Data Quality Guide: Tools and Techniques for Data Engineers

Thalia Barrera
June 11, 2023
11 min read
As data becomes increasingly important to businesses of all shapes and sizes, it's becoming increasingly crucial to ensure that data quality is high. Poor data quality can lead to poor decision-making, lost revenue, and damage to brand reputation. 

In this article, we'll explore the tools and techniques that data engineers can use to ensure high data quality, including the importance of data quality, understanding data quality dimensions, data quality assessment techniques, data quality tools, and implementing data quality best practices.

We'll also examine case studies of successful data quality improvement initiatives to demonstrate the importance of ensuring high-quality data.

What is Data Quality?

Data quality is the degree to which data meets the requirements of its intended use. High-quality data is accurate, consistent, complete, current, and unique. It's essential to ensure high-quality data as it's used to make informed business decisions, deliver great customer experiences, and improve internal operations. 

The Impact of Poor Data Quality on Businesses

Poor data quality has many negative impacts on businesses of all sizes. It can cause organizations to lose customer trust and loyalty and ultimately affect the business's bottom line. 

Inaccurate, inconsistent, and incomplete data can lead to poor decision-making regarding inventory, pricing, and marketing, which can ultimately result in lost revenue. Data quality issues can also reduce productivity, slow down business processes, and increase operational costs.

For example, a retailer with poor data quality may struggle to accurately forecast demand, resulting in excess inventory or stockouts. This can lead to lost revenue and decreased customer satisfaction. Inaccurate data can also lead to ineffective marketing campaigns, resulting in wasted resources and decreased return on investment (ROI).

Benefits of High-Quality Data

High-quality data can help businesses make informed decisions, drive growth, and increase profitability. Accurate, consistent, complete, current, and unique data can lead to better business insights, increased customer satisfaction, and improved internal operations.

For example, a business with high-quality data can better understand its customers' needs and preferences, leading to more effective marketing campaigns and increased customer loyalty. Accurate data can also help businesses identify areas for cost savings and process improvements, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.

In addition, high-quality data is essential for compliance with regulations such as GDPR. The regulation requires businesses to ensure that personal data is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant for the purposes for which it is processed. Failure to comply with GDPR can result in significant fines and damage to brand reputation.

Understanding Data Quality Dimensions

Data quality dimensions are critical to ensuring that data is accurate, consistent, complete, timely, and unique. Having a clear understanding of these dimensions can help data engineers assess data quality accurately and make informed decisions when working with data.


Accuracy is one of the most critical dimensions of data quality. It refers to the extent to which data is correct and error-free. This dimension is particularly important when dealing with sensitive data, such as financial or medical records. Inaccurate data can lead to serious consequences, including financial losses, legal issues, and reputational damage.

Ensuring data accuracy requires implementing proper data validation and verification processes. This can involve using automated tools to check for errors, conducting manual reviews, and cross-referencing data with external sources to ensure its accuracy.


Consistency refers to the degree to which data is uniform and follows the same format across different systems and applications. Inconsistencies in data can lead to confusion, errors, and inefficiencies.

Ensuring data consistency requires implementing standardization processes, such as using consistent naming conventions, data formats, and data types. This can help ensure that data is easily understandable and can be used consistently across different systems and applications.


Completeness is an essential dimension of data quality that refers to the extent to which data contains all the required information. Incomplete data can lead to incorrect conclusions and decisions, which can have significant consequences.

Ensuring data completeness requires implementing proper data collection and storage processes. This can involve using automated tools to collect data, conducting manual reviews to ensure all necessary data is captured, and cross-referencing data with external sources to ensure its completeness.


Timeliness is a critical dimension of data quality that refers to the degree to which data represents current information and is available when needed. Outdated or delayed data can lead to missed opportunities, incorrect decisions, and lost revenue.

Ensuring data timeliness requires implementing proper data collection and processing processes. This can involve using real-time data collection tools, automating data processing, and implementing efficient data storage and retrieval systems.


Uniqueness refers to the extent to which data is unique and accurately identifies individuals, entities, or objects. Duplicate or inaccurate data can lead to confusion, errors, and inefficiencies.

Ensuring data uniqueness requires implementing proper data validation and verification processes. This can involve using automated tools to check for duplicates, conducting manual reviews to ensure data accuracy, and cross-referencing data with external sources to ensure its uniqueness.

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Data Quality Assessment Techniques

To ensure data quality, organizations use various techniques to assess and improve data quality.

Data Profiling

Data profiling is a crucial technique used to assess data quality. It involves analyzing data to determine its quality, accuracy, completeness, and consistency. 

Data profiling can identify data quality issues and provide insight into the overall quality of data. This technique involves examining the data's structure, relationships, and patterns to identify any anomalies or inconsistencies. By understanding the data's characteristics, organizations can make informed decisions about how to improve data quality.

Data profiling can also help organizations identify data dependencies and relationships. This information can be used to improve data integration, data migration, and data warehousing processes. By understanding the data's structure and relationships, organizations can ensure that data is properly integrated and maintained.

Data Auditing

Data auditing is the process of reviewing and analyzing data to ensure that it meets regulatory requirements, business rules, and data quality standards.

This technique involves examining data to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and consistent. Data auditing can help organizations identify any data quality issues and ensure that data is compliant with regulations and standards.

Data auditing can also help organizations identify any unauthorized changes to data. By monitoring data changes, organizations can ensure that data is not tampered with or modified without proper authorization. This can help prevent data breaches and ensure the integrity of the data.

Data Validation

Data validation is the process of ensuring that data meets specific quality criteria and business requirements.

This technique involves validating data against predefined rules and criteria to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and consistent. Data validation can prevent data quality issues from entering the system, ensuring that data quality is maintained.

Data validation can also help organizations identify any data quality issues before they become a problem. By validating data before it enters the system, organizations can ensure that data is accurate and complete. This can help prevent data quality issues from occurring and ensure that data is of high quality.

Data Cleansing

Data cleansing is the process of identifying and correcting data quality issues. This technique involves standardization, deduplication, and enrichment. Standardization involves ensuring that data is in a consistent format. Deduplication involves identifying and removing duplicate data. Enrichment involves adding missing data to improve data quality.

Data cleansing can help organizations improve data quality by identifying and correcting any data quality issues. By standardizing data, organizations can ensure that data is consistent and accurate. By removing duplicate data, organizations can ensure that data is not redundant. By enriching data, organizations can ensure that data is complete and accurate.

Overall, data quality assessment techniques are crucial for organizations that rely on data to make informed decisions. By using these techniques, organizations can ensure that data is accurate, complete, and consistent, leading to better insights and improved decision-making.

Data Quality Tools for Data Engineers

Data quality tools are software applications that automate and streamline data quality processes, making it easier for data engineers to maintain data quality and improve data governance. These tools can help engineers avoid costly errors and improve decision-making.

There are two types of data quality tools: open-source and commercial. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the right tool depends on the organization's size, scope, and specific needs.

Open-Source Data Quality Tools

Open-source data quality tools are freely available and can be customized to meet the organization's specific needs. These tools are ideal for small to medium-sized organizations that have limited budgets and technical expertise. Popular open-source data quality tools include:

  • dbt (Data Build Tool): dbt is an open-source transformation tool that helps data teams transform raw data in their data warehouses into analysis-friendly structures. It allows data engineers and analysts to define, test, and document their transformations using a mix of SQL and a light version of Jinja (a templating language). One of the notable features of dbt is its ability to conduct data testing, which plays a critical role in ensuring data quality.
  • Great Expectations: Great Expectations is an open-source Python-based tool that brings the idea of "Test Driven Development" to data pipelines. It enables developers and data scientists to define "expectations" for their data, and it validates whether those expectations are met. Expectations could range from simple checks like ensuring certain columns are never null, to more complex statistical checks.
  • Deequ: Developed by Amazon, Deequ is an open-source tool built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which allows data engineers to measure data quality in large datasets. It provides functionalities to compute data quality metrics, check constraints, and suggest fixes for failed constraints.
  • Soda: Soda is an open-source tool designed to monitor data quality and data reliability. It allows users to define data quality rules, detect data issues, alert on data anomalies, and provide a high-level overview of the health of your data through data quality metrics. 
  • Cucumber: While not specifically a data quality tool, Cucumber is an open-source tool that supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). BDD can be useful in the context of data engineering, as it allows users to define expected behavior of their data pipelines, and verify whether they conform to the specified behaviors. Cucumber does this by allowing users to write high-level specifications in a language called Gherkin.
  • Apache Nifi: Apache Nifi is a powerful open-source data integration platform, originally developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and later contributed to the Apache Software Foundation. Its primary focus is on data flow automation and management between systems. Apache Nifi offers key data quality features, including data validation and data cleansing. 
  • OpenRefine: Formerly known as Google Refine, OpenRefine is a powerful open-source tool for cleaning messy data and transforming it from one format into another. OpenRefine gives users the ability to explore large data sets with ease, even when the data is a bit unstructured or irregular.

These open-source tools can be invaluable resources for maintaining data quality and integrity in an organization's data infrastructure. Using these tools, teams can ensure their data is accurate, reliable, and ready for insightful analysis and decision-making.

Commercial Data Quality Tools

Commercial data quality tools offer a range of features and capabilities, including data profiling, data auditing, data validation, and data cleansing. These tools are ideal for large organizations that have complex data quality requirements and larger budgets. Popular commercial data quality tools include:

  • IBM InfoSphere Data Quality: This commercial data quality solution from IBM offers a wide range of features such as data profiling, data cleansing, data matching, and more. IBM InfoSphere Data Quality provides a unified environment where data quality rules can be defined and managed.
  • Informatica Data Quality: Informatica's data quality solution offers robust features for data profiling, data cleansing, data matching, and more. It is designed to deliver relevant, trustworthy, and high-quality data to all stakeholders across all phases of a project. Informatica Data Quality uses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to learn from user behavior and automatically detect data quality errors.
  • SAS Data Quality: SAS is a well-known player in the field of data analysis, and its data quality tool is no exception. It provides features such as data profiling, data cleansing, and data matching. With SAS Data Quality, users can create custom quality rules and standardize data to ensure consistency. The tool also offers real-time data checking and provides various ways to correct quality errors. 
  • Oracle Enterprise Data Quality: Oracle's data quality tool provides a comprehensive platform for businesses to ensure that their data is accurate, consistent, and reliable. It offers features like data profiling, data cleansing, data matching, and enrichment. One notable feature of Oracle Enterprise Data Quality is its ability to manage customer data, enabling better customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. 
  • Experian Data Quality: Experian is a global leader in consumer and business credit reporting and marketing services, and their data quality tool provides a range of features for data management. The tool offers data validation, email verification, data cleansing, and enrichment services. It is particularly strong in handling contact data like addresses, email, and phone numbers.

Commercial tools like these typically offer robust, scalable, and reliable solutions for managing data quality. They often provide support, maintenance, and regular updates, which can be particularly useful for large organizations with complex data needs.

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Choosing the Right Data Quality Tool for Your Needs

When selecting a data quality tool, organizations should consider factors such as their data volume, budget, technical requirements, and team expertise. It's also essential to consider the tool's scalability, integration capabilities, and support options.

Organizations should also consider their long-term data quality goals and how the tool can help them achieve those goals. The right data quality tool can help organizations improve their data quality, reduce errors, and make better decisions.

Implementing Data Quality Best Practices

Implementing data quality best practices is essential to ensure high-quality data. These practices include establishing data governance, creating data quality metrics, implementing continuous monitoring and improvement, and providing training and education to data engineers.

Establishing Data Governance

Data governance is a framework for managing data assets, including policies, procedures, and standards. It's essential to establish data governance to ensure data quality, security, and compliance.

Data governance involves defining the roles and responsibilities of data stewards, data custodians, and data owners. It also involves establishing policies and procedures for data access, data storage, and data usage. By implementing data governance, organizations can ensure that their data is accurate, complete, and consistent.

Creating Data Quality Metrics

By creating data quality metrics, organizations can track their progress towards achieving high-quality data. For example, completeness metrics measure the percentage of data that is present in a dataset, while accuracy metrics measure the percentage of data that is correct. Consistency metrics measure the degree to which data is consistent across different sources, while timeliness metrics measure how up-to-date the data is.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Continuous monitoring and improvement are essential to maintaining high data quality. Data engineers should conduct ongoing data quality assessments and implement corrective actions to address data quality issues. 

This may involve developing automated data quality checks or implementing data profiling tools that can identify data quality issues. By continuously monitoring and improving data quality, organizations can ensure that their data remains accurate, complete, and consistent over time.

Training and Education for Data Engineers

Data engineers should have the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure high-quality data.Providing training and education opportunities can help data engineers stay up-to-date with the latest data quality tools and techniques. This may involve providing training on data profiling, data cleansing, data integration, and data modeling. 

By investing in the training and education of data engineers, organizations can ensure that their data quality efforts are successful.


Ensuring high-quality data is essential for businesses to make informed decisions, deliver great customer experiences, and improve internal operations. Data engineers can use tools and techniques, such as data profiling, data auditing, and data cleansing, to ensure high-quality data. 

By implementing data quality best practices, such as establishing data governance and providing training and education, organizations can maintain high data quality. ETL testing is a crucial step in guaranteeing high-quality data, enabling businesses to confidently leverage accurate insights for strategic decision-making, superior customer interactions, and streamlined internal processes

Successful data quality improvement initiatives can lead to increased profitability, better business insights, and improved customer satisfaction. If you're looking to quench your thirst for learning, consider exploring our tutorial on SQL Data Cleaning for comprehensive insights.

If you liked this article, head to our content hub to learn more about data engineering best practices. 

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