are equipped to support structured as well as unstructured data types. You can save time on updating your data with this ETL tool that processes your data.

Methods to Move Data From Github to snowflake

  • Method 1: Connecting Github to snowflake using Airbyte.
  • Method 2: Connecting Github to snowflake manually.

Method 1: Connecting Github to snowflake using Airbyte

There are a series of easy-to-follow steps in this method. Let’s delve into it right away!

Step 1: Establish GitHub as your Source Connector

  • Go to the Airbyte platform. Log in to your account. 
  • Click on the Sources tab on the left-hand side of your screen. 
  • Search for the GitHub connector from the expansive connectors list and select it.
  • Add a Source name for the GitHub connector. Choose your GitHub Authentication method: OAuth or Personal Access Token. Enter the correct Username and Password for your GitHub account. Make sure you have logged in to the correct account, Airbyte validates it.
  • Once you successfully log in to your GitHub account, you can select all the repositories that you wish to connect with Airbyte.
  • There are some optional fields like Start Date, API URL, Branches, etc. If required, fill in the fields correctly.
  • Click the Set up Source button to ensure your source connection has been securely established.

Step 2: Establish Snowflake as your Destination Connector

  • On the left-hand side navigation bar, click on the Destinations tab.
  • Search for the Snowflake connector and select when you find it.
  • You will be asked to fill in some mandatory fields that include Destination name, Host, Role, Warehouse, Database, Default Schema, and Username. Ensure that you put all your Snowflake details correctly. Choose the Authentication method from the drop-down list. 
  • After authenticating your Snowflake account with Airbyte, click the Set up destination button.

Step 3: Create a New Connection to Sync your GitHub Data with Snowflake

  • To set up a GitHub Snowflake data pipeline, return to the Airbyte dashboard.
  • Under the Connections tab, click on New Connection.
  • Select your source as GitHub and destination as Snowflake (Step 1 and Step 2).
  • To configure the connection, determine the frequency of your data syncs. This is an important step as it determines the time period wherein your data will be updated. Airbyte gives you the option to choose between three sync schedules—Manual, Scheduled, and Cron scheduling.
  • For the sync mode, you can make a choice between full refreshes or incremental sync. Incremental syncs allow deduplication of data, which lowers storage costs and optimizes your overall process.
  • Choose all or specific data objects from GitHub that you want to import.
  • Finally, click on Set up Connection. Airbyte will begin syncing your data according to your defined settings.

Method 2: Connecting Github to snowflake manually

Moving data from GitHub to Snowflake without using third-party connectors or integrations involves several steps, including extracting data from GitHub, preparing the data for Snowflake, and then loading it into Snowflake. Below is a detailed step-by-step guide for developers to accomplish this task.

Step 1: Extract Data from GitHub

1. Identify the Data to Move: Determine which data you need to move from GitHub. This could be repository data, issues, pull requests, or any other xdata accessible via the GitHub API or stored in a repository.

2. Use GitHub API: Use the GitHub REST API to programmatically retrieve the data you need. For large datasets, you may need to paginate through the results.


   curl -H "Authorization: token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN" "https://api.github.com/repos/username/repo/issues?per_page=100"


3. Save the Data Locally: Save the extracted data to a local file in a format that Snowflake can ingest, such as CSV or JSON.


   curl -H "Authorization: token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN" "https://api.github.com/repos/username/repo/issues?per_page=100" > github_data.json


Step 2: Prepare Snowflake for Data Ingestion

1. Set Up a Snowflake Account: If you haven't already, sign up for a Snowflake account and log in to the Snowflake console.

2. Create a Database and Schema: In Snowflake, create a new database and schema to hold the GitHub data.


   CREATE DATABASE github_data;

   USE DATABASE github_data;

   CREATE SCHEMA github_schema;

   USE SCHEMA github_schema;


3. Design the Table Structure: Design a table or tables that will store the GitHub data, ensuring that the structure matches the data format you've extracted.


   CREATE TABLE github_issues (

       id INTEGER,

       title STRING,

       state STRING,

       created_at TIMESTAMP,

       updated_at TIMESTAMP,




Step 3: Load Data into Snowflake

1. Stage the Data File: Use Snowflake's internal staging area to upload the data file you created from the GitHub API. You can also use a cloud storage provider as a staging area if you prefer.


   PUT file:///path/to/github_data.json @~;


2. Copy Data into the Table: Use the COPY INTO command to load the data from the staged file into the Snowflake table.


   COPY INTO github_issues

   FROM @~/github_data.json



3. Validate the Data Load: After loading the data, run some queries to ensure that the data has been loaded correctly and is in the expected format.


   SELECT * FROM github_issues LIMIT 10;


Step 4: Automate and Schedule the Data Transfer (Optional)

1. Create a Script: Write a script that automates the extraction of data from GitHub using the GitHub API and uploads it to Snowflake. This can be done using a programming language like Python, Bash, or PowerShell.

2. Schedule the Script: Use a scheduling tool like cron on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows to run the script at regular intervals, ensuring your Snowflake database is kept up-to-date with the latest data from GitHub.

Step 5: Monitor and Maintain

1. Monitor the Data Load Process: Regularly check the data load process for errors or issues, and ensure that the data in Snowflake is accurate and current.

2. Maintain the System: Update your scripts and Snowflake tables as necessary, especially if the structure of the GitHub data changes or if you need to capture additional data.

By following these steps, you can move data from GitHub to Snowflake without relying on third-party connectors or integrations. Keep in mind that the specifics may vary depending on the exact nature of the data you're working with and any particular requirements of your Snowflake environment.

Final Takeaways

GitHub and Snowflake are both well-known for their respective capabilities. Integrating them with Airbyte will allow you to scale your operations further. You can simplify the whole data transfer process by creating a data pipeline in minutes and customizing it as per your requirements. Sign up with Airbyte today and get started with GitHub to Snowflake integration right away!

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Hope you enjoyed the reading. Here are the 3 ways we can help you in your data journey:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What data can you extract from GitHub?

GitHub's API provides access to a wide range of data related to repositories, users, organizations, and more. Some of the categories of data that can be accessed through the API include:  

- Repositories: Information about repositories, including their name, description, owner, collaborators, issues, pull requests, and more.

- Users: Information about users, including their username, email address, name, location, followers, following, organizations, and more.

- Organizations: Information about organizations, including their name, description, members, repositories, teams, and more.

- Commits: Information about commits, including their SHA, author, committer, message, date, and more.

- Issues: Information about issues, including their title, description, labels, assignees, comments, and more.

- Pull requests: Information about pull requests, including their title, description, status, reviewers, comments, and more.

- Events: Information about events, including their type, actor, repository, date, and more.  

Overall, the GitHub API provides a wealth of data that can be used to build powerful applications and tools for developers, businesses, and individuals.

What data can you transfer to Snowflake destination?

You can transfer a wide variety of data to Snowflake destination. This usually includes structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data like transaction records, log files, JSON data, CSV files, and more, allowing robust, scalable data integration and analysis.

What are top ETL tools to transfer data from GitHub to Snowflake destination?

The most prominent ETL tools to transfer data from GitHub to Snowflake destination include:

  • Airbyte
  • Fivetran
  • Stitch
  • Matillion
  • Talend Data Integration

These tools help in extracting data from GitHub and various sources (APIs, databases, and more), transforming it efficiently, and loading it into Snowflake destination and other databases, data warehouses and data lakes, enhancing data management capabilities.